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This edition features a handful of The Most Influential Women Leaders to Watch in 2023 November2023 that are leading us into a better future.<br>
The Most Influential LEADERS to Watch in 2023 VOL-11 | ISSUE-01 | 2023 Emma Heaton Director of Marke?ng & Innova?on Engagements Shipyard Technology Ventures Championing Change Emma Heaton-Esposito? s, Transformative Journey to Digital Innovation Excellence
Leadership is not a person or a position.
Leadership is not a person or a position.
E Defining the First principles of Perfection Innova?on inherently involves uncertainty and crea?vity with a certain mindset that creates a difference not only in managing the precise opera?onal process but also ensures that employees are working in a good work environment. Staunch leaders with a mindset to innovate adopt a con?nuous reflec?on—that is—these leadership charismas have an answer to their first ques?on, a thought of their first idea, and the direc?on which leads to the successful execu?on of the project promptly. things won't get le? behind in the fast-paced environment. These people constantly explore new methods to enhance and expand their business skills and their technological comprehension of how be?erments can be leveraged to scale organiza?onal progress to new heights of success. Editor’s CIO Women Leaders embraces the journey of the starlets that are driving exponen?al progress and augmen?ng the modern business arena by leveraging the emerging trends of technology in its latest edi?on, "The Most Influen?al Women Leaders to Watch in 2023." Flip through the pages and indulge in the odyssey of excellence that is transforming the modern business world. Moreover, when employees are ac?vely involved in the project with an approach of giving their best and no?cing new pieces of informa?on that are poten?ally important for the project, the process goes like a radar, endlessly scanning the environment. With the rapid developments in the ever-evolving business arena, digi?za?on is spreading its wings in a transforma?on that enables augmenta?on and agility. Comprehending this scenario, an aspect of a leader is that the person never shies away from experimen?ng with things to figure out the best possible path to achieving their goals. Have a Deligh?ul Read! Now, the advent of technology is providing ease of access to diverse applica?ons, leading to prompt execu?on of the project instead of taking a conven?onal approach to achieving their shared goals. It is one of the essen?al traits of leaders who are constantly working under pressure; however, it evolves the process involved in the project execu?on. Robert?S. On the other hand, professional development and constant growth are the only ways for tech leaders to ensure that
E Defining the First principles of Perfection Innova?on inherently involves uncertainty and crea?vity with a certain mindset that creates a difference not only in managing the precise opera?onal process but also ensures that employees are working in a good work environment. Staunch leaders with a mindset to innovate adopt a con?nuous reflec?on—that is—these leadership charismas have an answer to their first ques?on, a thought of their first idea, and the direc?on which leads to the successful execu?on of the project promptly. things won't get le? behind in the fast-paced environment. These people constantly explore new methods to enhance and expand their business skills and their technological comprehension of how be?erments can be leveraged to scale organiza?onal progress to new heights of success. Editor’s CIO Women Leaders embraces the journey of the starlets that are driving exponen?al progress and augmen?ng the modern business arena by leveraging the emerging trends of technology in its latest edi?on, "The Most Influen?al Women Leaders to Watch in 2023." Flip through the pages and indulge in the odyssey of excellence that is transforming the modern business world. Moreover, when employees are ac?vely involved in the project with an approach of giving their best and no?cing new pieces of informa?on that are poten?ally important for the project, the process goes like a radar, endlessly scanning the environment. With the rapid developments in the ever-evolving business arena, digi?za?on is spreading its wings in a transforma?on that enables augmenta?on and agility. Comprehending this scenario, an aspect of a leader is that the person never shies away from experimen?ng with things to figure out the best possible path to achieving their goals. Have a Deligh?ul Read! Now, the advent of technology is providing ease of access to diverse applica?ons, leading to prompt execu?on of the project instead of taking a conven?onal approach to achieving their shared goals. It is one of the essen?al traits of leaders who are constantly working under pressure; however, it evolves the process involved in the project execu?on. Robert?S. On the other hand, professional development and constant growth are the only ways for tech leaders to ensure that
CONTENTS COVER STORY Championing Change Emma Heaton-Esposito? s, 08 Transformative Journey to Digital Innovation Excellence CXO 20 Beyond Carbon: Nanotechnology's Pioneering Efforts in Climate Change Remediation Profile Unlocking Telecom Opportuni?es for All 28 Leticia Latino-van Splunteren Articles Leadership Perspective Understanding the Role of Women Leaders in Modern Business 16 Opportunities and Impact Understanding the Importance of Inves?ng in Women-led Businesses 24
CONTENTS COVER STORY Championing Change Emma Heaton-Esposito? s, 08 Transformative Journey to Digital Innovation Excellence CXO 20 Beyond Carbon: Nanotechnology's Pioneering Efforts in Climate Change Remediation Profile Unlocking Telecom Opportuni?es for All 28 Leticia Latino-van Splunteren Articles Leadership Perspective Understanding the Role of Women Leaders in Modern Business 16 Opportunities and Impact Understanding the Importance of Inves?ng in Women-led Businesses 24
Company Name Brief Featured Person Philip Shipyard The Adventures CrossCountry Donnica Hawes-Saunders serves as Partnerships Manager for Morris International Technology Venture of Julie Jones LLC Hawes-Saunders Emma Heaton Global Transformation Communications at Philip Morris Emma Heaton-Esposito shines as a guiding light, Julie Jones is an Award-Winning Speaker, International Donnica Senior Manager Director of Marketing & Julie Jones pmi.com International (PMI). illuminang the path with her blend of creavity, strategic Bestselling Author, a Breakthrough Coach, who has produced Kourtney's ascent to the position of Head of Marketing and shipyardtech.com juliejones.biz Mortgage, LLC Neptuno USA, Corp. World in 2050 Innovation Engagements Television Producer, Kourtney Vest acumen, and design thinking Merry D'Souza FOLLOW US ON Editor-in-Chief www.facebook.com/ciowomenleaders www.twitter.com/ciowomenleaders her own TV show Stop Waiting Start Living and is the host of the Development has been de?ined by her acute understanding of Lecia spearheads a paradigm shift, not merely as a Tower Speaker, Breakthrough Head of Marketing Get S#*t Done podcast. the company's diverse needs Coach Deputy Editor Robert S. Susan J. Executive Editor Assistant Editor WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Anish M. and Development Lecia Lano-van Splunteren crosscountrymortgage.com neptunousa.com w2050.org David King Visualizer CONTACT US ON Art & Design Director Peter K. Manufacturer with high-brand recognion but as a trailblazer in Lisa has orchestrated the successful turnarounds of Email Associate Designer James B. technology integration. President & CEO Lisa Gable info@ciowomenleaders.com For Subscription www.ciowomenleaders.com Senior Sales Manager Daniel Thompson Marketing Manager John Matthew private and public organizations in all industries. Chairperson Copyright © 2023 CIO Women Leaders, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIO Women Leaders. Reprint rights remain solely with CIO Women Technical Head SME-SMO Executive George K. Franklin G. MedRhythms, Inc. Story Health Sonder Health THENA Capital Sabrina Taylor Sarah Zweifach Sylvia Romm Dr. Taylor is an experience clinical trial researcher and manages Sarah is focused on building virtual speciality care programs and Sylvia Romm is the Founder and Chairperson of Sonder Health. medrhythms.com storyhealth.com sonderhealthplans.com thenacapital.com several large-scale multi-center clinical trials. services. She has also built both physician and patient-facing With over 13 years of experience in the healthcare sector, she is Tatum is an investor and MedTech enthusiast with a proven Founder Clinical Product Jessica Joyal Business Development Manager David, Alan Sales Executives Business Development Executives Steve, Joe Management Founder General Partner tools and experiences at healthcare companies. passionate about providing quality solutions in the niche. track record of transforming seed and growth-stage companies Digital Marketing Manager Dominique T. Leaders. contact@ciowomenleaders.com November, 2023 Research Analyst Circulation Manager Database Management Technology Consultant Frank Adams Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes into global household brands. Tatum Getty
Company Name Brief Featured Person Philip Shipyard The Adventures CrossCountry Donnica Hawes-Saunders serves as Partnerships Manager for Morris International Technology Venture of Julie Jones LLC Hawes-Saunders Emma Heaton Global Transformation Communications at Philip Morris Emma Heaton-Esposito shines as a guiding light, Julie Jones is an Award-Winning Speaker, International Donnica Senior Manager Director of Marketing & Julie Jones pmi.com International (PMI). illuminang the path with her blend of creavity, strategic Bestselling Author, a Breakthrough Coach, who has produced Kourtney's ascent to the position of Head of Marketing and shipyardtech.com juliejones.biz Mortgage, LLC Neptuno USA, Corp. World in 2050 Innovation Engagements Television Producer, Kourtney Vest acumen, and design thinking Merry D'Souza FOLLOW US ON Editor-in-Chief www.facebook.com/ciowomenleaders www.twitter.com/ciowomenleaders her own TV show Stop Waiting Start Living and is the host of the Development has been de?ined by her acute understanding of Lecia spearheads a paradigm shift, not merely as a Tower Speaker, Breakthrough Head of Marketing Get S#*t Done podcast. the company's diverse needs Coach Deputy Editor Robert S. Susan J. Executive Editor Assistant Editor WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Anish M. and Development Lecia Lano-van Splunteren crosscountrymortgage.com neptunousa.com w2050.org David King Visualizer CONTACT US ON Art & Design Director Peter K. Manufacturer with high-brand recognion but as a trailblazer in Lisa has orchestrated the successful turnarounds of Email Associate Designer James B. technology integration. President & CEO Lisa Gable info@ciowomenleaders.com For Subscription www.ciowomenleaders.com Senior Sales Manager Daniel Thompson Marketing Manager John Matthew private and public organizations in all industries. Chairperson Copyright © 2023 CIO Women Leaders, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIO Women Leaders. Reprint rights remain solely with CIO Women Technical Head SME-SMO Executive George K. Franklin G. MedRhythms, Inc. Story Health Sonder Health THENA Capital Sabrina Taylor Sarah Zweifach Sylvia Romm Dr. Taylor is an experience clinical trial researcher and manages Sarah is focused on building virtual speciality care programs and Sylvia Romm is the Founder and Chairperson of Sonder Health. medrhythms.com storyhealth.com sonderhealthplans.com thenacapital.com several large-scale multi-center clinical trials. services. She has also built both physician and patient-facing With over 13 years of experience in the healthcare sector, she is Tatum is an investor and MedTech enthusiast with a proven Founder Clinical Product Jessica Joyal Business Development Manager David, Alan Sales Executives Business Development Executives Steve, Joe Management Founder General Partner tools and experiences at healthcare companies. passionate about providing quality solutions in the niche. track record of transforming seed and growth-stage companies Digital Marketing Manager Dominique T. Leaders. contact@ciowomenleaders.com November, 2023 Research Analyst Circulation Manager Database Management Technology Consultant Frank Adams Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes into global household brands. Tatum Getty
Championing Change Emma Heaton-Esposito? s, Emma Heaton Director of Marke?ng & Innova?on Engagements Shipyard Technology Ventures Transformative Journey to Digital Innovation Excellence C o v e r S t o Shipyard Technology Ventures is at the forefront of this digital transformation, committed to leveraging the power of technology to provide resourceful and innovative solutions for clients. r y C over S tor y
Championing Change Emma Heaton-Esposito? s, Emma Heaton Director of Marke?ng & Innova?on Engagements Shipyard Technology Ventures Transformative Journey to Digital Innovation Excellence C o v e r S t o Shipyard Technology Ventures is at the forefront of this digital transformation, committed to leveraging the power of technology to provide resourceful and innovative solutions for clients. r y C over S tor y
