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Know More About Hearing Healthcare - Coastal Ear, Nose and Throat

The Coastal Hearing and Balance Center is here to serve those with hearing loss and balance or dizziness problems. Our expert Audiologists administer hearing and balance testing and work closely with our physicians to determine the appropriate rehabilitation for your problems.

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Know More About Hearing Healthcare - Coastal Ear, Nose and Throat

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  1. KnowMoreAboutHearingHealthcare Ourphysiciansandaudiologistsworktogethertomeetyourhearing healthneeds.CoastalHearingandBalanceCenterofferstraditional amplification choices and implantable options, including bone- anchored hearing devices. Our team of audiologists provides comprehensivecareforbothpediatricsandadults.

  2. KnowtheTypesofHearingLoss SensorineuralHearingLoss Sensorineural hearing loss, also known as “nerve loss,” is a result of damage to the microscopic hair cells within the inner earand/ortothenerveofhearing.Thisdamagecanbeduetogenetics,advancingage,ornoiseexposure.Ifyouareworried about hearing loss, call us to get an appointment with one of the doctors at any three locations: Neptune, Holmdel or Manahawkin, New Jersey. Approximately 90% of hearing losses are sensorineural. In fact, most people who wear hearing aids have sensorineural hearing loss. In most cases, these types of hearing loss are permanent and cannot be treated by medicationorsurgery.Hearingaidsarethustheprimarymodeoftreatment.Incasesofsevereorprofoundcases,cochlear implantsmaybeaconsideration. ConductiveHearingLoss Aconductivehearinglossoccurswhensoundisnotabletoreachahealthyinnerearadequately.Thiscanbedueto: ablockageintheearcanalsuchaswax fluidinthetypicallydrymiddleearspace poormovementofthebones(ossicles)locatedinthemiddleear conditionswherepeoplehavemalformedorabsentearcanalsand/orpinnae Cont.... (thevisibleportionoftheearonthesideofthehead)

  3. KnowtheTypesofHearingLoss MixedHearingLoss Mixedhearinglossisacombinationofboth sensorineural (“nerve loss”) and conductive hearing losses which occur simultaneously. Surgery,hearingaidsandassistivelistening devicesarealltreatmentoptions.

  4. KnowWhatAreTheBenefitsof HearingAids? Hearing loss has social, professional, and health impacts. Multiplestudieshaveshownthatunaddressedhearinglosscan leadtosocialisolation,loneliness,anddepression.Perhapsdue to the lack of interpersonal interaction, hearing loss is also linkedtocognitivedeclineanddementia. Wearinghearingaidsisaboutmorethanimprovinghearing. When you can hear and understand what others are saying, you are more involved in your life. You can carry on conversationsandconnectwithcolleaguesandthoseyoulove. Hearing well reduces your risk of accidents and also fosters long-termcognitivehealth.

  5. KnowMoreAboutCustomEarmolds Custom earmolds are made to specifically fit the size and shape of your individual ear, which provides for a more comfortable fit comparedtomanyover-the-counteroptions.Thetighter,more accuratefitprovidesforabettersealtoprotectagainstnoiseexposure or to keep water out of the ear. An audiologist takes impressions of eachearusingasiliconematerial;theseimpressionsarethensentout toanearmoldmanufacturerwhowillmakethemoldsspecificforeach order. Earmolds are available in various materials and colors. For children, it is recommended that they use earmolds attached to their hearingaids.Sincetheirearsareconstantlygrowingandchangingin size and shape, the audiologist will need to monitor the fit of the earmoldsatregularfollow-upappointments. Cont....

  6. SomeCommonTypesofCustom Earmolds MusicianMolds Musicianmoldsfilterouthighlevelsofnoisewithoutchangingthesoundqualityof music. This type of mold is available in a choice of three different filters depending on the amount of sound attenuation that is needed. It is recommended for musiciansorfrequentconcertattendees. SwimMolds Swim molds prevent water from getting into the ear canal. Swim molds are recommended for individuals with ear tubes, surfers, and people who frequently get swimmer’sear. HearingProtection Hearing Protection attenuates the level of sound reaching the ear to help reduce damage to inner ear function and potential hearing loss from exposure to loud noise. These are recommended for hunters, target shooters, and individuals who have anoccupationthatexposesthemtodangerousnoiselevels.

  7. KnowMoreAboutCochlear Implants A cochlear implant is an electronic device that restores partialhearingtothedeaf.Itissurgicallyimplantedinthe innerearandactivatedbyadevicewornoutsidetheear. Unlikeahearingaid,itdoesnotmakesoundlouderor clearer.Instead,thedevicebypasses damagedpartsofthe auditory system and directly stimulates the nerve of hearing, allowing individuals who are profoundly hearing impairedtoreceivesound.

  8. Ossicular Reconstrution Ossicular reconstruction is performed to repair the bones of the middleearthatareusedforhearing.Themiddleearbonesmay becomedamagedfrominfectionorfromchronicretractionofthe eardrum. This procedure often accompanies tympanoplasty (surgicalreconstructionoftheeardrum). The need for ossicular reconstruction is sometimes known prior to tympanoplasty surgery, but even when identified during surgery, ossicular reconstruction can usually be performed while reconstructingtheeardrum.Tympanoplastywithossicular reconstructiontypicallyrequires anovernightstayatthehospital.

  9. KnowAboutEarwax Goodintentionstokeepearscleanmayberiskingtheabilityto hear.Theearisadelicateandintricatearea,includingtheskin oftheearcanalandtheeardrum.Therefore,specialcare should be given to this part of the body. Start by discontinuing theuseofcotton-tippedapplicatorsandthehabitofprobing theears. WhatcanIdotopreventexcessive earwax? There are no proven ways to prevent cerumen impaction, but not insertingcotton-tippedswabsorotherobjectsintheearcanalis stronglyadvised.Ifyouarepronetorepeatedwaximpactionor usehearingaids,considerseeingyourdoctorevery6to12months foracheckupandroutinepreventivecleaning.

  10. ContactUs CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:3700Route33 Neptune,NJ07753 (732)280-7855(main) (732)280-7815 CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:1301Route72 Unit 340 Manahawkin,NJ08050 (609)978-0590 (732)280-7815 CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:100Commons Way #210 Holmdel,NJ07733 (732)280-7855 (732)-280-7815 https://coastalearnoseandthroat.com/services/audiology-hearing-and-balance

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