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Have you ever wanted to learn a new skill but not known where to start? Here are a few tips
How to Learn Things Super Quick Have you ever wanted to be this person?
Have you ever wanted to be this person? 14 C )7? He spends his weekend wrestling sharks
Have you ever wanted to be this person? BON3"OuR! before doing some casual conversational French over wlne-tasting
Have you ever wanted to be this person? . ..and tops it all off by whittling a scale model of Milan Cathedral
Are you this person? Half-finished projects lie around her like wounded soldiers of a battle she just won't win
All is not lost. .. Meet Tim Ferriss and Josh Kaufman
All is not lost. .. These guys can help everyone learn anything in less time than you might think
Josh Kaufman thinks ’/ you can get pretty good / I In just 20 /1’
So that's two 20-minute sessions every day for a month
You're just a month away from learning ballet, rm‘ 1/ g $3 6-‘ TIQA,
Bouzrouczl . ('-A‘/ //k‘ Vs s § You're just a month away from learning ballet, speaking French, I l, },__. ;/ L7 6 :2 0-‘- TIQA,
You're just a month away from learning ballet, speaking French, and playing the Mongolian nose flute 1-1" 1 . ‘ / 1 l , 1 /1 Bouzrourz! >
,", _ I want to be What d0 you Want ‘E an artist to learn?
. ‘ What do you want 1, to learn? be more specific. .. 1»,
I want to paint a picture of my friend's favourite view for her upcoming birthday What do you want to learn? be more specific. ..
What do you want to learn? be more specific. .. Now that's something we can work towards!
[ rem l_l‘, lr‘. »“-1l? _l‘| _._l<i“-‘li
Get ready for some maths Mastery = 100% of a skill 20% of that skill is used 80% of the time
Get ready for some maths Mastery = 100% of a skill 20% of that skill is used 80% of the time The remaining 80% is only used 20% of the time
Get ready for some maths Therefore, if you can do that magic 20%, 8 times out of 10 you'll be able to do what the pro does. ..
Get ready for some maths Therefore, if you can do that magic 20%, 8 times out of 10 you'll be able to do what the pro does. .. with less finesse and grace, but do it you can
There are three ways to get this 20% to stick: Frequency Compression Encoding
There are three ways to get this 20% to stick: Frequency Compression Encoding Make sure you plan some easy wins
There are three ways to get this 20% to stick: Frequency Compression Encoding Fit everything you need to know on a sheet of paper Make sure you plan some easy wins
There are three ways to get this 20% to stick: Frequency Compression Encoding . . This is Tim's way of making Make sure you plan F" everythmg you freed slippery ideas stick — welcome some easy Wins to know on a sheet 0 paper to your Memory palace
Get ready tor some maths Mastery = 100% of a skill love {I ‘inat SKIN lS used Q/ )7,’ "Hf H19 +1:-v-‘Q Let's backtrack a little. ..
How do you find that mystical 20%? Skim read lots of different sources on your subject of choice
How do you find that mystical 20%? Skim read lots of different sources on your subject of choice The info that keeps cropping up is likely to be that 20%
Don't make it hard for yourself — remove distractions
Stick verb tables to Keep a deck of cards the bathroom mirror next to the TV remote
Don't leave your double bass in its case in the spare room with a santa hat on it Stick verb tables to Keep a deck of cards the bathroom mirror next to the TV remote
Schedule your 20 hours _D_on't go overboard, _fit it into your daily routine
Tim suggests you set up some stakes Tell your colleagues that you're going to play them a song on your new double bass That should give you a bit of encouragement to keep going!