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Are you looking for a cardiac rehabilitation center in Queens, NY? Highland Care Center is the best cardiac rehab center in Jamaica. Our experts in cardiac care offer state-of-the-art treatments and rehabilitation services to help patients recover from heart-related conditions. If you or a loved one is seeking a cardiac care program or cardiology hospital in Jamaica, then Highland Care Center is the best option for you.<br>To learn more: https://highlandrehabandnursing.com/services/cardiostar/
Highland Cardiac Rehabilitation Learnmore
‘CardioStar’(CARDIAC CAREPROGRAM) The Cardiac Care Program at Highland Care Center promotes optimum recovery and health for those recovering from heart disease and/or cardiac-related surgery.Thegoaloftheprogramistolimitthephysical effects of cardiac illness and improve cardiovascular fitnessandoverallhealth.AnINDIVIDUALIZED cardiac-focusedplanofcareisdesignedforeachpatient placed in our Cardiac Care Program. In collaboration with the patient, this plan is developed, implemented, and supervised by a team that includes physicians, nurses, physical & occupational therapists, and consultingnutritionalandpsychologicalprofessionals.
HEART-HEALTHYREHAB EDUCATION&SUPPORT Cardiac-Focused Rehabilitation is a customized program comprised of exercise and education designed to help you recover after a heart attack, acute episode of heart disease, orcardiac surgery. ‘CardioStar’ (customized treatment plan) at Highland Care Center includes closely monitored exercises, nutritionalcounseling,emotionalsupport,and education.
INDIVIDUALIZED PLANOFCARE Throughoutyourstay,yourconditionand progress is monitored 24hours/7 days per week byatrainedteamoflicensedtherapistsand nursingstaffwhocontinuouslytrackyour progress. You will also benefit from heart-healthy practices such as a nutritious diet, daily exercise routinesonstate-of-the-artequipment,and techniques to assist you to cope with the stress relatedtoyourcondition.
EXERCISEANDHEALTH AsyouproceedthroughyourINDIVIDUALIZEDrehab program,youwilllearnto: Exercisesafelyinordertoincreaseyourphysical activityandendurance Planandfollowaheart-healthydiet Reduceyourriskforfutureheart-relatedproblems Improve your overall emotional health and well- being
OPTIMALGOALS CardiacCarePrograms,likeCardioStar,haveconsistently been shown to improve a patient’s well-being as evidencedbythe: Improvedtoleranceforphysicalactivity Reducedsubsequenthospitalizations Returntomeaningfulvocationandleisureactivities Reductionofsignificantcomplications The goals of ‘CardioStar’ are to help you regain your strength,preventyourconditionfromworseningand reduceyourriskoffutureheartproblems.
ContactUS 718-657-6363 91-31175thStreetJamaica, NY11432 www.highlandrehabandnursing.com
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