The Most Influen?al Women Leaders to Watch in 2023 usinesses today grapple with the challenge of B solu?ons that align with the pulse of the modern market. way for her current dual role as the Marke?ng Director and Director of Innova?on Engagements at Shipyard Technology Ventures. Here, she manages “strategies, customer valida?on, and go-to-market ini?a?ves” for SYT, its affiliates and clients hailing from Fortune 500 companies. mee?ng dynamic market demands and evolving consumer needs. It’s a scenario where companies stand at a crucial crossroads, yearning to find innova?ve Amidst this intricate web of challenges and opportuni?es, Emma Heaton-Esposito shines as a guiding light, illumina?ng the path with her blend of crea?vity, strategic acumen, and design thinking. She is a transforma?ve force naviga?ng the complexi?es of venturing into uncharted territories. Emma’s journey wasn’t a direct route to SYT—her prior gig was as the Head of Crea?ve Opera?ons at Core, Ireland’s top communica?ons agency. She considered this as an opportunity to partner with teams across data, research, strategy, media, and crea?vity. ‘Partnership’ was the keyword there as she integrated the amalgama?on of numerous businesses, implemen?ng efficient project management prac?ces, renego?a?ng price contracts, and hun?ng down fresh collabora?on opportuni?es. The result? A substan?al turnaround, flipping “consecu?ve crea?ve net losses into a €1m profit.” Within the dynamic world of startup innova?on Emma possesses a unique blend of skills that breathe life into new solu?on ideas. As the Director of Marke?ng & Innova?on Engagements at Shipyard Technology Ventures, she takes on a revolu?onary approach to researching, idea?ng, prototyping, marke?ng and launching digital products. Shipyard doesn’t just create digital solu?ons—they co- create and launch technology ventures that redefine en?re industries. skillfully resolving conflicts and fostering collabora?on across global teams. This played a pivotal role in ensuring the ?mely delivery of projects and cemented her success. . For Emma, it’s all about combining hands-on experience with theore?cal knowledge, fostering partnerships, embracing challenges, and steering through the ever- changing ?des of technology. C o Before her Irish adventure, Emma led the charge as the Lead Product Manager at Method, New York. Her focus was on driving customer-centric design strategies; her most notable accomplishment was overseeing the product strategy, global qualita?ve and quan?ta?ve customer research, UX/UI and implementa?on rollout of McDonald’s self-ordering kiosks. She fondly recalls that ?me, saying, “Even today, if I see a McDonald’s kiosk, I remember all the incredible work my team did to bring that to lifeand love to see version 5.0 expanding!” v e Emma’s exper?se and visionary leadership extend beyond consultancy diving deep into the core of companies’ needs, transforming abstract ideas into tangible, market-ready innova?ons. Her role is not just about strategizing but also about cra?ing a narra?ve that aligns with Shipyard’s mission—to pioneer a new era in corporate innova?on. r Anchored Ambi?ons S t In a world driven by digitaliza?on and constant change, organiza?ons need experts who can navigate the complex landscape of technology and innova?on. As an industry leader in digital product and venture building, Shipyard Technology Ventures has established a reputa?on for excellence in helping organiza?ons embrace disrup?on. Shipyard Technology Ventures’ mission is to empower organiza?ons to thrive in the digital age by providing strategic guidance and execu?on exper?se in digital product development and venture building. o r Let’s explore how Emma’s shaping the future of technology and innova?on! While Emma’s career before these showcases globe- tro?ng s?nts at esteemed agencies like Ogilvy, M&C Saatchi, and TMW in London, she acknowledges that it hasn’t been a cakewalk. One of the towering challenges she’s surmounted is staying ahead of the curve in the ever- evolving world of marke?ng and technology. She’s a firm believer in ‘learning by doing’ and expanding knowledge through prac?cal experience, as is evident from her academic qualifica?ons. She holds a master’s in design from Central Saint Mar?ns and she’s stacked up professional cer?fica?ons in project management, agile development and innova?on, along with Leadership & Entrepreneurship from UCD in Ireland. This has honed her skills in human-centered design thinking, marke?ng strategy, crea?ve produc?on, and digital product delivery opera?ons Alterna?vely, there’s the ‘Build with you’ approach, a collabora?ve solu?on where Shipyard works alongside client teams. Emma explains, “We leverage our strategic thinking, design experts, digital product development capacity and entrepreneurial mindset to guide and mentor clients throughout an innova?on lifecycle.” Technology Partners: This service entails a curated selec?on of technology companies, providing specialized products and services tailored to specific industries. By partnering with Shipyard Technology Ventures, organiza?ons tap into a ready-made ecosystem of exper?se and resources. Emma emphasizes, “Clients benefit from a strategic partnership, gaining access to cu?ng-edge technologies for innova?on. We offer technology implementa?on, scalability guidance, opera?onal support, and industry networking.” Venture Building: Shipyard Technology Ventures’ global reach and excellence in venture building are y Leading with Grit In Emma’s career as a marke?ng and digital product leader, she has embraced diverse responsibili?es, which paved the Emma shares, “Our vision is to facilitate digital innova?on and partner with large organiza?ons for their reach and balance sheet, resul?ng in transforma?ve solu?ons that drive growth and success.” It offers dis?nct services—a trio of groundbreaking services designed to transform businesses in the digital era. Here’s a glimpse into their offerings: Ÿ We value human- centered design and naturally have attracted systematic thinkers with a knack for approaching complex challenges with a structured and holistic mindset. Innova?on Consul?ng: Shipyard Technology Ventures collaborates closely with clients to design and construct digital solu?ons that fuel business transforma?on. They offer a ‘Build for you service,’ taking complete project ownership and execu?ng on behalf of clients. Ÿ The other challenge that Emma has mastered is the art of managing cross-func?onal teams. Aligning conflic?ng business objec?ves was no easy feat, but she prevailed by Ÿ
The Most Influen?al Women Leaders to Watch in 2023 usinesses today grapple with the challenge of B solu?ons that align with the pulse of the modern market. way for her current dual role as the Marke?ng Director and Director of Innova?on Engagements at Shipyard Technology Ventures. Here, she manages “strategies, customer valida?on, and go-to-market ini?a?ves” for SYT, its affiliates and clients hailing from Fortune 500 companies. mee?ng dynamic market demands and evolving consumer needs. It’s a scenario where companies stand at a crucial crossroads, yearning to find innova?ve Amidst this intricate web of challenges and opportuni?es, Emma Heaton-Esposito shines as a guiding light, illumina?ng the path with her blend of crea?vity, strategic acumen, and design thinking. She is a transforma?ve force naviga?ng the complexi?es of venturing into uncharted territories. Emma’s journey wasn’t a direct route to SYT—her prior gig was as the Head of Crea?ve Opera?ons at Core, Ireland’s top communica?ons agency. She considered this as an opportunity to partner with teams across data, research, strategy, media, and crea?vity. ‘Partnership’ was the keyword there as she integrated the amalgama?on of numerous businesses, implemen?ng efficient project management prac?ces, renego?a?ng price contracts, and hun?ng down fresh collabora?on opportuni?es. The result? A substan?al turnaround, flipping “consecu?ve crea?ve net losses into a €1m profit.” Within the dynamic world of startup innova?on Emma possesses a unique blend of skills that breathe life into new solu?on ideas. As the Director of Marke?ng & Innova?on Engagements at Shipyard Technology Ventures, she takes on a revolu?onary approach to researching, idea?ng, prototyping, marke?ng and launching digital products. Shipyard doesn’t just create digital solu?ons—they co- create and launch technology ventures that redefine en?re industries. skillfully resolving conflicts and fostering collabora?on across global teams. This played a pivotal role in ensuring the ?mely delivery of projects and cemented her success. . For Emma, it’s all about combining hands-on experience with theore?cal knowledge, fostering partnerships, embracing challenges, and steering through the ever- changing ?des of technology. C o Before her Irish adventure, Emma led the charge as the Lead Product Manager at Method, New York. Her focus was on driving customer-centric design strategies; her most notable accomplishment was overseeing the product strategy, global qualita?ve and quan?ta?ve customer research, UX/UI and implementa?on rollout of McDonald’s self-ordering kiosks. She fondly recalls that ?me, saying, “Even today, if I see a McDonald’s kiosk, I remember all the incredible work my team did to bring that to lifeand love to see version 5.0 expanding!” v e Emma’s exper?se and visionary leadership extend beyond consultancy diving deep into the core of companies’ needs, transforming abstract ideas into tangible, market-ready innova?ons. Her role is not just about strategizing but also about cra?ing a narra?ve that aligns with Shipyard’s mission—to pioneer a new era in corporate innova?on. r Anchored Ambi?ons S t In a world driven by digitaliza?on and constant change, organiza?ons need experts who can navigate the complex landscape of technology and innova?on. As an industry leader in digital product and venture building, Shipyard Technology Ventures has established a reputa?on for excellence in helping organiza?ons embrace disrup?on. Shipyard Technology Ventures’ mission is to empower organiza?ons to thrive in the digital age by providing strategic guidance and execu?on exper?se in digital product development and venture building. o r Let’s explore how Emma’s shaping the future of technology and innova?on! While Emma’s career before these showcases globe- tro?ng s?nts at esteemed agencies like Ogilvy, M&C Saatchi, and TMW in London, she acknowledges that it hasn’t been a cakewalk. One of the towering challenges she’s surmounted is staying ahead of the curve in the ever- evolving world of marke?ng and technology. She’s a firm believer in ‘learning by doing’ and expanding knowledge through prac?cal experience, as is evident from her academic qualifica?ons. She holds a master’s in design from Central Saint Mar?ns and she’s stacked up professional cer?fica?ons in project management, agile development and innova?on, along with Leadership & Entrepreneurship from UCD in Ireland. This has honed her skills in human-centered design thinking, marke?ng strategy, crea?ve produc?on, and digital product delivery opera?ons Alterna?vely, there’s the ‘Build with you’ approach, a collabora?ve solu?on where Shipyard works alongside client teams. Emma explains, “We leverage our strategic thinking, design experts, digital product development capacity and entrepreneurial mindset to guide and mentor clients throughout an innova?on lifecycle.” Technology Partners: This service entails a curated selec?on of technology companies, providing specialized products and services tailored to specific industries. By partnering with Shipyard Technology Ventures, organiza?ons tap into a ready-made ecosystem of exper?se and resources. Emma emphasizes, “Clients benefit from a strategic partnership, gaining access to cu?ng-edge technologies for innova?on. We offer technology implementa?on, scalability guidance, opera?onal support, and industry networking.” Venture Building: Shipyard Technology Ventures’ global reach and excellence in venture building are y Leading with Grit In Emma’s career as a marke?ng and digital product leader, she has embraced diverse responsibili?es, which paved the Emma shares, “Our vision is to facilitate digital innova?on and partner with large organiza?ons for their reach and balance sheet, resul?ng in transforma?ve solu?ons that drive growth and success.” It offers dis?nct services—a trio of groundbreaking services designed to transform businesses in the digital era. Here’s a glimpse into their offerings: Ÿ We value human- centered design and naturally have attracted systematic thinkers with a knack for approaching complex challenges with a structured and holistic mindset. Innova?on Consul?ng: Shipyard Technology Ventures collaborates closely with clients to design and construct digital solu?ons that fuel business transforma?on. They offer a ‘Build for you service,’ taking complete project ownership and execu?ng on behalf of clients. Ÿ The other challenge that Emma has mastered is the art of managing cross-func?onal teams. Aligning conflic?ng business objec?ves was no easy feat, but she prevailed by Ÿ
