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A 2021-2022 Approach to Employee Portal Development

Everything you need to know about employee portal, its benefits, why you should invest in it, and the best practices to implement.

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A 2021-2022 Approach to Employee Portal Development

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  1. A 2021-2022 Approachto Employee Portal Development Last year many companies such as Slack, Twitter, Shopify, UpWork, and Facebook embraced the permanent work-from-home culture. Remote work forced by the pandemic has proven that employees can workproductively fromhomeasmuchastheycanfromtheoffice.Butthereal challenge was – implementing remote work. Miscommunications, inefficient operational management, misinterpretation, delays in delivery, security concerns, etc. disruptedtheentirebusinessflow. sales@crmjetty.com

  2. Manytoolsemergedtohandlethis.Businessesstartedusing Zoom and Google Meet for meetings, tracking tools to manage employees’ work. The biggest benefit of these tools and remote culture shift was increased accountability. Employees took care of their activities themselves.And now, when the digital transformation has become the holy grail, it’s essential that you provide them with that level of comfort–whetherthey’reworkingfromhomeoroffice. • Let’s figure out how to improve their experience with employee portaldevelopment. • Topics coveredare: • What is an EmployeePortal? • WhataretheBenefitsofanEmployeePortal? • Features of EmployeePortal • WhataretheBestPracticestoDevelopanEmployee Portal • Why Should You Build a Custom EmployeePortal? • 1. What is an EmployeePortal? • In general, all the companies today are associated with IT solutions. Perhaps you might have come across solutions like ‘employee portal software’, ‘intranetportal’, ‘self-service sales@crmjetty.com

  3. portal’. You can say that they are pretty much thesame. Theirmessageatthecoreisthesame ‘A digital workspace that provides employees with a wealth of information and tools to speed up their work and communicate with otherseffectively.’ An employee portal serves as a single point-of-access to personalized content, communication services, and operation management. It offers data access, transactions, security,chats,videos,conferencecalls,andmore. 2.WhataretheBenefitsofEmployeePortal Employee portal helps businesses succeed by improving employee experience, productivity, and retaining staff. A 2017 Forbes articleshows that happy employees help organizations thrive in all aspects – sales, customer satisfaction, and businessexpansion. There are numerous benefits of employee portal development. Helping Employees Get RightAnswers An employee portal makes a wide range of resources available like HR policies, pay, accounts, advice, and more, which means employees can find answers to theirquestions themselves. In addition, search capability allows themto sales@crmjetty.com

  4. enter search terms, and they can find answers instantly. If they cannot find relevant information in the knowledge base,theycanchatwiththerelevantpersonorcreateacase that will automaticallybeassignedtotherelevantexpert. An employee portal provides you a way to interact with the employeeandencouragethemtoaskquestionsanddoubts. ImprovingServices An employee portal with self-service capabilities cuts inbound queries, cases, questions, and inquiries by around 50percentandmakesoperationsefficient.Thisreductionin the workload helps HR and other teams to focus on higher value-addedactivitiesanddeliverexcellenceinoperations. Offering Consumer-levelExperience The technological expectations of employees haveincreased thanks to the consumer apps – Instagram, Facebook, and Googlethatoffersimpleandintuitiveprocesses.Thedaysof dealing with traditional approaches are gone. Employee portal offers intuitive design with customizable features. Each employee can customize their digital workspace and makemostoftheknowledgebaseandchatfeatures. Increasing EmployeeEngagement An employee portal with self-service capabilities and consumer-grade experience improves the employee sales@crmjetty.com

  5. engagement level. According to Accenture, companies with increased employee engagement are 21 percent more profitablethanthosewithlessengagement. LivechatandAIchatbotsintegratedintoanemployeeportal are adapting to the changing employee behavior, helping them engage with HR and other teams in the way they prefer. Increasing Workflow Productivity andPerformance The more people work on delivering the same services, the less will be the productivity. An employee portal with features such as self-service, case deflection, knowledge base,automatedworkflow,reducestheworkloadondelivery teams. It means it takes fewer resources to do the same amount of work. By adopting employee portals, output increases, and so does productivity. You can allot free resources for otherpriority activities. Reduce Cost ofDelivery Whenemployeescanfindanswersontheirown,itsavesthe delivery team’s time and helps them cut down on their service costs. For instance, they don’t have to arrange training sessions for every new employee. They can share videos and guide them. Third-party integrations will further ensuretheyhaveallthetoolsinoneplace. sales@crmjetty.com

  6. An employee portal provides data to manage business operations and make sound decisions that help improve overall performance andoperations. Know how we can help you enhance your employee’s experience with anemployee portal development. Contactus Or you can dive into some of the feature lists that can help you improveperformance. 3. Features of EmployeePortal DynamicPages Knowledge sharing is one of the essential factors of employeemanagement.Withanemployeeportal,employees with sufficient permissions can contribute to it. They can write simple articles, share documents/internal files, publish forms, create a dashboard and intuitive web pages with simple drag & drop. They can also track their progress anddocumentdetailswithversioncontrol. ActivityFeed An activity feed helps get an overview of the ongoing activities and post announcements and company news or questions. The news feed in the employee portal brings all updates together: comment notifications frompages, sales@crmjetty.com

  7. contentupdates,newformsubmissions,statusupdates,etc. You can also follow up with specific departments to know about the activitiesthere. FormManagement Form management makes it easy for you to create dynamic pages and forms. With simple drag & drop, you can build custom online forms and process different kinds of workflows. For example, you can create forms for leave of absence requests, travel expense reimbursement, room bookings, timesheets, etc. Further, you can configure the settings as to which team/individuals will be notified when anewformisissuedorastatusupdate. EmployeeDirectory This works like social accounts. Everyone in the company can have a profile with contact information, expertise, bio, documents, contributions, andmore. The employee directory will give an overview of an employee. Everyone in the company can access the details. Youcanalsorestrictuseraccesswiththehelpofrole-based access. This feature will limit access to specific profiles or the entiredirectory. MoreFeatures sales@crmjetty.com

