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Discover the benefits of "Yoga for COPD & Lung Health" in this informative presentation. Learn how specific yoga poses and breathing exercises can help improve lung function, boost respiratory strength, and provide relief for individuals suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This guide is designed for beginners and those looking to manage respiratory conditions through gentle and effective yoga techniques. Start your journey toward better breathing and lung health today!
YOGA AND CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE • Inflammatory Lung disease causing obstructed air flow Symptoms include • Breathing difficulty • Cough • Mucus (sputum) production • Wheezing • COPD Morbidity – Increase Stress
Benefits • Yogic practices helps to facilitates diffusion and oxygen transfer at the alveolo-capillary membrane • Yoga training improves blood circulation • Increases the strength of respiratory muscles • Regular Yoga practice may improve exercise capacity, prevent lung function decline, improve quality of life, and reduce dyspnoea • Helps patients to breathe more deeply by utilizing the shoulder, thoracic, and abdominal muscles efficiently.
YOGIC PRACTICES FOR COPD • Loosening practices (Head to toe) • Hands in and out breathing • Hand stretch Breathing • Ankle stretch Breathing
TRIKONASANA Benefits: Trikona – Triangle, Asana - Pose • Stretching the rib cage and improving the diaphragm's capacity for breath. • Triangle pose may help open blocked airways caused by bronchitis or emphysema, and may help build chest strength • Trikonasana helps expand the chest cavity. It gets rid of all the toxins from the lungs and the body for smooth functioning
VIRABHADRASANA (Warrior Pose) Benefits: • Strengthening the lung muscles. It also supports the body balance and helps in better circulation • This is a great asana to open up your lungs and improve their capacity. This helps in preventing and managing asthma and COPD. • Veerabhadrasanna is good for strengthening the breathing muscles employed during inhalation and exhalation.
MARJALASANA • Marjalasana is ideal for working on inhaling and exhaling. Moving the neck and chest up and down in this pose may help to engage the respiratory muscles. • Increasing respiratory stamina, relaxing chest muscles, expanding the lungs, raising energy levels.
USTRASANA • Ustra = Camel : Asana = Posture or Pose • An important camel yoga pose benefit is that it Regulates your breathing by opening up your chest muscles. • Prevents and helps you manage the symptoms of respiratory disorders like COPD
PAVANAMUKTASANA • It stimulates the blood flow to the lungs and also washes out the harmful toxins from the lung muscles. • Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles
BHUJANGASANA • The cobra pose not only improves mental calmness but also strengthens the mind and helps stretch out the chest and lungs. It also helps in soothing sciatica Strengthens the spine and provides relief from asthmatic symptoms • Improve shoulder flexibility, release stiffness • Increase lung capacity, promote expansion of rib cage
DHANURASANA Benefits • With constant practice, the speed of breath also starts to stabilize • It is considered a good exercise for respiratory diseases • Expands the chest and increases the respiratory capacity of the lungs. • Sinusitis problems or there is a problem of mucus or phlegm in the respiratory tract, then the practice of Bow Pose clears the respiratory system.
KAPALABHATI • Kapalbhati Kriya helps to detoxify lungs and respiratory tracts, boosts the supply of oxygen and purifies blood and helps to tone up the abdominal muscles. • Kapalbhati uses both abdominal and diaphragmatic muscles for breathing, it may help remove secretions from the bronchi and alveoli, so that there is more air in the lungs. • It may also improve lung function and keeps the nasal passages and sinuses congestion-free.
PRANAYAMA (Yogic Breathing template) • Sectional breathing • Ujjayi • Nadishuddhi • Bhastrika • Brahmari
PRANAYAMA Benefits • Pranayama breathing techniques can be very helpful in strengthening your respiratory muscles thereby managing symptoms of breathlessness • Rejuvenation of bronchioles and alveoli • Pranayama helps in excellent muco-ciliary clearance due to the steady flow of air in and out of the nasal passages • With Pranayama practice, there can be an increase intake of oxygen as much as five time This means five times of carbon dioxide is gotten rid from the body. There can be great improvement in the health by doing pranayama.