Leaving a Mark exemplified by its track record of success across different con?nents and regions. Notable ventures include a retail technology startup in APAC that revolu?onized the online shopping experience through interac?ve displays using advanced analy?cs and a sustainable energy venture in EMEA that op?mized energy produc?on and consump?on through IoT and data analy?cs. The impact of the kiosks was significant, leading to a substan?al increase in customer sa?sfac?on and basket spending. According to sta?s?cs, there was a 20% increase in average basket spend among customers who ordered through the kiosks compared to those who used tradi?onal ?lls. This increase was due to several factors, including upselling, personalized recommenda?ons and ease of wayfinding. Emma explains, “I led the team to provide strategic guidance and execu?on exper?se with go-to- market strategies and digital product design, enabling McDonald’s to stay ahead of compe?tors and enhance their customer experience game.” lifestyle magazine, improving search engine visibility, site engagement and visitor reten?on.” Ÿ McDonald’s faced significant challenges with long queues, low sales and declining customer loyalty. When Emma worked at Method in New York, an innova?on design consultancy, she tackled McDonald’s challenges head-on, cra?ing a transforma?ve solu?on by partnering with McDonald’s global HQ to design and develop the self- ordering kiosk system you may see in restaurants today. Combining our knowledge of customer behaviours, design and technology, the direc?on created user-friendly kiosks that transformed the ordering process. The results? Impressive with 55,000 registrants within three months and a 90% conversion rate upon sign-up. And, the eCRM achieved a remarkable 32% click-through rate, surpassing the industry average of 23%. These milestones demonstrate Emma ability to drive tangible outcomes and make a las?ng impact through strategic marke?ng exper?se and a deep understanding of digital innova?on. Shipyard Technology Ventures is more than a consultancy—it is a strategic partner for organiza?ons aspiring to thrive in the digital age. Beneath the Surface To remain compe??ve in a saturated automo?ve industry, Mini (BMW) aimed to gain global a?en?on and engage with customers beyond tradi?onal adver?sing methods. At M&C Saatchi, Emma and her team developed an omnichannel campaign that leveraged social media, experien?al marke?ng and tradi?onal adver?sing. At Shipyard Technology Ventures, the primary areas of work revolve around rapid idea?on, solu?on valida?on, solu?on prototyping, and product development. These ac?vi?es are at the core of its approach, facilita?ng outcome delivery that helps clients make confident and credible innova?on investments. By combining strategic thinking, design, marke?ng, and technical exper?se, the company is empowering clients to navigate through the complexi?es of the digital landscape and drive successful outcomes. C o The London Olympics 2012 served as the perfect pla?orm for Mini to launch this global campaign. With a focus on engaging with customers worldwide, the team created valuable and compelling content that conveyed key messaging and amplified the brand’s personality. The impact of the campaign was significant. It led to a considerable increase in brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales. According to sta?s?cs, the campaign reached over 214 million viewers worldwide and Mini out-performed the compe??on in sales with a 13% increase in revenue compared to the previous year. v e r S A passion for innova?on drives team members at Shipyard Technology Ventures. They possess the ability to transform strategic ideas into investment proposi?ons that can create a significant impact. Emma emphasizes, “We value human- centered design and naturally have a?racted systema?c thinkers with a knack for approaching complex challenges with a structured and holis?c mindset.” t o r y Blackrock finance advisor tool revolu?onized the way advisors ensured that por?olios are designed to perform as intended and simplified the process of sharing essen?al informa?on with clients. By undertaking deep customer tes?ng of advisors and their clients, Emma developed a user-friendly and effec?ve tool that streamlined por?olio management and enhanced communica?on between advisors and clients. This innova?on not only improved efficiency in the industry but also strengthened the rela?onships between advisors and their clients, ul?mately driving be?er financial outcomes. She also adds, “We value honesty, authen?city and a posi?ve can-do a?tude. We believe in fostering an environment where individuals can be genuine and true to themselves, enabling open and honest collabora?on with our clients.” Collabora?on is essen?al in its work culture. They value individuals who can work effec?vely with colleagues across the Shipyard group, leveraging diverse perspec?ves and exper?se to drive innova?on. Being a remote-first organiza?on, flexibility is key. Team members embrace the opportuni?es and challenges that come with working in a flexible se?ng, adap?ng to various situa?ons with ease. At TMW, Emma oversaw some Unilever accounts and delivered significant awareness and new customer acquisi?on—and for example—SlimFast. Emma reflects, “We delivered huge social media campaigns, a complete website refresh, targeted banners, OOO and partnered with a pla?orm provider to create a personalized digital Shipyard Technology Ventures operates in a fast-paced environment where mul?ple client engagements may
Leaving a Mark exemplified by its track record of success across different con?nents and regions. Notable ventures include a retail technology startup in APAC that revolu?onized the online shopping experience through interac?ve displays using advanced analy?cs and a sustainable energy venture in EMEA that op?mized energy produc?on and consump?on through IoT and data analy?cs. The impact of the kiosks was significant, leading to a substan?al increase in customer sa?sfac?on and basket spending. According to sta?s?cs, there was a 20% increase in average basket spend among customers who ordered through the kiosks compared to those who used tradi?onal ?lls. This increase was due to several factors, including upselling, personalized recommenda?ons and ease of wayfinding. Emma explains, “I led the team to provide strategic guidance and execu?on exper?se with go-to- market strategies and digital product design, enabling McDonald’s to stay ahead of compe?tors and enhance their customer experience game.” lifestyle magazine, improving search engine visibility, site engagement and visitor reten?on.” Ÿ McDonald’s faced significant challenges with long queues, low sales and declining customer loyalty. When Emma worked at Method in New York, an innova?on design consultancy, she tackled McDonald’s challenges head-on, cra?ing a transforma?ve solu?on by partnering with McDonald’s global HQ to design and develop the self- ordering kiosk system you may see in restaurants today. Combining our knowledge of customer behaviours, design and technology, the direc?on created user-friendly kiosks that transformed the ordering process. The results? Impressive with 55,000 registrants within three months and a 90% conversion rate upon sign-up. And, the eCRM achieved a remarkable 32% click-through rate, surpassing the industry average of 23%. These milestones demonstrate Emma ability to drive tangible outcomes and make a las?ng impact through strategic marke?ng exper?se and a deep understanding of digital innova?on. Shipyard Technology Ventures is more than a consultancy—it is a strategic partner for organiza?ons aspiring to thrive in the digital age. Beneath the Surface To remain compe??ve in a saturated automo?ve industry, Mini (BMW) aimed to gain global a?en?on and engage with customers beyond tradi?onal adver?sing methods. At M&C Saatchi, Emma and her team developed an omnichannel campaign that leveraged social media, experien?al marke?ng and tradi?onal adver?sing. At Shipyard Technology Ventures, the primary areas of work revolve around rapid idea?on, solu?on valida?on, solu?on prototyping, and product development. These ac?vi?es are at the core of its approach, facilita?ng outcome delivery that helps clients make confident and credible innova?on investments. By combining strategic thinking, design, marke?ng, and technical exper?se, the company is empowering clients to navigate through the complexi?es of the digital landscape and drive successful outcomes. C o The London Olympics 2012 served as the perfect pla?orm for Mini to launch this global campaign. With a focus on engaging with customers worldwide, the team created valuable and compelling content that conveyed key messaging and amplified the brand’s personality. The impact of the campaign was significant. It led to a considerable increase in brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales. According to sta?s?cs, the campaign reached over 214 million viewers worldwide and Mini out-performed the compe??on in sales with a 13% increase in revenue compared to the previous year. v e r S A passion for innova?on drives team members at Shipyard Technology Ventures. They possess the ability to transform strategic ideas into investment proposi?ons that can create a significant impact. Emma emphasizes, “We value human- centered design and naturally have a?racted systema?c thinkers with a knack for approaching complex challenges with a structured and holis?c mindset.” t o r y Blackrock finance advisor tool revolu?onized the way advisors ensured that por?olios are designed to perform as intended and simplified the process of sharing essen?al informa?on with clients. By undertaking deep customer tes?ng of advisors and their clients, Emma developed a user-friendly and effec?ve tool that streamlined por?olio management and enhanced communica?on between advisors and clients. This innova?on not only improved efficiency in the industry but also strengthened the rela?onships between advisors and their clients, ul?mately driving be?er financial outcomes. She also adds, “We value honesty, authen?city and a posi?ve can-do a?tude. We believe in fostering an environment where individuals can be genuine and true to themselves, enabling open and honest collabora?on with our clients.” Collabora?on is essen?al in its work culture. They value individuals who can work effec?vely with colleagues across the Shipyard group, leveraging diverse perspec?ves and exper?se to drive innova?on. Being a remote-first organiza?on, flexibility is key. Team members embrace the opportuni?es and challenges that come with working in a flexible se?ng, adap?ng to various situa?ons with ease. At TMW, Emma oversaw some Unilever accounts and delivered significant awareness and new customer acquisi?on—and for example—SlimFast. Emma reflects, “We delivered huge social media campaigns, a complete website refresh, targeted banners, OOO and partnered with a pla?orm provider to create a personalized digital Shipyard Technology Ventures operates in a fast-paced environment where mul?ple client engagements may
occur simultaneously. Team members demonstrate the ability to effec?vely mul?task and context switch, ensuring each client’s needs are met with excellence. funding) dedicated to explora?ve innova?on with long- term poten?al, not just near-term profits. To realize this vision, Emma leads an excep?onal team, ready to tackle complex challenges and transform ideas into compe??ve advantages. But Emma’s aspira?ons don’t end there—she dreams of giving back to budding entrepreneurs, providing them with essen?al financial backing, industry insights and mentorship. Her enthusiasm echoes, “I would love companies to champion a dedicated por?on of resources to funding explora?ve innova?on, the mentoring is useful but most of the ?me you have to pay resources for certain facets of innova?on to get to market.” I would love companies to champion a dedicated portion of resources to funding explorative innovation, the mentoring is useful but most of the time you have to pay resources for certain facets of innovation to get to market. She exclaims, “Who knows!” It could create ideas that can revolu?onize industries and reshape the business landscape, but it would definitely nurture cultures of crea?vity and encourage individuals and teams to think beyond conven?onal boundaries or milestones. That for her is true investment in innova?on, allowing the crea?vity of innova?on to flourish, without the constraints associated with fast proof points that exist in today's innova?on market. Waves of Innova?on Technology has revolu?onized various sectors, reshaping industries and redefining how businesses operate. In this digital age, harnessing technological advancements is crucial for companies to stay compe??ve and achieve sustainable growth. Shipyard Technology Ventures is at the forefront of this digital transforma?on, commi?ed to leveraging the power of technology to provide resourceful and innova?ve solu?ons for clients and customers. Emma believes collabora?on is key. She ac?vely seeks partnerships with educa?onal ins?tu?ons, research centers and innova?on hubs, aiming to iden?fy emerging talent and nurture entrepreneurship. Emma aims to establish programs fostering entrepreneurship, suppor?ng early- stage ventures and enabling them to thrive and contribute to disrup?ve solu?ons. Beyond Conven?ons about transforma?ve change, a shi? toward encouraging risk-taking, alloca?ng funds for ‘explora?ve’ innova?on, and embracing extended ?me frames is necessary. By embracing cu?ng-edge technology, Shipyard Technology Ventures enables clients to swi?ly implement and test new ideas, efficiently scale products and do so cost-effec?vely. U?lizing a curated network of technology partners and a robust reference architecture across all Shipyard Companies, Shipyard offers tailored solu?ons addressing unique challenges and market opportuni?es. Clients partnering with Shipyard gain access to a vast pool of exper?se and resources, driving innova?on and business progress. Ar?ficial Intelligence is not just the next major industry disruptor; it is already permea?ng various industries and becoming ingrained in our everyday lives. The poten?al of AI extends far beyond consumer applica?ons. In industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and transporta?on, Typical funding channels face limita?ons when it comes to suppor?ng high-risk, long-term projects. Corporate budgets primarily focus on day-to-day opera?ons, leaving li?le space for innova?ve ventures. Venture capitalists seek rapid returns and favour opportuni?es with clear market demand and swi? profitability. Crowdfunding pla?orms cater to tangible projects, o?en overlooking more abstract or prolonged innova?ons. Government grants, though suppor?ve, come with strict guidelines and complex applica?on procedures, hindering ambi?ous, groundbreaking ideas. C o Fortune Favors the Bold v Emma shares valuable insights, encouraging women to embrace their poten?al and drive their success forward: e As an innova?ve venture capital firm, Shipyard Technology Ventures is gearing up for the AI revolu?on. They are proac?vely iden?fying