Benchmarking Professionals, Brisbane QLD
Benchmarking Professionals (BMP) Most Fiscal and Engineering Models have been formed to review the engineering and not always the Costs and Cost implications. Costs requirements are sometimes left as secondary items by our competitors, here at the Benchmarking Professionals (BMP) ensure these are fundamental to our Model and protocols. Plus we are able to carry out a Viability Cost Study of any Partner or Business Purchase. Not only does the Wedge Model offer this feature that no one else can offer, AWG also reviews every part of the engineering on behalf of his- the client if they choose this option: Namely u2013problem- review-to arrive at the best outcome for both Engineering and Fiscal matters alike. We work from the BMP Fundamentals in all cases to ensure that nothing is missed and all is integrated into the model before the next task is commenced. These fundamentals form the backbone of the BMP, in that we only carry out one item at a time for both engineering and fiscal activities, this can be as the example (a separate discipline entry) thereby ensuring that any changes are checked and worked into the model. This ensures that time is not wasted searching to correct any mistake that the Model will not accept at a later date. BMP has a unique quality that differentiates it from our competitors other than our trends. We are able to view every cost comparison discussed, via our P6 Model and demonstrate it in a clear and concise overview table. This allows us to directly overlay differing views of the affect the schedule and cost changes would have on the overall schedule, as a viewable table or chart. Rather looking / viewing a confusing list of figures or values. Its, your choice as to which of these u2022tReview your business and its costs. u2022tWorkshop your business costs, to develop a baseline of costs. u2022tCompare benchmarked cost, time and engineering fundamentals. u2022tConvert baseline benchmarked cost findings into practical solutions via reviewing your baseline of costs via Best Practice and Cost Benchmarking for your project. Only BMP can deliver this to you. u2022tAudit, Independent Peer Reviews, review of benchmarked costs, tenders and proposals Certified Benchmarking Professionals teams, including Forensic Accountants and Quantity Surveyors. To make decisions about your business you canu2019t afford to be vague precision and certainty is the corner stones of any well-run business. u2022tBMP can assist you to determine your actual costs and schedule, using BMPu2019s rigorous and systematic method of developing a cost and time model of your project. u2022tWhatever the project, proposal, tender or business, your decisions will be better when you have access to certified and benchmarked cost and time data. u2022tNo guesses, no scaling, no estimates, no simulations and no probabilities or uncertainties. u2022tBMP only uses confirmed data that we obtain via our banking and industry sources. Data covers projects from conception to final account: so, itu2019s correct. We can compare this best practice data against your baseline data, for any region, right down to the smallest detail. The BMP solution benchmark your business costs, for operators, engineering and construction companies, owneru2019s teams and corporates working in the aviation, renewables, manufacturing, automation, mining, process, power generation, oil and gas and heavy infrastructure sectors. Certified costs are recognized in the financial industry as accurate and trustworthy, which means that they are accepted almost universally by the people who will fund your project. The advantage is greater certainty in the cost model, ready acceptance by the financial industry, thereby avoiding an additional verification step and so reducing delays and extra costs to your project. it also means seamless connection from your project to the funding institution. This advantage is magnified in the case of banks we work with, where the BMP certified cost model provides a pre-approved transition to the project funding process.
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