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It made many people hunt for new jobs be it full time or part time and some even turned to freelancing. Becoming a freelancer is not only helping them but it is also helping companies to run their businesses easily.
Every Freelancer NeedsA Web Portal: Here'sWhy In December 2019 the unknown and unseen virus hit us. In early January WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic and we all went into our homes by March. This resulted in loss for many companies and many of themhad to lay off their employees. It mademanypeoplehuntfornewjobsbeitfulltimeorpart time and some even turned to freelancing. Becoming a freelancer is not only helping them but it is also helping companiestoruntheirbusinesseseasily. sales@crmjetty.com
But freelancing has its own difficulties. It's very difficult to manage household chores as well as produce quality work for yourclients. • Once your work starts speaking and you start getting more clients then it becomes difficult to manage clients aswell as work in the middle of a crisis. Let’s understand how easy it becomes to manage your tasks and streamline your operations using a webportal: • Streamliningoperations: • Web portals make it easy for you to maintain the workflow for each of your clients. Your clients can easily provide you work or update you on current work directly from the web portal. Additionally, it becomes easy for both of you to stay updatedwithchangesfromanywhereatanytime. • Availability: • Being a freelancer is a tough job, managing work, personal life and of course clients. Major difficulties come when your clients don’t know when they should reach out to you. This results inyoubeingonyourphonethewholedayanddoing backandforthwithyouremails. sales@crmjetty.com
This is when a web portal brings ease to you. Upon integrating with your website you can add your working hoursinit.Thismakes iteasyforclientstoreachouttoyou as they will know your working time. Additionally, this will notmakeyoustayonyourphonethewholedayandyoucan maintainsomepersonaltimeandspace. • CustomPortal: • If you are not happy with a pre made portal then you can always reach out to companies like us to help you developa customizedwebportal.Withthehelpofcustomportalsyou can have clear business logic and add on the features of your choice. While building a custom portal you can make surethatitsuitsyourwebsite’stheme,functionalities,andis easy for your clients to navigate. You can also ask companies to make a custom payment gateway directly in the portal. This makes it easy for your clients to transfer paymentsonceyourworkiscomplete. • Security: • Security is an essential part of any product today. Having a secure portal means your clients’ data is safe and they trust you with it. Your clients will also have individual login credentials using which they can log in theiraccounts only sales@crmjetty.com
and have access to their documents. It will work as asecure channelforyourclienttocommunicatewithyou. FinalWords: I can understand being a freelancer and working day and night to fulfill your necessities in this time of crisis is difficult. But web portals are where you can streamline that process easily. We at CRMJetty are working to make web portals available for everyone’s unique use case.. You can contact us here for getting world-class custom webportals. Get a portal now and make yourself as well as your clients happy. Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/every-freelancer-needs-w eb-portal-heres-why-amit-shah/ sales@crmjetty.com