and inves?ng in tech companies disrup?ng tradi?onal industries with AI. Strategic investments in AI-powered startups across various sectors will empower them to scale their innova?ons. r Believe in Yourself: "Trust your capabili?es and unique perspec?ve," Emma advises, "You may not have all the answers but partner with people who can fill those gaps and nourish a curiousity to learn more." Embrace Ambi?on: Dream big and set goals, but don't forget to enjoy the journey or the side paths. Goals can change but se?ng the inten?on of a target keeps you driven! Cherish Your Personal Brand: Iden?fy your strengths, values, and passions and embody these in everything that you do. If you recognise that you cannot align these to something you're doing, you need a change, as it will start to affect your ability to show up and be consistent! Lead with Empathy: To get the best out of people you are responsible for in the office, ensure you're helping them nurture their needs out of the office. Women can have a huge advantage here, with incredible percep?on- and sharp emo?onal intelligence. Ÿ S One such example is the partnership with Exante Parametric & Predic?ve Parametric InsurTech Pla?orm, providing advanced data analy?cs for op?mized risk management and streamlined underwri?ng processes. Shipyard’s focus on cloud-na?ve, cloud-agnos?c and automa?on-focused offerings ensures cu?ng-edge technology integra?on. Their approach emphasizes speed, enabling agile development and swi? solu?on deployment. t o Ÿ Emma shares, “By aligning funding with large corporates, we enable early products to thrive, benefi?ng both our clients and partners.” Shipyard’s commitment to forefront AI innova?on ensures our pivotal role in industry disrup?on. Preparing for the AI wave, it is ready to seize opportuni?es, navigate challenges and shape global industries, leaving a las?ng mark on the business landscape. This cau?ous funding approach dissuades start-ups and innovators from pursuing transforma?ve ini?a?ves. The most innova?ve ideas, ini?ally lacking clear commercial viability, are the explora?ve innova?ons capable of triggering significant market disrup?ons. However, they o?en lack the necessary financial backing. In contrast, historical examples like the Medici Family’s patronage of Renaissance Italian art allowed for crea?vity to flourish without the pressure of profitability. r y Ÿ Leveraging data analy?cs, Shipyard provides valuable insights, fostering informed decision-making. Through an API-first strategy, seamless integra?on with exis?ng systems and collabora?on with external partners are simplified. Embracing open-source solu?ons, Shipyard fosters innova?on and flexibility, embodying the future of technology-driven business solu?ons. Aspira?ons in Innova?on Ÿ A modern illustra?on of pa?ent funding lies in The Bill and Melinda Gates Founda?on’s Reinvent the Toilet Challenge, ini?ated in 2011. By 2022, a?er 11 years of innova?on, research, tes?ng, and itera?on, they partnered with Samsung to introduce a toilet that converts waste into ashes. This extended ?me frame enabled thorough experimenta?on and refinement, leading to a successful and impac?ul solu?on. Emma’s vision is crystal clear; she aims to launch groundbreaking digital products that redefine tradi?onal markets and challenge the realms of possibility. With an eye on the next year, she declares, “These offerings will be driven by cu?ng-edge technologies, disrup?ve business models and a deep understanding of market needs and trends.” Her approach is holis?c, merging experience, her network and knowledge to create an environment where innova?ve ideas flourish into scalable solu?ons with real market impact. Innovate or Stagnate Emma’s advice resonates with the pathway to one’s success. In the fast-paced world of digital innova?on, securing funding remains a persistent challenge. Tradi?onal funding avenues, like departmental budgets, venture capital, crowdfunding, and government grants, o?en priori?ze short-term gains and shy away from risks. Yet, to truly bring With the given opportunity, Emma would champion a transforma?ve change—to create a pot of funds (pre-seed
occur simultaneously. Team members demonstrate the ability to effec?vely mul?task and context switch, ensuring each client’s needs are met with excellence. funding) dedicated to explora?ve innova?on with long- term poten?al, not just near-term profits. To realize this vision, Emma leads an excep?onal team, ready to tackle complex challenges and transform ideas into compe??ve advantages. But Emma’s aspira?ons don’t end there—she dreams of giving back to budding entrepreneurs, providing them with essen?al financial backing, industry insights and mentorship. Her enthusiasm echoes, “I would love companies to champion a dedicated por?on of resources to funding explora?ve innova?on, the mentoring is useful but most of the ?me you have to pay resources for certain facets of innova?on to get to market.” I would love companies to champion a dedicated portion of resources to funding explorative innovation, the mentoring is useful but most of the time you have to pay resources for certain facets of innovation to get to market. She exclaims, “Who knows!” It could create ideas that can revolu?onize industries and reshape the business landscape, but it would definitely nurture cultures of crea?vity and encourage individuals and teams to think beyond conven?onal boundaries or milestones. That for her is true investment in innova?on, allowing the crea?vity of innova?on to flourish, without the constraints associated with fast proof points that exist in today's innova?on market. Waves of Innova?on Technology has revolu?onized various sectors, reshaping industries and redefining how businesses operate. In this digital age, harnessing technological advancements is crucial for companies to stay compe??ve and achieve sustainable growth. Shipyard Technology Ventures is at the forefront of this digital transforma?on, commi?ed to leveraging the power of technology to provide resourceful and innova?ve solu?ons for clients and customers. Emma believes collabora?on is key. She ac?vely seeks partnerships with educa?onal ins?tu?ons, research centers and innova?on hubs, aiming to iden?fy emerging talent and nurture entrepreneurship. Emma aims to establish programs fostering entrepreneurship, suppor?ng early- stage ventures and enabling them to thrive and contribute to disrup?ve solu?ons. Beyond Conven?ons about transforma?ve change, a shi? toward encouraging risk-taking, alloca?ng funds for ‘explora?ve’ innova?on, and embracing extended ?me frames is necessary. By embracing cu?ng-edge technology, Shipyard Technology Ventures enables clients to swi?ly implement and test new ideas, efficiently scale products and do so cost-effec?vely. U?lizing a curated network of technology partners and a robust reference architecture across all Shipyard Companies, Shipyard offers tailored solu?ons addressing unique challenges and market opportuni?es. Clients partnering with Shipyard gain access to a vast pool of exper?se and resources, driving innova?on and business progress. Ar?ficial Intelligence is not just the next major industry disruptor; it is already permea?ng various industries and becoming ingrained in our everyday lives. The poten?al of AI extends far beyond consumer applica?ons. In industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and transporta?on, Typical funding channels face limita?ons when it comes to suppor?ng high-risk, long-term projects. Corporate budgets primarily focus on day-to-day opera?ons, leaving li?le space for innova?ve ventures. Venture capitalists seek rapid returns and favour opportuni?es with clear market demand and swi? profitability. Crowdfunding pla?orms cater to tangible projects, o?en overlooking more abstract or prolonged innova?ons. Government grants, though suppor?ve, come with strict guidelines and complex applica?on procedures, hindering ambi?ous, groundbreaking ideas. C o Fortune Favors the Bold v Emma shares valuable insights, encouraging women to embrace their poten?al and drive their success forward: e As an innova?ve venture capital firm, Shipyard Technology Ventures is gearing up for the AI revolu?on. They are proac?vely iden?fying and inves?ng in tech companies disrup?ng tradi?onal industries with AI. Strategic investments in AI-powered startups across various sectors will empower them to scale their innova?ons. r Believe in Yourself: "Trust your capabili?es and unique perspec?ve," Emma advises, "You may not have all the answers but partner with people who can fill those gaps and nourish a curiousity to learn more." Embrace Ambi?on: Dream big and set goals, but don't forget to enjoy the journey or the side paths. Goals can change but se?ng the inten?on of a target keeps you driven! Cherish Your Personal Brand: Iden?fy your strengths, values, and passions and embody these in everything that you do. If you recognise that you cannot align these to something you're doing, you need a change, as it will start to affect your ability to show up and be consistent! Lead with Empathy: To get the best out of people you are responsible for in the office, ensure you're helping them nurture their needs out of the office. Women can have a huge advantage here, with incredible percep?on- and sharp emo?onal intelligence. Ÿ S One such example is the partnership with Exante Parametric & Predic?ve Parametric InsurTech Pla?orm, providing advanced data analy?cs for op?mized risk management and streamlined underwri?ng processes. Shipyard’s focus on cloud-na?ve, cloud-agnos?c and automa?on-focused offerings ensures cu?ng-edge technology integra?on. Their approach emphasizes speed, enabling agile development and swi? solu?on deployment. t o Ÿ Emma shares, “By aligning funding with large corporates, we enable early products to thrive, benefi?ng both our clients and partners.” Shipyard’s commitment to forefront AI innova?on ensures our pivotal role in industry disrup?on. Preparing for the AI wave, it is ready to seize opportuni?es, navigate challenges and shape global industries, leaving a las?ng mark on the business landscape. This cau?ous funding approach dissuades start-ups and innovators from pursuing transforma?ve ini?a?ves. The most innova?ve ideas, ini?ally lacking clear commercial viability, are the explora?ve innova?ons capable of triggering significant market disrup?ons. However, they o?en lack the necessary financial backing. In contrast, historical examples like the Medici Family’s patronage of Renaissance Italian art allowed for crea?vity to flourish without the pressure of profitability. r y Ÿ Leveraging data analy?cs, Shipyard provides valuable insights, fostering informed decision-making. Through an API-first strategy, seamless integra?on with exis?ng systems and collabora?on with external partners are simplified. Embracing open-source solu?ons, Shipyard fosters innova?on and flexibility, embodying the future of technology-driven business solu?ons. Aspira?ons in Innova?on Ÿ A modern illustra?on of pa?ent funding lies in The Bill and Melinda Gates Founda?on’s Reinvent the Toilet Challenge, ini?ated in 2011. By 2022, a?er 11 years of innova?on, research, tes?ng, and itera?on, they partnered with Samsung to introduce a toilet that converts waste into ashes. This extended ?me frame enabled thorough experimenta?on and refinement, leading to a successful and impac?ul solu?on. Emma’s vision is crystal clear; she aims to launch groundbreaking digital products that redefine tradi?onal markets and challenge the realms of possibility. With an eye on the next year, she declares, “These offerings will be driven by cu?ng-edge technologies, disrup?ve business models and a deep understanding of market needs and trends.” Her approach is holis?c, merging experience, her network and knowledge to create an environment where innova?ve ideas flourish into scalable solu?ons with real market impact. Innovate or Stagnate Emma’s advice resonates with the pathway to one’s success. In the fast-paced world of digital innova?on, securing funding remains a persistent challenge. Tradi?onal funding avenues, like departmental budgets, venture capital, crowdfunding, and government grants, o?en priori?ze short-term gains and shy away from risks. Yet, to truly bring With the given opportunity, Emma would champion a transforma?ve change—to create a pot of funds (pre-seed
Leadership Perspec?ve Understanding the Role of Women Leaders in Modern Business F rom several contribu?ng factors in the success of business organiza?ons, leadership has always been the key game changer for it transformed the en?re course of the business culture. The par?cipa?on of women in several prominent leadership posi?ons has been increasing steadily across the business ver?cals. Walking and working shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts, women have been remarkable performers in different func?ons of the business organiza?ons from the managerial to the CEO level. A r t i c l Women are breaking barriers, challenging tradi?onal norms, and making substan?al contribu?ons to the corporate world. Let's explore the evolving landscape of women in leadership posi?ons, highligh?ng their impact, challenges, and the benefits they bring to businesses. e Rising by Changing Industry Paradigms There has been a no?ceable rise of women leaders in recent few decades as they are on the rise, taking on key roles across various industries. Despite the gender gap posing an unsaid challenge, progress is being regularly made. According to a report by Grant Thornton Interna?onal, the propor?on of senior business profiles held by women globally reached a record high of 29% in 2021, up from 25% in 2018. This increase signifies a changing mindset and a more inclusive approach toward leadership. 16 17 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com
