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Was this Content Useful? Like Share Comment CodeGround Online Testing Platform is an online assessment and evaluation system that helps Recruiters conduct online screening tests to filter candidates before the interview process. CodeGround Recruitment Tests can be used during Campus Recruitment or screening walk-in candidates. CodeGround supports Aptitude Tests, English Communication Skills Assessments and Online Coding Contests in C, C , Java, PHP, Ruby, Python and JavaScript. CodeGround also supports asynchronous automated interviews.
The most dreaded question in a personal interview:“What are your weaknesses?” SOME TIPS ON HOW FRESHERS CAN ANSWER THIS QUESTION CodeGround Online Testing Platform is an online assessment and evaluation system that helps Recruiters conduct online screening tests to filter candidates before the interview process. CodeGround Recruitment Tests can be used during Campus Recruitment or screening walk-in candidates. CodeGround supports Aptitude Tests, English Communication Skills Assessments and Online Coding Contests in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python and JavaScript. CodeGround also supports asynchronous automated interviews.
What is expected from you in your response. What you should NOT do when this question is asked. 1. State that you do not have any weaknesses and hope that the interviewer buys that answer.2. Answer that question by stating something that is actually a strength disguised as a weakness.“I am a perfectionist.”“I work too hard and I don’t have a personal life.”3. Reveal a significant weakness without also mentioning any steps you have taken to address that weakness. Honesty: The Interviewer has probably already spotted your weaknesses before this question was posed. Your academic scores, your extra-curricular activities, your verbal communication skills and your body language speak volumes about you. Don’t deceive the Interviewer. Self-Introspection: Actually introspect. What are your weaknesses? If needed, ask the interviewer for a few minutes to think about this before you answer. A story of personal improvement: This is the ideal answer. You state a very specific weakness, how you have identified it and challenged yourself to overcome it. End the story with some positive indications of self-improvement.
Choose a Weakness that is: Obvious and has been noticed by the Interviewer already“English is not my primary language. My Spoken English is not very good.”“I have not performed well academically.” • Something that is NOT extremely crucial for the role that you are applying for *For an IT Role: “I get nervous when I am on stage. I am not very good at public speaking.”For a Sales & Marketing Role: “I have always performed poorly in Mathematics. Trigonometry and Calculus are just not my cup of tea.” • A common human failing that is shared by most people“I have not really made the most of the opportunities that life has given me.”“I have done poorly in courses where the subject matter or the Professor was boring.” * If you are breaking this rule, you should have a good story on self-improvement.
Personalize your Story. Wrap it up with a neat ending! End your story with indications of personal improvement already happening End your story with the promise of improvement in the future “My academic scores from school are very good. But, somehow, in college, I have lacked motivation, possibly because my parents were not around to push me. I realize that it is time for me to grow up.” “I come from a poor background. I did not attend an English Medium School. However, I have enrolled in a Spoken English Course and I think there has been significant progress.” “I have just done the minimum to get by in college. I have not pushed myself to do my best, either academically or in campus events/ clubs etc. When I look back, there are so many opportunities I have missed by being lazy. From now on, I intend to make the most of every opportunity I get in life!” “I have enrolled in a Toastmasters Club in my city to get over my fear of public speaking.” “I compensate for being bad in Mathematics by paying significant attention to detail in basic arithmetic and data handling. For instance, I track my daily finances rigorously to ensure that I keep my college expenses to a minimum.” “I have performed poorly in subjects that have bored me. I do realize that in my career, I’m not always going to be involved in exciting projects. However, I believe that I have the necessary discipline to power through boring routine tasks related to work.”
DO: DON’T: Copy the examples we have given and repeat it verbatim. Introspect. Identify a weakness that is actually true. Be afraid about opening up and revealing weaknesses about yourself Realize that nobody is perfect. The best we can do is identify our weaknesses and work on them. Mug up your answer so that it sounds rehearsed and artificial Note down your answer in bullet points to help you remember. But, don’t practice it verbally multiple times.
Was this Content Useful? Comment Share Like CodeGround Online Testing Platform is an online assessment and evaluation system that helps Recruiters conduct online screening tests to filter candidates before the interview process. CodeGround Recruitment Tests can be used during Campus Recruitment or screening walk-in candidates. CodeGround supports Aptitude Tests, English Communication Skills Assessments and Online Coding Contests in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python and JavaScript. CodeGround also supports asynchronous automated interviews.