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Know More About Adult and Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat

Coastal Ear Nose & Throat offers different ENT, allergy testing and audiology services at affordable cost. We offer multiple fellowship trained sub specialists in Head and Neck Oncology, Otology, Pediatrics & Rhinology. Our physicians & audiologists work together to treat basic and complex hearing disorders in both children and adults.

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Know More About Adult and Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat

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  1. KnowMoreAbout Adultand PediatricEar, NoseandThroat

  2. OurPhysicians

  3. OurPhysicians

  4. OurPhysicians

  5. TheCoastalVoiceandSwallowingCenterisled byDr.PratikB.Patel,focusingonthe diagnosisandtreatmentoflaryngologic(voice boxandthroat)conditions.Weofferawide variety of in-office and operative procedures, and partner with speech pathologists in the greaterNewJerseyShoreareatogetyouthe careyouneed FlexibleLaryngoscopy Asmallflexiblecameraisusedtovisualizethe nose,throat,andvocalcordsafternumbing thenoseandthroat. VideoStroboscopy Thevocalcordsareexaminedwithahighpower cameraandstrobelighttoexaminefor abnormalitiesthatmaybecausingvoice problems. KnowMoreAboutVoiceand Swallowing

  6. KnowAboutMoreVocalCord Lesions The term vocal cord lesion (physicians call them vocal “fold”lesions)referstoagroupofnoncancerous (benign), abnormal growths (lesions) within or along the covering of the vocal cord. Vocal cord lesions are oneofthemostcommoncausesofvoiceproblemsand aregenerallyseeninthreeforms;nodules,polyps,and cysts. Vocal Cord Nodules (also called Singer’s Nodes, Screamer’sNodes)Vocalcordnodulesarealsoknown as “calluses of the vocal fold.” They appear on both sidesofthevocalcords,typicallyatthemidpoint,and directly face each other. Like other calluses, these lesions often diminish or disappear when overuse of theareaisstopped.

  7. KnowMoreAboutVocalCord Paresis/Paralysis Hoarsenessandotherproblemscanoccurrelated to problems between the nerves and muscles withinthevoiceboxorlarynx.Themostcommon condition is a paralysis or weakness of one or bothvocalcords.Involvementofbothvocalcords israreandisusuallymanifestedbynoisy breathing or difficulty getting enough air while breathing or talking. However, one vocal cord canbecomeparalyzedorseverelyweakened (paresis)afteraviralinfectionofthethroat,after surgery in the neck or cheek, or for unknown reasons.

  8. Presbyphonia(Aging voice) Aspartofthenormalagingprocess,the musclesthatsustainandsupportourvocal folds(cords),aswellasthestructureofthe larynx(voicebox),mayalterandchange. Thesechanges,thatcanaffectthewaywe useourvoiceandthewayitsounds,usually occurafterage60.

  9. Spasmodic dysphonia, also known as laryngealdystonia,isarareneurological disordercharacterizedbyinvoluntary musclespasmsofthelarynx(voicebox). Spasmodicdysphoniacausesthevoiceto break, or to have a tight, strained or strangled quality. Patients with spasmodicdysphoniamayhavedifficulty communicatingclearly. SpasmodicDysphonia

  10. KnowMoreAboutVocalCord Cancer Oralcanceroftenappearsunnoticedinthemouthasa tiny white or red spot or sore. Because many people do not realize they have oral cancer, a diagnosis may not be made until the problem has become more advanced, making treatment more difficult; currently, fifty percent of patients diagnosed with oral cancer in the U.S. do not survive more than five years. Fortunately, early detection of cancer and pre- cancerous conditions provides a higher probability of cure. Regular dental examinations are an invaluable partofearlycancerdetectionandtreatment.

  11. KnowMoreAboutThroatCancer Throat cancer is a very serious condition requiring immediate medicalattention.Whencancerattacksthevocalcords,thevoice changes in quality, assuming the characteristics of chronic hoarseness, roughness, or raspiness. These symptoms occur at an early stage in the development of the cancer. It is important to remember that prompt attention to changes in the voice facilitate early diagnosis thus early and successful treatment of vocal cord cancercanbeobtained.

  12. VocalMisuseandAbuse Improperorpoorspeakingtechniqueis causedfromspeakingatanabnormallyor uncomfortablepitch,eithertoohighortoo low,andleadstohoarsenessandavarietyof othervoiceproblems. Examples of this condition are when young adultfemales,inaworkenvironment, consciouslyorsubconsciouslychoosetospeak atalowerthanappropriatepitchandwitha heavyvoice.

  13. KnowMoreAbout Laryngitis Voice problems result when the lungs, voicebox(larynx),ormouthare damaged. If you have a voice problem, youmayexperiencediscomfortorpainin yourneckasyouspeak,troublereaching properpitch,quality,orloudnessofyour voice.

  14. Painwithswallowing (Odynophagia) The larynx has multiple functions, including voiceproduction,cough,andairwayprotection. Thelarynxalsoactsasaconduitforbreathing. Pathologic conditions that affect normal laryngealfunctioncanresultinpoorcough production,aspirationwithsubsequent pneumonia,changeinphonation,and dysphagia.Chondronecrosisofthelarynxisa rarecomplicationencounteredin otolaryngology.

  15. Laryngopharyngeal/ GastroesophagealRefluxDisease Laryngopharyngealreflux,alsoknownasLPR,isa condition that can occur in patients who have been diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease, also knownasGERD.Acidfromthestomachrisesupward, towardstheesophagus,andentersthebackofthe throat.PatientswithLPRreportexperiencingabitter taste and the feeling that something is caught in the backoftheirthroat.Insomecases,LPRcancause breathingdifficulties.

  16. Parkinson'sDiseaseRelated VoiceDisorder It has been estimated that more than 70% of patients with Parkinson’s disease experience voice and speech disorders. Some report that dysphonia, impairment in the ability to speak normally, is one of the disease’s most disruptive symptoms. People with Parkinson’s induced dysphonia are described as havingaharsh,weakorbreathyqualitytotheirvoices.There are, however, medical and behavioral treatments that may lead to voice improvements. Both vocal chord injections and voicetherapyhaveshownsomeofthemostpositiveresults withtheleastamountofpatientdiscomfort.

  17. ContactUs CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:1301Route72 Unit 340 Manahawkin,NJ08050 (609)978-0590 (732)280-7815 CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:3700Route33 Neptune,NJ07753 (732)280-7855(main) (732)280-7815 CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:100Commons Way #210 Holmdel,NJ07733 (732)280-7855 (732)-280-7815 ForMoreDetailsVisitUs: https://coastalearnoseandthroat.com/services/voice-and-swallowing/

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