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At Seceon-Inc stated mission is u201cEnable organizations to reduce cyber threat risks and the complexity of their security stack, while greatly improving their ability to rapidly detect and block threats, and breaches in real-time, at scale and at a better total cost of ownership. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040
+1(978)-923-0040info@seceon.com BigNews!SeceonAcquires Helixera,HiresFounderasVPof Cybersecurity Solutions Architecture Today is a big day at Seceon. We announced we acquired Helixera, an innovativereal-time patternscanningengine. We also hired its founderWaldekMikolajczykasVPofCybersecurity Solutions Architecture.
Seceon’sstated mission is “Enable organizations to reduce cyber threat risks and the complexity of their security stack, while greatly improving their ability to rapidly detect and block threats, and breaches in real- time,atscaleandatabettertotalcostofownership.” In2023 theonly way toachievethat mission is by applying AI/ML deepintotheplatformandenablingorganizationsto ingestlogs, network flow metadata and events from networks, endpoints, clouds, applications,identityproviders andapplyadvanced detection detectionslikeUEBAandNTAacrossalltheenvironmentsinreal-time. We were super impressedby the Helixera Pattern Scanning Engine thatmakesitpossibletoanalyzedatainadistributedmannerat locations which were not previously viable. It brings real-time scanning to distributed and devices at the edge and enables instant repones to anymaliciousorconfigurableposture.
With this acquisition we continue to grow our class-leading aiSIEMand aiXDRarchitecture. Seceon’sthreat detection and response automation is more effective at early-stage threat detection and results in far less analystfatigueand fasterincident responsetimes(automatedor analyst-assisted)becauseitpullstelemetryinrawformatsand correlates indicators in a single context with situational awareness, all without any limitationtocontexttimethatother platformssufferfrom. With the Helixera acquisition we also hired it’s founder Waldek Mikolajczyk as the VP of Cybersecurity Solutions Architecture. Waldek Mikolajczyk is a security and networking industry veteran, with over 25 years of experience in software architecture and development. Before he founded Helixera in 2011, his expertise drove innovation and research at Juniper Networks, Rivulet Communications and Nortel Networks among others. Waldek’s recentinnovations includedre designing the open-source multi-threaded IDS & IPS engines like SuricataandenablingNvidiaGPUpoweredGPU/CUDAbatchpatter searchprocessing. Ifallofthissoundsinterestingtoyou,youcanlearnmoreorschedulea 1-1 demoofSeceon.
Contact Us Address - 238 Littleton Road Suite #206 Westford, MA 01886 Phone no - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/seceon