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Have you been search for happiness your entire life? Well, you need not look for it outside. It all around and within you. You just need to make some alterations in your lifestyle in order to identify the same. Listed below are few things that you need to give up instantly in order to stay cheerful. Have a look.
Wanna be happy? 7 Things you need to give up immediately People these days are constantly in a run of achieving happiness. However, in the process we actually forget to sit back and enjoy whatever we have. What goes in the process is the confusion that happiness is a journey and not a destination. So, all those who are running behind a target that would fetch them the much-needed happiness fail to understand that they are actually after the blind spot that they’ll never get to touch. Staying happy and content may appear tricky, but it is one of the easiest thing that you can do. Have you been search for happiness your entire life? Well,
you need not look for it outside. It all around and within you. You just need to make some alterations in your lifestyle in order to identify the same. Listed below are few things that you need to give up instantly in order to stay cheerful. Have a look. 1. Self-condemnation Self-acceptance is the key to a happy life. One of the root cause of dissatisfaction and sorrow is self-condemnation. So, stop blaming yourself for the failure of your life. Stop cursing yourself for what you’re not. Accept yourself the way you are. Respect the your positive aspects of your personality and embrace your imperfection. The greatest discontent comes into play when you start comparing yourself to others. You need to know that everyone has a different personality. You just can be someone else. So, be yourself and witness the beauty of accepting your true self.
2. Quest of perfection The constant run for perfection is another reason for discontent. Perfect is nothing, but a state if mind. It’s a relative term and this is the reason that the pursuit of perfection never leads to satisfaction. No matter how far you go there will be still some distance left to be covered. So, try not to push yourself beyond your abilities. It is difficult, but try to find satisfaction in whatever you’ve achieved. Aiming high is a good thing, but expecting beyond a certain limit is what you need to avoid. 3. The wrong company Your peer group has the biggest impact in your lifestyle. The
company of negative people will never let joy enter your life. So, choose your friends carefully. Do not let negative people have an impact in your life. Stay in the proximity of positive people who have good impact on your life. 4. Repentance on the past Reflecting on the past and learning from the mistakes that you committed than is important. However, sticking to what happened in the past is useless and just a waste of time. Repentance on the past is a divine gift unless and until you don’t let it affect your present. So, think of the mistakes that you made in the past only to make sure that you don’t repeat it again. Learn from them and manfully build the present. Do not let it effect your present and future.
5. Procrastination ‘It’s now or never' should be the attitude of every individual around. Procrastination is the biggest enemy of men in particular. ‘I’ll do it later’, is one statement that comes in the way of your goals. This leads to gradual piling up of work pressure and failure ultimately. It, thus, have a big impact on your level of happiness. So, make it a habit to avoid postponing things and get into the right mindset. Accept the responsibilities and make sure that it is done at the right time. 6. Monotony Leading a monotonous life brings in a lot of complication. You just can’t stay happy by doing to same thing over and over again. Even the busiest and the most successful person need change from the tedious lifestyle. So, take regular breaks from your work and explore new things. Do not let boredom enter your proximity. Surprise yourself with something new all the time. If you are fed up of the regular suit at workplace, then, go in a bright colored casual attire. If the regular style of men’s underwear is annoying, then, try something sensual such as men’s g-string underwear.
Keep your life exciting and happiness would never part your ways. 7. Give up stress Stress is an inevitable part of the hectic work schedule these days. You just can’t remove it from your life completely, but there are ways of dealing with it. Pursue some hobby, do something that make you happy. Meditation and workouts are one of the ways to deal with the same. Get rid of this prominent problem and you’ll witness a pleasant change in your lifestyle. Were these points useful? Do share with us in the comment below.