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BlogHer Co-founder Lisa Stone Quotes

Lisa Stone is best known as the Co-founder of BlogHer. BlogHer helps content creators and bloggers to grow their brands. Read more @ https://bit.ly/3r1noie

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BlogHer Co-founder Lisa Stone Quotes

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  1. BlogHer Co-founder Lisa Stone Quotes Lisa Stone is best known as the Co-founder of BlogHer. BlogHer helps content creators and bloggers to grow their brands. Here are some Lisa Stone quotes– “It is very unique. I think what happens in a big, major institution is coaches get wrapped up in their own little deals.” “Wonder what customers really want? Ask. Don’t Tell.” “It is not about sexuality that is important to most people who care, it is what we do for our community and our family, our friends and just human compassion for others that matter in the world we live in daily.” “BlogHer would not exist…if we hadn’t made a commitment that the only way to work with women in an entirely new record-breaking technological environment was to listen as hard as we could and try to deliver services that they might be interested in.”

  2. Related article: Top 10 Quotes by Kevin Systorm You can read the full content: https://www.businessupside.com/2020/11/01/blogher-co-founder-lisa-stone-quotes/ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Business Upside Email ID: support@businessupside.com Phone No.: +1-425-605-0775 Visit Us: https://www.businessupside.com/ Stay Connected Via: https://www.facebook.com/businessupside https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuSkeS5oU-B2tRIBDYntmaw https://twitter.com/BusinessUpside1

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