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Are you looking for a pulmonary rehabilitation center in NYC? If yes, then you have come to the right place. Highland Care Center is the best rehab center in Jamaica, Queens, and NY, and it offers the best pulmonary rehabilitation services and pulmonary care programs for lung disease survivors. We have a team of highly skilled doctors and therapists who will help you in your recovery. Our therapists and nursing staff are available 24/7 for patients. So, if you want to join or know more about our rehab center, you can visit our site.<br>https://highlandrehabandnursing.com/services/pulmostar/
‘PULMOSTAR’(PULMONARY CAREPROGRAM) ThePulmonaryCareProgramatHighlandCare Center is designed to meet the clinical needs of patientswithchronicandacuterespiratory conditions which may require oxygen, suctioning, nebulizer treatments and/or use of a bipap or cpapmachines.Thegoaloftheprogramisto limitthephysicaleffectsofrespiratoryrelated illness and improve overall health. An INDIVIDUALIZED pulmonary-focused plan of care isdesignedforeachpatientplacedininour PulmonaryCareProgram.
REHABILITATION,EDUCATION& SUPPORT Pulmonary-Focused Rehabilitationis a customized program comprised of exercise and education designed to help you understandyourconditionandprovide you withatreatmentplan that includes physical reconditioning, nutritional counseling, emotionalsupportandeducation.
INDIVIDUALIZEDPLAN OFCARE INDIVIDUALIZEDPLANOF CARE Throughoutyourstay,yourconditionand progress is monitored 24 hours/7 days per week by a trained teamof licensed therapists and nursing staff who continuouslytrackyourprogress. You willalsobenefitfromhealthypractices suchasanutritiousdiet,dailyexercise routines on state-of-the-art equipment andtechniquesto assistyoutocope with the stressrelatedtoyourcondition..
EXERCISEAND HEALTH Makesurethateveryone getshelp,support,and accesstomentalhealth professionals. Exercisesafelyinordertoincreaseyour physicalactivityandendurance Planandfollowahealthydietdesigned to reduce stress to your respiratory system Reduceyourriskforfuturerespiratory- relatedproblems Improveyouroverallemotionalhealth andwell-being
OPTIMAL GOALS OF ‘PULMOSTAR’PROGRAM Improved tolerance for physical activity Reducedsubsequent hospitalizations Returntomeaningfulvocationand leisureactivities Reductionofsignificant complications
THANKYOU! LET'SCONNECT. www.highlandrehabandnursing.com 718-657-6363 91-31175thStreetJamaica, NY11432