Leadership Perspec?ve Understanding the Role of Women Leaders in Modern Business F rom several contribu?ng factors in the success of business organiza?ons, leadership has always been the key game changer for it transformed the en?re course of the business culture. The par?cipa?on of women in several prominent leadership posi?ons has been increasing steadily across the business ver?cals. Walking and working shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts, women have been remarkable performers in different func?ons of the business organiza?ons from the managerial to the CEO level. A r t i c l Women are breaking barriers, challenging tradi?onal norms, and making substan?al contribu?ons to the corporate world. Let's explore the evolving landscape of women in leadership posi?ons, highligh?ng their impact, challenges, and the benefits they bring to businesses. e Rising by Changing Industry Paradigms There has been a no?ceable rise of women leaders in recent few decades as they are on the rise, taking on key roles across various industries. Despite the gender gap posing an unsaid challenge, progress is being regularly made. According to a report by Grant Thornton Interna?onal, the propor?on of senior business profiles held by women globally reached a record high of 29% in 2021, up from 25% in 2018. This increase signifies a changing mindset and a more inclusive approach toward leadership. 16 17 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com
Redefining Success Through Innova?on team management by learning and developing a progressive mindset. Through resilience, determina?on, and strategic planning, women leaders are breaking through glass ceilings and paving the way for future genera?ons. An?cipa?ng the changes in the opera?ons, leaders implement certain policies that not just counter the cri?cal issues, but accelerate the produc?vity of the teams across the departments. By challenging tradi?onal stereotypes, women today redefining what success should look like. Developing newer avenues of genera?ng success from the perspec?ves of quality enhancements, standardizing services, product development and scope enhancement, employee involvement and boos?ng produc?vity. They are disproving the no?on that leadership is solely a male domain and demonstra?ng that strong leadership transcends gender. By breaking barriers, today's women leaders open doors for future genera?ons and inspire individuals to pursue their ambi?ons regardless of societal expecta?ons. Broader Perspec?ve with Inclusivity Recognize that the experiences of women leaders are not homogenous and explore the concept of intersec?onality, acknowledging that women's experiences are shaped by their race, ethnicity, age, and other factors. Discuss the importance of crea?ng inclusive spaces that value and embrace the diversity of women leaders. Smart in comprehending the 'nerve' of the employees, the women leaders easily gel with the teams and successfully ins?ll the organiza?onal culture. Addressing smartly with respect to the audience of employees, associates, vendors and suppliers and also the stake holders, women leaders have put forth the company policies and objec?ves very clearly and categorically. Inspiring Role Models In business, the leaders need to create an iden?ty by se?ng their own example through quali?es of discipline, presenta?on, communica?on, accountability, and learning abili?es. Women leaders have emerged as powerful role models and sources of inspira?on for aspiring professionals. By showcasing their achievements, they mo?vate and empower others to aim for leadership posi?ons. Moreover, they o?en play a crucial role in mentorship, training sessions and sponsorship programs, guiding younger women in their career journeys and providing valuable advice and support. Influen?al Leadership Styles Experts in people management skills, the women leaders have displayed unique styles in leadership in handling different situa?ons effec?vely and with professional finesse. The unique leadership styles and approaches that women leaders o?en bring to the business world, have been the change-making aspects of the modern business. Several quali?es such as collabora?ve leadership, empathy, and rela?onship-building skills that contribute to their effec?veness in managing teams and driving organiza?onal success. Effec?ve Decision-Making One of the notable advantages of having women leaders in modern business is the diversity of perspec?ves they bring to the table. Studies consistently show that diverse leadership teams, including women, result in be?er decision-making and improved financial performance. Women leaders o?en possess strong emo?onal intelligence, empathy, and collabora?ve skills, which contribute to crea?ng inclusive work environments and fostering innova?on. Their decision-making is based on logical and pragma?c thinking that ensures the realiza?on of the organiza?on's objec?ves. The role of women leaders in modern business is steadily gaining prominence and recogni?on. They bring diverse perspec?ves, foster inclusive cultures, and drive be?er decision-making, posi?vely impac?ng both their organiza?ons and society as a whole. As we con?nue to strive for gender equality, it is impera?ve to celebrate the achievements of women leaders and support their con?nued growth in the business world. With increased representa?on and opportuni?es, women leaders are shaping a more equitable and prosperous future for all. Countering Challenges through Resilience Despite progress, women leaders con?nue to face unique challenges. Gender bias, stereotypes, and limited opportuni?es are among the obstacles they encounter. Regardless of these challenges they are not deterred from their goals. These determined women have displayed excep?onal ability of perseverance, posi?ve a?tude and 18 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com
Redefining Success Through Innova?on team management by learning and developing a progressive mindset. Through resilience, determina?on, and strategic planning, women leaders are breaking through glass ceilings and paving the way for future genera?ons. An?cipa?ng the changes in the opera?ons, leaders implement certain policies that not just counter the cri?cal issues, but accelerate the produc?vity of the teams across the departments. By challenging tradi?onal stereotypes, women today redefining what success should look like. Developing newer avenues of genera?ng success from the perspec?ves of quality enhancements, standardizing services, product development and scope enhancement, employee involvement and boos?ng produc?vity. They are disproving the no?on that leadership is solely a male domain and demonstra?ng that strong leadership transcends gender. By breaking barriers, today's women leaders open doors for future genera?ons and inspire individuals to pursue their ambi?ons regardless of societal expecta?ons. Broader Perspec?ve with Inclusivity Recognize that the experiences of women leaders are not homogenous and explore the concept of intersec?onality, acknowledging that women's experiences are shaped by their race, ethnicity, age, and other factors. Discuss the importance of crea?ng inclusive spaces that value and embrace the diversity of women leaders. Smart in comprehending the 'nerve' of the employees, the women leaders easily gel with the teams and successfully ins?ll the organiza?onal culture. Addressing smartly with respect to the audience of employees, associates, vendors and suppliers and also the stake holders, women leaders have put forth the company policies and objec?ves very clearly and categorically. Inspiring Role Models In business, the leaders need to create an iden?ty by se?ng their own example through quali?es of discipline, presenta?on, communica?on, accountability, and learning abili?es. Women leaders have emerged as powerful role models and sources of inspira?on for aspiring professionals. By showcasing their achievements, they mo?vate and empower others to aim for leadership posi?ons. Moreover, they o?en play a crucial role in mentorship, training sessions and sponsorship programs, guiding younger women in their career journeys and providing valuable advice and support. Influen?al Leadership Styles Experts in people management skills, the women leaders have displayed unique styles in leadership in handling different situa?ons effec?vely and with professional finesse. The unique leadership styles and approaches that women leaders o?en bring to the business world, have been the change-making aspects of the modern business. Several quali?es such as collabora?ve leadership, empathy, and rela?onship-building skills that contribute to their effec?veness in managing teams and driving organiza?onal success. Effec?ve Decision-Making One of the notable advantages of having women leaders in modern business is the diversity of perspec?ves they bring to the table. Studies consistently show that diverse leadership teams, including women, result in be?er decision-making and improved financial performance. Women leaders o?en possess strong emo?onal intelligence, empathy, and collabora?ve skills, which contribute to crea?ng inclusive work environments and fostering innova?on. Their decision-making is based on logical and pragma?c thinking that ensures the realiza?on of the organiza?on's objec?ves. The role of women leaders in modern business is steadily gaining prominence and recogni?on. They bring diverse perspec?ves, foster inclusive cultures, and drive be?er decision-making, posi?vely impac?ng both their organiza?ons and society as a whole. As we con?nue to strive for gender equality, it is impera?ve to celebrate the achievements of women leaders and support their con?nued growth in the business world. With increased representa?on and opportuni?es, women leaders are shaping a more equitable and prosperous future for all. Countering Challenges through Resilience Despite progress, women leaders con?nue to face unique challenges. Gender bias, stereotypes, and limited opportuni?es are among the obstacles they encounter. Regardless of these challenges they are not deterred from their goals. These determined women have displayed excep?onal ability of perseverance, posi?ve a?tude and 18 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com
significantly from the integra?on of nanotechnology, contribu?ng to enhanced food security, improved nutri?on, and the advancement of sustainable agriculture. Through the u?liza?on of nanopar?cles for the targeted delivery of nutrients directly to plant roots and the deployment of nanosensors to iden?fy nutrient deficiencies in soil, innova?ve agricultural technologies can be developed, fostering increased crop yields and reducing wastage. Moreover, by incorpora?ng nanopar?cles such as silver, ?tanium dioxide, gold, copper, and cadmium sulfide into packaging materials to create a barrier against oxygen and moisture, nanotechnology has the poten?al to revolu?onize food packaging. Beyond Carbon: Nanotechnology's Pioneering Efforts in Climate Change Remediation n the face of escala?ng challenges posed by climate I are turning to cu?ng-edge technologies, and among them, nanotechnology stands out for its pioneering efforts in climate change remedia?on. preven?ng the release of captured carbon back into the atmosphere. change, tradi?onal approaches to mi?ga?ng carbon emissions have proven insufficient. As the urgency to address climate change grows, scien?sts and researchers Challenges and Ethical Considera?ons Enhanced Solar Energy Harves?ng While nanotechnology holds tremendous promise for addressing climate change, its implementa?on is not without challenges and ethical considera?ons. Understanding and addressing these issues are crucial to ensure responsible development and deployment of nanotechnological solu?ons. Here are some key challenges and ethical considera?ons. Beyond addressing carbon emissions, nanotechnology is playing a crucial role in advancing renewable energy sources, par?cularly solar energy. Nanomaterials, such as quantum dots and nanowires, possess unique electronic proper?es that enable more efficient absorp?on through light trapping and Mul?ple exciton genera?ons as well as conversion of sunlight into electricity. By incorpora?ng these materials into solar cells, nanotechnology not only increases their overall efficiency but also makes them more eco-green, making them the best type of third-genera?on solar cells. This advancement contributes to the global transi?on toward sustainable and clean energy. Nanotechnology, the science and technology of manipula?ng ma?er at the nanoscale, typically at dimensions smaller than 100 nanometers, allows materials to exhibit unique proper?es and behaviors that can be harnessed for various applica?ons, including environmental remedia?on. Nanopar?cles, the building blocks of nanotechnology, offer unprecedented opportuni?es to address climate change challenges with precision and efficiency. C X O Environmental Impact of Nanopar?cles Challenge: The release of engineered nanopar?cles into the environment may have unintended consequences, as their behavior in ecosystems is not fully understood. Nanoremedia?on for Environmental Cleanup Furthermore, nanotechnology offers numerous innova?ve applica?ons that go beyond carbon, showcasing how it is reshaping our strategies for mi?ga?ng the broader impacts of climate change. Nanotechnology's impact extends to environmental remedia?on through a process known as nanoremedia?on. Engineered nanopar?cles can be tailored to target and degrade pollutants in soil and water with unprecedented precision. This approach offers a highly efficient and targeted method for cleaning up environmental contaminants le? in the wake of industrial ac?vi?es. Nanoremedia?on holds promise for restoring ecosystems and mi?ga?ng the long-term effects of pollu?on caused by climate change. Ethical Considera?on: Researchers and developers must conduct thorough studies to assess the environmental impact of nanopar?cles and implement measures to minimize any poten?al harm to ecosystems. poten?al health impacts on the general popula?on are essen?al. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) One of the primary applica?ons of nanotechnology in climate change remedia?on is carbon capture and storage (CCS), as it is revolu?onizing this field offering advanced solu?ons to combat the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Tradi?onal CCS methods have limita?ons, but nanotechnology introduces novel approaches. Nanopar?cles, Nanowires, and Nanowalls can be used to selec?vely capture carbon dioxide from industrial emissions, enhancing the efficiency of carbon capture processes. These nanomaterials can then be incorporated into advanced materials for safe and secure storage, Equitable Access to Nanotechnological Solu?ons Health and Safety Concerns Challenge: Access to nanotechnology-based climate change solu?ons may be unevenly distributed, poten?ally exacerba?ng exis?ng social and economic dispari?es. Challenge: There is limited knowledge about the long-term health effects of exposure to certain nanopar?cles, both for humans and other living organisms. Smart Agriculture and Climate-Resilient Crops Ethical Considera?on: Ensuring that the benefits of nanotechnological innova?ons are accessible to all communi?es, regardless of their socioeconomic status, is crucial for fostering global equity. Ethical Considera?on: Priori?zing the safety of workers involved in nanotechnology research and development and conduc?ng comprehensive studies to understand the Nanotechnology is making significant strides in transforming agriculture to meet the challenges posed by climate change. Today’s food sector stands to gain 20 21 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com