  8. Toenableyourteamtoaccesscertaininformation themselves,givethemaccesstoresourcessuchas: • PayrollManagement:Includeforms,leaves,andother paymentdetails. • Time and Attendance: Allow the team to shift schedules,managepoliciesandinformationabout approvedleaves. • Benefits Information: Include links to enrollment documents and benefits details such as insurance policies, retirement plans, tuition assistanceprograms, vacation/sick time availability, etc., along with beneficiaryforms. • Workplace Policies: Let your employees quicklyaccess workplace policies, safety measures, holidayschedules, andmore. • Company News: Share latest updates, new hire announcements, current openings, achievements,and otherinformation. • Job Openings: Share your openings with your team. Theymayhelpfindsuitablecandidatesfortheposition. • UpcomingTraining:Keepyourteamupdatedaboutthe upcoming training, whether it’s related to a project or soft skills. Let them know in advance so that they are wellprepared. sales@crmjetty.com

  9. Live Chat: Streamline internal communication by allowingteamstocommunicatewithoneanother. • Case Tracking: Know about employee queries and its status–whetherit’sresolvedorstillinthequeue.Help them clear out their doubts and questions quickly. Create a help desk for quick questions on policies and procedures. • EmployeeRecognition:Improveworkspacecultureby creating a space for employee shout out and recognition. • PortalConfiguration:Leteveryemployeehavea custom view of theirdigital workspace. • These are a few of the other features to include in your employee portal. To create a proper list of features, take an expert’sadvice. • CRMJetty has 14+ years of experience in developing and delivering portal solutions for different industries. We can be yourguideinyouremployeeportaldevelopmentjourney. • Helpmewiththefeaturelist sales@crmjetty.com

  10. 4. Employee Portal Development BestPractices If you want to greatly impact your employees, don’t avoid the red flags. And if possible, implement these trends. They won’tgiveaninstantresultbutwill helpinthelongrun. Personalized Content andInterface Too much information confuses people. It also impacts productivity and performance. Hence, ensure that your employee portal gives employees options to choose what information they would like to receive, who they would like to follow, andmore. NativeApps People prefer smartphones over laptops and computers, whether it’s for working or entertainment. So, go for a mobile-friendly approach. It will make working-on-the-go easier, optimize performanceand eliminate regional borders. AIChatbots Machine learning has transformed our lives. It has brought in new opportunities in the form of AI. No wonder they are improving employee experience. AI chatbots help automate the workflow and ease onboarding. Though it may notclear sales@crmjetty.com

  11. all the misunderstandings and dialogue nuisances, it does helptoacertainextentinsolvingbasicqueries. Third-PartyIntegrations Integrations with ERP and other third-party plugins are a must as it eliminates the hassle of switching between apps. The APIs connect a single space for your employee portal andthesystemsthatyouuse. So, integrate social tools like Slack, Yammer, Chatter, and Microsoft teams to encourage engagement between your employees andteams. Analytics An employee portalinfluencestheproductivityand performance of your staff. And knowing what action resulted in the final result is essential. So, gather employee data and understand their behavioral pattern. Identify what helps them and how they engage, accomplish tasks, etc. Also, collect engagement statistics, employee feedback, task management, andreporting. Apart from these practices, you can tailor your employee portal for a specific purpose like HR operations, workflow management, payroll,etc. sales@crmjetty.com

  12. 5.WhyDoYouNeedCustomEmployeePortal Development An employee portal can change the internal flow of the businessandgetyourteamengaged. And the better option to develop an employee portal is – customemployeeportaldevelopment(accordingtome). A pre-built employee portal solution is good. It offers apack toyourbusiness requirements.Testingandadoptionaresmoothtoo. of features that you can customize However, the implementation may or may not be upto the mark. The features and the software flexibility are another concern. On the other side, developing your own employee portal takes more time and resources. But you get to choose the design, features, and integrations. You canhire a development company and build your portal just the way you want. Moreover, a custom solution is more flexible. It means you can tweak and add new features as you grow. Lastbutnotleast,youhavean ITpartnertosupportyou. How to Develop an EmployeePortal Quick answer: Partner with a portal development company and build a customsolution. sales@crmjetty.com

  13. Butforthat,youfirstneedtoperformtheseactions: • Definethereasonyouneedanemployeeportal.You want to cut down operational expenses, automate tasks, boost employee engagement,etc. • Understand your employees and business requirements.Talktoyouremployeesandsupervisors and gain valuablefeedback. • Jotdownthethingsthatyouwanttoinclude–features, design, andintegrations. • Once you have a complete plan, look for a development companyandbuildacustomsolution. • WrappingUp • If you want to re-engage your internal business management path, an employee portal is the right tool. Whether you want to relaunch a pre-existing solution or develop one from scratch, be realistic about your options. If you have an interesting idea and want to build a portal, reach out to us. We will help you curate your idea into a custom employeeportal. • AboutUs • CRMJetty helps businesses with custom portal solutions consideringtheirindustry,uniquerequirements,andmarket sales@crmjetty.com

  14. trends.Wecanhelpyouwithcustomemployeeportal development.Allyouhavetodoisreachouttous! Contactus Source: https:/ www.crmjetty.com/blog/2021-2022-approach-em ployee-portal-development/ sales@crmjetty.com

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