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Vintage Home Stores offers a wide range of wardrobes to choose from.
NewWardrobesAtVintageHomeStores Vintage HomeStores offersa wide range of wardrobesto choosefrom. Check it out at ourwebsite. OurProducts: FrenchChateauMattCreamMirroredWardrobe RusticFarmhousePineVestryCupboard ShabbyChic with IronWhitewashPineWardrobe CountryCreamand Oak2DrawerWardrobe
ContactUs: Head Office:VINTAGE HOME STORES | Communications House| 290MostonLane| Manchester | M40 9WB NorthEast Branch:The Bee HiveCentre| Unit3and4Millholme| Skelton IndEstate | Skelton | TS12 2LQ TelePhoneNo.:01287 654495 Email Id:sales@vintagehomestores.co.uk Website:http://www.vintagehomestores.co.uk/