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Making your spore syringe and growing your own shrooms is easy but it will take time and a lot of effort to maintain a sterile working environment. You can take this a step further and use their spore prints to create even more spore prints and spore syringes for future use.
STEPS IN MAKING YOUR OWN A SPORE SYRINGE www.trufflemagic.com/blog/how-to-make-your-own-spore-syringe STERILIZE THE WATER Toproducesterilewater, usea pressurecooker. Theheatand pressurewilldestroymicrobes whichcancontaminateyour futuregrowandmakesureyour sporesyringewon’tcontaminate yourcolonies. STERILIZE THE FLASK OR GLASS BOTTLE Useaflaskoraglassbottlewith anarrowopeningtoreducethe chancesofcontaminationor microbesgettinginsideit. Pour 30mLofwaterintoit. Usethe tinfoiltocovertheflask’s openingandplaceitintothe pressurecooker. STERILIZE THE REST OF THE EQUIPMENT Ifyou’rereusingsyringesand needles, youneedtosterilize themtoo. Wrapthemintinfoil andalsoputtheminthe pressurecookeratapressureof 15PSIfor30minutes. Usea Bunsenburnertoheattheends FILL THE WATER WITH SPORES Takethesporeprintoutofits container. Usingascalpelthat wasjuststerilized, scrapeoffthe sporesfromthepaperandinto thesterilizedflaskwiththe sterilewater. FILL THE STERILE SYRINGES WITH SPORES Assemblethesterilesyringes. Dip thetipofthesyringewithoutthe needleandpulltheplungerback tosuckinthewateralongwith thesporesuspensions. Afterfilling asyringe, sealthemusingthe needleanditscap.