significantly from the integra?on of nanotechnology, contribu?ng to enhanced food security, improved nutri?on, and the advancement of sustainable agriculture. Through the u?liza?on of nanopar?cles for the targeted delivery of nutrients directly to plant roots and the deployment of nanosensors to iden?fy nutrient deficiencies in soil, innova?ve agricultural technologies can be developed, fostering increased crop yields and reducing wastage. Moreover, by incorpora?ng nanopar?cles such as silver, ?tanium dioxide, gold, copper, and cadmium sulfide into packaging materials to create a barrier against oxygen and moisture, nanotechnology has the poten?al to revolu?onize food packaging. Beyond Carbon: Nanotechnology's Pioneering Efforts in Climate Change Remediation n the face of escala?ng challenges posed by climate I are turning to cu?ng-edge technologies, and among them, nanotechnology stands out for its pioneering efforts in climate change remedia?on. preven?ng the release of captured carbon back into the atmosphere. change, tradi?onal approaches to mi?ga?ng carbon emissions have proven insufficient. As the urgency to address climate change grows, scien?sts and researchers Challenges and Ethical Considera?ons Enhanced Solar Energy Harves?ng While nanotechnology holds tremendous promise for addressing climate change, its implementa?on is not without challenges and ethical considera?ons. Understanding and addressing these issues are crucial to ensure responsible development and deployment of nanotechnological solu?ons. Here are some key challenges and ethical considera?ons. Beyond addressing carbon emissions, nanotechnology is playing a crucial role in advancing renewable energy sources, par?cularly solar energy. Nanomaterials, such as quantum dots and nanowires, possess unique electronic proper?es that enable more efficient absorp?on through light trapping and Mul?ple exciton genera?ons as well as conversion of sunlight into electricity. By incorpora?ng these materials into solar cells, nanotechnology not only increases their overall efficiency but also makes them more eco-green, making them the best type of third-genera?on solar cells. This advancement contributes to the global transi?on toward sustainable and clean energy. Nanotechnology, the science and technology of manipula?ng ma?er at the nanoscale, typically at dimensions smaller than 100 nanometers, allows materials to exhibit unique proper?es and behaviors that can be harnessed for various applica?ons, including environmental remedia?on. Nanopar?cles, the building blocks of nanotechnology, offer unprecedented opportuni?es to address climate change challenges with precision and efficiency. C X O Environmental Impact of Nanopar?cles Challenge: The release of engineered nanopar?cles into the environment may have unintended consequences, as their behavior in ecosystems is not fully understood. Nanoremedia?on for Environmental Cleanup Furthermore, nanotechnology offers numerous innova?ve applica?ons that go beyond carbon, showcasing how it is reshaping our strategies for mi?ga?ng the broader impacts of climate change. Nanotechnology's impact extends to environmental remedia?on through a process known as nanoremedia?on. Engineered nanopar?cles can be tailored to target and degrade pollutants in soil and water with unprecedented precision. This approach offers a highly efficient and targeted method for cleaning up environmental contaminants le? in the wake of industrial ac?vi?es. Nanoremedia?on holds promise for restoring ecosystems and mi?ga?ng the long-term effects of pollu?on caused by climate change. Ethical Considera?on: Researchers and developers must conduct thorough studies to assess the environmental impact of nanopar?cles and implement measures to minimize any poten?al harm to ecosystems. poten?al health impacts on the general popula?on are essen?al. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) One of the primary applica?ons of nanotechnology in climate change remedia?on is carbon capture and storage (CCS), as it is revolu?onizing this field offering advanced solu?ons to combat the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Tradi?onal CCS methods have limita?ons, but nanotechnology introduces novel approaches. Nanopar?cles, Nanowires, and Nanowalls can be used to selec?vely capture carbon dioxide from industrial emissions, enhancing the efficiency of carbon capture processes. These nanomaterials can then be incorporated into advanced materials for safe and secure storage, Equitable Access to Nanotechnological Solu?ons Health and Safety Concerns Challenge: Access to nanotechnology-based climate change solu?ons may be unevenly distributed, poten?ally exacerba?ng exis?ng social and economic dispari?es. Challenge: There is limited knowledge about the long-term health effects of exposure to certain nanopar?cles, both for humans and other living organisms. Smart Agriculture and Climate-Resilient Crops Ethical Considera?on: Ensuring that the benefits of nanotechnological innova?ons are accessible to all communi?es, regardless of their socioeconomic status, is crucial for fostering global equity. Ethical Considera?on: Priori?zing the safety of workers involved in nanotechnology research and development and conduc?ng comprehensive studies to understand the Nanotechnology is making significant strides in transforming agriculture to meet the challenges posed by climate change. Today’s food sector stands to gain 20 21 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com
Transparency in Research and Development Challenge: Lack of transparency in the research and development of nanotechnological solu?ons can lead to distrust and concerns among the public. Ethical Considera?on: Researchers and developers should priori?ze transparency, providing clear and accessible informa?on about the goals, methods, and poten?al risks associated with nanotechnology for climate change. Regulatory Frameworks and Standards Challenge: Developing effec?ve regulatory frameworks and standards for nanotechnology can be challenging due to the rapid pace of technological advancements. Ethical Considera?on: Policymakers and regulatory bodies should work collabora?vely with scien?sts and industry experts to establish robust frameworks that ensure the responsible development and deployment of nanotechnological solu?ons. Global Collabora?on and Governance Challenge: The interna?onal nature of climate change requires global collabora?on, but issues related to governance and oversight may arise. Ethical Considera?on: Encouraging interna?onal coopera?on and establishing clear governance structures to address poten?al conflicts of interest and ensure ethical prac?ces on a global scale are essen?al. transparent communica?on, educa?on, and outreach efforts is essen?al to build trust and ensure that public concerns and values are taken into account. Long-Term Sustainability Nanotechnology's pioneering efforts in climate change remedia?on go beyond mere carbon reduc?on, offering innova?ve solu?ons to address the broader impacts of climate change. From capturing and storing carbon emissions to revolu?onizing renewable energy, remedia?ng environmental damage, and enhancing agricultural prac?ces, nanotechnology is reshaping our approach to mi?ga?ng the effects of climate change. Challenge: Ensuring the long-term sustainability of nanotechnological solu?ons, including the materials used and their end-of-life disposal, is a complex task. Ethical Considera?on: Adop?ng a lifecycle approach that considers the environmental impact at every stage of a nanotechnological solu?on's development, use, and disposal is crucial for minimizing environmental harm. As we navigate this fron?er of scien?fic innova?on, it is impera?ve to tread carefully, addressing challenges and ethical considera?ons to ensure that nanotechnology becomes an integral part of building a sustainable and resilient future for our planet. Public Engagement and Educa?on Challenge: Lack of public awareness and understanding of nanotechnology can lead to misconcep?ons and fears. Ethical Considera?on: Engaging the public through 22 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com
Transparency in Research and Development Challenge: Lack of transparency in the research and development of nanotechnological solu?ons can lead to distrust and concerns among the public. Ethical Considera?on: Researchers and developers should priori?ze transparency, providing clear and accessible informa?on about the goals, methods, and poten?al risks associated with nanotechnology for climate change. Regulatory Frameworks and Standards Challenge: Developing effec?ve regulatory frameworks and standards for nanotechnology can be challenging due to the rapid pace of technological advancements. Ethical Considera?on: Policymakers and regulatory bodies should work collabora?vely with scien?sts and industry experts to establish robust frameworks that ensure the responsible development and deployment of nanotechnological solu?ons. Global Collabora?on and Governance Challenge: The interna?onal nature of climate change requires global collabora?on, but issues related to governance and oversight may arise. Ethical Considera?on: Encouraging interna?onal coopera?on and establishing clear governance structures to address poten?al conflicts of interest and ensure ethical prac?ces on a global scale are essen?al. transparent communica?on, educa?on, and outreach efforts is essen?al to build trust and ensure that public concerns and values are taken into account. Long-Term Sustainability Nanotechnology's pioneering efforts in climate change remedia?on go beyond mere carbon reduc?on, offering innova?ve solu?ons to address the broader impacts of climate change. From capturing and storing carbon emissions to revolu?onizing renewable energy, remedia?ng environmental damage, and enhancing agricultural prac?ces, nanotechnology is reshaping our approach to mi?ga?ng the effects of climate change. Challenge: Ensuring the long-term sustainability of nanotechnological solu?ons, including the materials used and their end-of-life disposal, is a complex task. Ethical Considera?on: Adop?ng a lifecycle approach that considers the environmental impact at every stage of a nanotechnological solu?on's development, use, and disposal is crucial for minimizing environmental harm. As we navigate this fron?er of scien?fic innova?on, it is impera?ve to tread carefully, addressing challenges and ethical considera?ons to ensure that nanotechnology becomes an integral part of building a sustainable and resilient future for our planet. Public Engagement and Educa?on Challenge: Lack of public awareness and understanding of nanotechnology can lead to misconcep?ons and fears. Ethical Considera?on: Engaging the public through 22 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com
Opportunities and Impact Market Differen?a?on: Inves?ng in women-led businesses provides a unique opportunity for investors to differen?ate their por?olios and gain a compe??ve advantage by suppor?ng innova?ve and diverse ventures. • Understanding the Importance of Investing in Women-led Financial Returns Businesses Strong Performance: Studies have shown that women-led businesses have the poten?al to deliver strong financial returns. Inves?ng in these businesses not only supports gender equality but also offers a?rac?ve returns on investment. • nves?ng in women-led businesses is not only a ma?er of gender equality but also a I them successful business owners, such as crea?vity and risk-taking. Impact of Inves?ng in Women-led Businesses strategic move with immense poten?al for economic growth, innova?on and social impact. Despite the persistent gender dispari?es in funding, women entrepreneurs have made a significant impact on the global economy, possessing many unique characteris?cs that make Empowering Women Economic Empowerment: Inves?ng in women-led businesses empowers women by providing them with the financial resources and support needed to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. This empowerment has a ripple effect, posi?vely impac?ng their families, communi?es and socie?es at large. • A Women-led startups are more likely to be successful and ul?mately deliver higher revenue, more than twice as much per dollar invested. Women-led businesses also hire more women, which is essen?al for crea?ng a more diverse and inclusive workforce. By addressing the gender investment gap, providing financial resources, mentorship and fostering suppor?ve ecosystems, we can unlock the full poten?al of women entrepreneurs and create a more inclusive and prosperous business landscape. r t i c l This ar?cle delves into the importance of inves?ng in women-led businesses and explores the opportuni?es and impact it can generate. e Economic Growth and Innova?on Inves?ng in women-led businesses is a catalyst for economic growth and innova?on. Women entrepreneurs bring unique perspec?ves, crea?vity and fresh ideas to the market, driving innova?on and expanding economic opportuni?es. Closing the Gender Investment Gap Despite the progress made in promo?ng gender equality, women s?ll face significant barriers to accessing funding and investment opportuni?es. Inves?ng in women-led businesses helps bridge this gender investment gap, unlocking the untapped poten?al of women entrepreneurs. Opportuni?es in Inves?ng in Women-led Businesses High Growth Poten?al Untapped Market: Inves?ng in women-led businesses allows investors to tap into an underserved market with vast growth poten?al. Women-led businesses o?en address market needs that have been overlooked or untapped, presen?ng a?rac?ve investment opportuni?es. • 24 25 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com
Opportunities and Impact Market Differen?a?on: Inves?ng in women-led businesses provides a unique opportunity for investors to differen?ate their por?olios and gain a compe??ve advantage by suppor?ng innova?ve and diverse ventures. • Understanding the Importance of Investing in Women-led Financial Returns Businesses Strong Performance: Studies have shown that women-led businesses have the poten?al to deliver strong financial returns. Inves?ng in these businesses not only supports gender equality but also offers a?rac?ve returns on investment. • nves?ng in women-led businesses is not only a ma?er of gender equality but also a I them successful business owners, such as crea?vity and risk-taking. Impact of Inves?ng in Women-led Businesses strategic move with immense poten?al for economic growth, innova?on and social impact. Despite the persistent gender dispari?es in funding, women entrepreneurs have made a significant impact on the global economy, possessing many unique characteris?cs that make Empowering Women Economic Empowerment: Inves?ng in women-led businesses empowers women by providing them with the financial resources and support needed to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. This empowerment has a ripple effect, posi?vely impac?ng their families, communi?es and socie?es at large. • A Women-led startups are more likely to be successful and ul?mately deliver higher revenue, more than twice as much per dollar invested. Women-led businesses also hire more women, which is essen?al for crea?ng a more diverse and inclusive workforce. By addressing the gender investment gap, providing financial resources, mentorship and fostering suppor?ve ecosystems, we can unlock the full poten?al of women entrepreneurs and create a more inclusive and prosperous business landscape. r t i c l This ar?cle delves into the importance of inves?ng in women-led businesses and explores the opportuni?es and impact it can generate. e Economic Growth and Innova?on Inves?ng in women-led businesses is a catalyst for economic growth and innova?on. Women entrepreneurs bring unique perspec?ves, crea?vity and fresh ideas to the market, driving innova?on and expanding economic opportuni?es. Closing the Gender Investment Gap Despite the progress made in promo?ng gender equality, women s?ll face significant barriers to accessing funding and investment opportuni?es. Inves?ng in women-led businesses helps bridge this gender investment gap, unlocking the untapped poten?al of women entrepreneurs. Opportuni?es in Inves?ng in Women-led Businesses High Growth Poten?al Untapped Market: Inves?ng in women-led businesses allows investors to tap into an underserved market with vast growth poten?al. Women-led businesses o?en address market needs that have been overlooked or untapped, presen?ng a?rac?ve investment opportuni?es. • 24 25 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com
inclusive and prosperous future for all.S Job Crea?on and Economic Development Case Studies: Successful Investments in Women-led Businesses: Job Opportuni?es: Women-led businesses are significant contributors to job crea?on. Inves?ng in these businesses not only fuels economic growth but also enhances employment opportuni?es, par?cularly for women. Local and Global Impact: Women-led businesses have the poten?al to drive economic development at both local and global levels. By inves?ng in these businesses, investors can contribute to poverty reduc?on, promote sustainable development and foster social progress. • Examples of Impac?ul Investments: Highligh?ng successful investments in women-led businesses and sharing their stories can inspire more investors to support these ventures. Case studies can showcase the posi?ve outcomes and demonstrate the poten?al for both financial returns and societal impact. • Case study: Suppor?ng Women Entrepreneurs in the Food Industry Strategies for Inves?ng in Women-led Businesses An impact inves?ng fund focused on suppor?ng women- led businesses in the food industry. This leader is shi?ing the agriculture industry. A promising woman entrepreneur who aimed to revolu?onize the food supply chain with sustainable farming prac?ces. By providing both financial investment and mentorship support, she was able to establish her business, implement innova?ve farming techniques and create a network of supply chains. The investment not only generated financial returns for the impact inves?ng fund but also contributed to sustainable agriculture, reduced environmental impact, and empowered women in the tradi?onally male-dominated farming sector. Access to Capital Gender-Lens Inves?ng: Adop?ng a gender-lens inves?ng approach involves considering the gender impact of investments and ac?vely seeking opportuni?es to invest in women-led businesses. This strategy can help redirect capital toward women entrepreneurs and close the funding gap. Venture Capital and Angel Networks: Suppor?ng venture capital firms and angel networks that focus on women-led businesses can provide cri?cal funding and support. These networks connect investors with high-poten?al women entrepreneurs and facilitate investment opportuni?es. • Spotlighting Brilliance the Icons of Subscription Global • Inves?ng in women-led businesses is an opportunity to drive economic growth, foster innova?on and promote gender equality. The future of inves?ng in women-led businesses holds immense poten?al for economic growth, social progress and gender equality. By embracing these and taking concrete ac?ons to shi? investment paradigms, foster collabora?on, advocate for suppor?ve policies, scale impact, amplify success stories and promote ongoing research and evalua?on, we can create a thriving ecosystem that empowers women entrepreneurs and unlocks their full poten?al. Inves?ng in women-led businesses is not only a wise financial decision but also a catalyst for posi?ve change, contribu?ng to a more Mentorship and Support Mentorship Programs: Establishing mentorship programs that pair women entrepreneurs with experienced mentors can provide guidance, industry knowledge and valuable connec?ons. Mentors play a vital role in helping women entrepreneurs navigate challenges, build networks and access resources. • Crea?ng Suppor?ve Ecosystems Incubators and Accelerators: Suppor?ng and inves?ng in incubators and accelerators that focus on women-led businesses can provide crucial resources, mentorship and networking opportuni?es. These programs help women entrepreneurs gain the skills, knowledge and support necessary to grow their businesses. • Stay in touch Subscribe to CIO Women Leaders: A Platform of diverse perspectives and experiences, showcasing leadership in all its forms. 26 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com
Leticia Latino-van Splunteren Unlocking Telecom Opportunities for All T he Telecommunica?ons industry dynamics need a transforma?ve force that stands at the forefront shaping the narra?ve of innova?on and progress. That force emerged in the form of Le?cia La?no-van Splunteren, the President & CEO of Neptuno USA, Corp. Over 25 years ago, Le?cia boldly entered the telecommunica?ons arena, naviga?ng uncharted waters as a woman in a male-dominated field. Her journey reflects resilience, from her early days at Merrill Lynch to her pivotal role in steering Neptuno through challenges and triumphs. career path within the telecommunica?ons giant, Nortel. In 2001, foreseeing Nortel's impending demise and prompted by the poli?cal challenges facing NEPTUNO in Venezuela, she redirected her focus to the family business. Star?ng as an Interna?onal Sales Manager, Le?cia took on the challenge of establishing NEPTUNO USA, CORP, marking the company's foray into the United States. Over the course of two decades, she climbed the ranks to become the CEO. Despite facing numerous challenges, including poli?cal instability and economic fluctua?ons, Le?cia remains unwavering in her commitment to realizing her childhood dream of tripling the company's size while preserving and augmen?ng her father's legacy. At the helm of Neptuno, Le?cia spearheads a paradigm shi?, not merely as a Tower Manufacturer with high brand recogni?on but as a trailblazer in technology integra?on. The NAAP Pla?orm, conceived under her guidance, transcends conven?onal boundaries, offering a reliable informa?on layer of Cri?cal Telecommunica?ons Infrastructure, a collabora?ve workspace for industry stakeholders and a workforce on-demand marketplace. Beyond her role at NEPTUNO, Le?cia's passion for the telecommunica?ons industry and its workforce has propelled her into high-profile posi?ons. Notable among these is her involvement in several Federal Communica?ons Commission Commi?ees and an appointment by Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to the Telecommunica?ons Interagency Working Group. This group was tasked with presen?ng a comprehensive report to Congress on the state of the US Broadband Workforce. Let's explore the journey of transforming the industry landscape through cu?ng-edge technology and a commitment to diversity! Dreams Unfolded Ethics in Ac?on Since her childhood, Le?cia harbored a dream to expand her father's company, NEPTUNO, threefold. While she hasn't fully realized this ambi?ous goal yet, she has made commendable strides. Founded in 1972 in South America by her father, Baldassare La?no, NEPTUNO has been a global player in engineering, supplying and installing wireless network towers across numerous countries. What stands out is the familial dedica?on, as all three of Baldassare's children poured their hearts, sweat, tears, and souls into the company. Neptuno USA, Corp draws strength from the ethical founda?on typical of family-owned businesses. Guided by these values, the company aims to revolu?onize the present telecommunica?ons landscape. Despite the industry's technological advancements, it struggles with Field Data discrepancies and accuracy, redundant site inspec?ons, physical assets inventory management and a shortage of technicians to do the work in the Speed needed. There is a 'many-to-many problem'—many data sources and many consuming organiza?ons—with rapid growth and aggressive 5G roll outs making it even worse. Le?cia ini?ally ventured into the corporate world independently, star?ng with Merrill Lynch in pursuit of a financial industry career. However, her true calling in the telecommunica?ons realm became evident. She found herself drawn to the industry, eventually establishing a Le?cia La?no-van Splunteren President & CEO Neptuno USA, Corp. Workers grapple with rudimentary equipment and disconnected pla?orms, hindering real-?me access to reliable field informa?on. Neptuno USA, Corp strives to bridge this gap, embracing its ethical roots to propel the 28 29 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com
Leticia Latino-van Splunteren Unlocking Telecom Opportunities for All T he Telecommunica?ons industry dynamics need a transforma?ve force that stands at the forefront shaping the narra?ve of innova?on and progress. That force emerged in the form of Le?cia La?no-van Splunteren, the President & CEO of Neptuno USA, Corp. Over 25 years ago, Le?cia boldly entered the telecommunica?ons arena, naviga?ng uncharted waters as a woman in a male-dominated field. Her journey reflects resilience, from her early days at Merrill Lynch to her pivotal role in steering Neptuno through challenges and triumphs. career path within the telecommunica?ons giant, Nortel. In 2001, foreseeing Nortel's impending demise and prompted by the poli?cal challenges facing NEPTUNO in Venezuela, she redirected her focus to the family business. Star?ng as an Interna?onal Sales Manager, Le?cia took on the challenge of establishing NEPTUNO USA, CORP, marking the company's foray into the United States. Over the course of two decades, she climbed the ranks to become the CEO. Despite facing numerous challenges, including poli?cal instability and economic fluctua?ons, Le?cia remains unwavering in her commitment to realizing her childhood dream of tripling the company's size while preserving and augmen?ng her father's legacy. At the helm of Neptuno, Le?cia spearheads a paradigm shi?, not merely as a Tower Manufacturer with high brand recogni?on but as a trailblazer in technology integra?on. The NAAP Pla?orm, conceived under her guidance, transcends conven?onal boundaries, offering a reliable informa?on layer of Cri?cal Telecommunica?ons Infrastructure, a collabora?ve workspace for industry stakeholders and a workforce on-demand marketplace. Beyond her role at NEPTUNO, Le?cia's passion for the telecommunica?ons industry and its workforce has propelled her into high-profile posi?ons. Notable among these is her involvement in several Federal Communica?ons Commission Commi?ees and an appointment by Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to the Telecommunica?ons Interagency Working Group. This group was tasked with presen?ng a comprehensive report to Congress on the state of the US Broadband Workforce. Let's explore the journey of transforming the industry landscape through cu?ng-edge technology and a commitment to diversity! Dreams Unfolded Ethics in Ac?on Since her childhood, Le?cia harbored a dream to expand her father's company, NEPTUNO, threefold. While she hasn't fully realized this ambi?ous goal yet, she has made commendable strides. Founded in 1972 in South America by her father, Baldassare La?no, NEPTUNO has been a global player in engineering, supplying and installing wireless network towers across numerous countries. What stands out is the familial dedica?on, as all three of Baldassare's children poured their hearts, sweat, tears, and souls into the company. Neptuno USA, Corp draws strength from the ethical founda?on typical of family-owned businesses. Guided by these values, the company aims to revolu?onize the present telecommunica?ons landscape. Despite the industry's technological advancements, it struggles with Field Data discrepancies and accuracy, redundant site inspec?ons, physical assets inventory management and a shortage of technicians to do the work in the Speed needed. There is a 'many-to-many problem'—many data sources and many consuming organiza?ons—with rapid growth and aggressive 5G roll outs making it even worse. Le?cia ini?ally ventured into the corporate world independently, star?ng with Merrill Lynch in pursuit of a financial industry career. However, her true calling in the telecommunica?ons realm became evident. She found herself drawn to the industry, eventually establishing a Le?cia La?no-van Splunteren President & CEO Neptuno USA, Corp. Workers grapple with rudimentary equipment and disconnected pla?orms, hindering real-?me access to reliable field informa?on. Neptuno USA, Corp strives to bridge this gap, embracing its ethical roots to propel the 28 29 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com
The Most Influen?al Women Leaders to Watch in 2023 Stand Up, Speak Up telecommunica?ons sector into a more efficient and technologically empowered future. Manufacturers with highest brand recogni?on in the industry, the company also has: In the dynamic Telecommunica?ons industry, Le?cia emphasizes, "The US Infrastructure Bill allocated an unprecedented US $65B to the Broadband Sector with the goal of providing Internet and Connec?vity for all. This is a very ambi?ous goal that translates in incredible opportuni?es for both men and women to join our industry and workforce; my best advice is to be curious and explore." Acknowledging a need for industry promo?on, Le?cia encourages all to break barriers, sta?ng, "Some?mes we close ourselves to opportuni?es because fear paralyzes us and we don't give ourselves a chance to try something new." Specifically addressing women, she notes, "We live in a ?me where the goal of having gender diversity is crea?ng opportuni?es that weren't offered to us before, when the ?me comes and a pla?orm is offered to you, be courageous to stand up and speak up." Diversity Triumph Ÿ Orchestrated the filing and approval of several tower design patents that made Neptuno Stand out in the Telecommunica?ons industry, resul?ng in an expanded market share and global footprint. Ÿ Launched innova?ve Telecom Surveying methods u?lizing LIDAR Technology to virtualize Telecom Assets resul?ng in Neptuno being credited with being one of the very first companies in the world that employed technology tradi?onally used for architectural and geological purposes and applied it to Telecommunica?ons. Ÿ Embedded Ar?ficial Intelligence into Telecom Surveying, crea?ng a new revenue stream for the company and gaining a leadership posi?on in the industry. Ÿ Pioneered the launched of a Drone Mapping program for Neptuno, with currently over 3,500 digital twins of telecommunica?on sites captured around the world. Ÿ Created a por?olio of products aimed at addressing the growing needs and opportuni?es in the SmartCity Movement. Over two decades ago, breaking into the Telecommunica?ons industry posed a formidable challenge for women and Le?cia faced the same uphill journey. Naviga?ng the complexi?es of being heard in a male- dominated domain required resilience. Ini?ally resistant to cer?fying Neptuno USA, Corp as a women-owned business (WBENC), Le?cia priori?zed the company's recogni?on for its excellence in supplying products and services over emphasizing gender. However, she eventually acknowledged the poten?al value in leveraging diversity creden?als, realizing it could be crucial in penetra?ng the entrenched US Telecom market. In a sector dominated by established networks, she recognized the necessity of exploring avenues, even those framed by diversity ini?a?ves, to secure opportuni?es. Le?cia has long championed diversity and inclusion, emphasizing the importance of providing genuine opportuni?es rather than merely fi?ng into exis?ng molds. This commitment led her to co-author the Amazon #1 bestseller, 'Women in Business Leading the Way,' sharing her journey and the hurdles faced as a woman in an industry tradi?onally dominated by men. Through her advocacy and personal experiences, Le?cia strives to reshape industry percep?ons and create pathways for women to not just be part of the team but to have genuine opportuni?es for leadership and influence. With the inten?on to create long las?ng impact, Le?cia serves as Co- Chair of the President's Council of The Accelera?on Project (TAP), a non-profit organiza?on which mission is to empower under-resourced small business owners and accelerate their success. TAP has worked with more than 100,000 small business owners. 91% are women, and 77% are people of color. Le?cia underscores the importance of diverse perspec?ves, asser?ng, "The most important form of diversity is diversity of thought." She inspires confidence, saying, "When we bring a different perspec?ve to the table, we are undoubtedly adding value to the equa?on—never doubt that." AI, ESG and Beyond Le?cia asserts, "Ar?ficial Intelligence is a game-changer in telecom networks, reshaping deployment capabili?es, monitoring and upgrades. With the advent of 5G and its low latency, a tech-driven transforma?on is underway, the use cases are developing on an ongoing basis and there will be a technological convergence as we haven't seen before". Le?cia emphasizes, "We're adap?ng to an automated landscape, yet the true innova?ons lie ahead." She urges a proac?ve approach, sta?ng, "Now is the ?me to re- evaluate corporate values and align them with the Global agenda around Environment Social Governance (ESG) prac?ces making companies and their leaders more engaged in crea?ng a socially conscious ecosystem.” Naviga?ng Change NEPTUNO GROUP's leadership embodies a culture of leading by example. The founder, s?ll ac?vely working at 89, sets a daily precedent for dedica?on. This commitment permeates through the workforce, making the mo?o of leading by example easily embraced by employees. There are incredible opportunities for both men and women in the industry and my best advice to anyone is to be curious and explore opportunities. For Le?cia, safeguarding and augmen?ng 50 years of legacy is her main vision. Neptuno is the best example that companies and the workforce in the telecommunica?ons industry can indeed pivot and evolve with the technology and the industry, as long as its leadership is willing and open to evolve as well. Revolu?onizing the Industry Innova?on has always been at the heart of everything NEPTUNO GROUP does, besides being one of the Tower 30 31 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com
The Most Influen?al Women Leaders to Watch in 2023 Stand Up, Speak Up telecommunica?ons sector into a more efficient and technologically empowered future. Manufacturers with highest brand recogni?on in the industry, the company also has: In the dynamic Telecommunica?ons industry, Le?cia emphasizes, "The US Infrastructure Bill allocated an unprecedented US $65B to the Broadband Sector with the goal of providing Internet and Connec?vity for all. This is a very ambi?ous goal that translates in incredible opportuni?es for both men and women to join our industry and workforce; my best advice is to be curious and explore." Acknowledging a need for industry promo?on, Le?cia encourages all to break barriers, sta?ng, "Some?mes we close ourselves to opportuni?es because fear paralyzes us and we don't give ourselves a chance to try something new." Specifically addressing women, she notes, "We live in a ?me where the goal of having gender diversity is crea?ng opportuni?es that weren't offered to us before, when the ?me comes and a pla?orm is offered to you, be courageous to stand up and speak up." Diversity Triumph Ÿ Orchestrated the filing and approval of several tower design patents that made Neptuno Stand out in the Telecommunica?ons industry, resul?ng in an expanded market share and global footprint. Ÿ Launched innova?ve Telecom Surveying methods u?lizing LIDAR Technology to virtualize Telecom Assets resul?ng in Neptuno being credited with being one of the very first companies in the world that employed technology tradi?onally used for architectural and geological purposes and applied it to Telecommunica?ons. Ÿ Embedded Ar?ficial Intelligence into Telecom Surveying, crea?ng a new revenue stream for the company and gaining a leadership posi?on in the industry. Ÿ Pioneered the launched of a Drone Mapping program for Neptuno, with currently over 3,500 digital twins of telecommunica?on sites captured around the world. Ÿ Created a por?olio of products aimed at addressing the growing needs and opportuni?es in the SmartCity Movement. Over two decades ago, breaking into the Telecommunica?ons industry posed a formidable challenge for women and Le?cia faced the same uphill journey. Naviga?ng the complexi?es of being heard in a male- dominated domain required resilience. Ini?ally resistant to cer?fying Neptuno USA, Corp as a women-owned business (WBENC), Le?cia priori?zed the company's recogni?on for its excellence in supplying products and services over emphasizing gender. However, she eventually acknowledged the poten?al value in leveraging diversity creden?als, realizing it could be crucial in penetra?ng the entrenched US Telecom market. In a sector dominated by established networks, she recognized the necessity of exploring avenues, even those framed by diversity ini?a?ves, to secure opportuni?es. Le?cia has long championed diversity and inclusion, emphasizing the importance of providing genuine opportuni?es rather than merely fi?ng into exis?ng molds. This commitment led her to co-author the Amazon #1 bestseller, 'Women in Business Leading the Way,' sharing her journey and the hurdles faced as a woman in an industry tradi?onally dominated by men. Through her advocacy and personal experiences, Le?cia strives to reshape industry percep?ons and create pathways for women to not just be part of the team but to have genuine opportuni?es for leadership and influence. With the inten?on to create long las?ng impact, Le?cia serves as Co- Chair of the President's Council of The Accelera?on Project (TAP), a non-profit organiza?on which mission is to empower under-resourced small business owners and accelerate their success. TAP has worked with more than 100,000 small business owners. 91% are women, and 77% are people of color. Le?cia underscores the importance of diverse perspec?ves, asser?ng, "The most important form of diversity is diversity of thought." She inspires confidence, saying, "When we bring a different perspec?ve to the table, we are undoubtedly adding value to the equa?on—never doubt that." AI, ESG and Beyond Le?cia asserts, "Ar?ficial Intelligence is a game-changer in telecom networks, reshaping deployment capabili?es, monitoring and upgrades. With the advent of 5G and its low latency, a tech-driven transforma?on is underway, the use cases are developing on an ongoing basis and there will be a technological convergence as we haven't seen before". Le?cia emphasizes, "We're adap?ng to an automated landscape, yet the true innova?ons lie ahead." She urges a proac?ve approach, sta?ng, "Now is the ?me to re- evaluate corporate values and align them with the Global agenda around Environment Social Governance (ESG) prac?ces making companies and their leaders more engaged in crea?ng a socially conscious ecosystem.” Naviga?ng Change NEPTUNO GROUP's leadership embodies a culture of leading by example. The founder, s?ll ac?vely working at 89, sets a daily precedent for dedica?on. This commitment permeates through the workforce, making the mo?o of leading by example easily embraced by employees. There are incredible opportunities for both men and women in the industry and my best advice to anyone is to be curious and explore opportunities. For Le?cia, safeguarding and augmen?ng 50 years of legacy is her main vision. Neptuno is the best example that companies and the workforce in the telecommunica?ons industry can indeed pivot and evolve with the technology and the industry, as long as its leadership is willing and open to evolve as well. Revolu?onizing the Industry Innova?on has always been at the heart of everything NEPTUNO GROUP does, besides being one of the Tower 30 31 NOV 2023 NOV 2023 www.ciowomenleaders.com www.ciowomenleaders.com