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DDI Development presentation

DDI Development presentation

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DDI Development presentation

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  1. Bridging the gulf between an idea and a software solution

  2. TEAM 50+ software engineers and marketers ABOUT US FOUNDED 2009 We deliver custom web and mobile solutions building our services on four pillars: speed-to- market, agility, coherent management, and clean code. Leveraging our velocity and flexibility our clients rapidly adapt to the market and launch their products to thrive. PROJECTS 100+ RETURNED CLIENTS RATE 70% OFFICES Kharkiv, Kremenchug info@ddi-dev.com +38 050 403 88 21 ddi-dev.com

  3. E-LEARNING DDI Development helps e-learning entrepreneurship by delivering learning management systems that operate in K-12 and corporate sectors introducing tailored courses for various categories of students. We also build web- applications that provide tutors search and support to learners online. KEY INDUSTRIES CRM, ERP Off-the-shelf software products can’t sometimes meet specific management demands. We develop custom CRM and ERP solutions that address unique corporate workflows and are angled towards solving unconventional automation tasks. HR, ATS, AND PEOPLE ANALYTICS DDI Development holds expertise in delivering SaaS as well as custom internal solutions for human resource management ranging from candidate sourcing and applicant tracking to internal HR and analytics tools. ... I wouldn’t think it’s a stretch to say that DDI built an award-winning platform certified by the UN. INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT We build complex investments and financial management platforms that automate trades processing, track financial activities, and mitigate human-factor risks. Dean Dundas, Commercial Director of Notesmaster, educational platform info@ddi-dev.com +38 050 403 88 21 ddi-dev.com

  4. We practice various Agile methods mostly focusing on Scrum and Lean development. This aids early launch and incremental upgrades based on feedback and product progression. AGILE WORKFLOW INNOVATION LABS OFF-THE-GROUP ASSISTANCE EXHAUSTIVE DELIVERY AGILE DEVELOPMENT Development DELIVERY START They’re able and willing to be flexible with their clients, which is a great attribute. Projects and circumstances can change rather quickly, so it’s important to have a partner capable of adapting to the situation. UI/UX QA Launch Planning Research Feedback Architecture design New Idea Improvement Support Floris Hopp, Founder at We Build Concepts (Management Consulting) info@ddi-dev.com +38 050 403 88 21 ddi-dev.com

  5. PHP WEB WEB HTML5 CSS3 AngularJS Protoype D3js ember js JavaScript PhantomJS Symfony Silex Laravel Kohana CodeIgniter (FRONT-END) (BACK-END) SERVICES AND TECHNO LOGIES jQuery jQuery UI CasperJS ExtJS Twig OAuth Python Django Zend Doctrine Smarty API DATABASE Facebook API Twitter API Realex API Google Maps API PayPal API Stripe API MySQL PostgreSQL MariaDB MongoDB Redis Sphinx search MOBILE Phonegap iOS Android info@ddi-dev.com +38 050 403 88 21 ddi-dev.com

  6. FIXED PRICE Tell us your requirements and we’ll estimate a fixed amount. Since this approach requires elaborate documentation and clear deliverables aligned with milestones, we set comprehensive negotiations to provide you with an estimate and compose an exhaustive documentation. Once you approve it, we’ll start our work and complete it in time and to a specified budget. HOW WE WORK DEDICATED TEAM Do you need to fill in a specific technical niche in your skillset? The dedicated team of our developers is going to be embedded into your management framework, work on a full-time basis, and they’ll adopt your corporate methodologies. Once you hire dedicated specialists, a development process can be launched right away and requirements may be flexibly adjusted. Payments are executed after negotiated time periods and they include developers’ salaries, overhead, and a fee. DDI development practices three basic business models. Depending on talent involvement, payments methods, and delivery specifics we offer one of them to our clients. TIME & MATERIAL The development process is executed within an iterative workflow which implies aligning deliverables with the short-term sprints of setting tasks, programming, testing, and debugging. Payments depend on an hourly rate, and since that you coordinate pertinent requirements and developers’ workload. Once you have a task, our developers can start realizing it without overall project documentation. info@ddi-dev.com +38 050 403 88 21 ddi-dev.com

  7. MANAGE MENT DEDICATED PROJECT MANAGEMENT We allocate dedicated project managers to lead your product progression coordinating resources and ensuring that deliverables are to scope on-time and on-budget. TEAM LEADER DDI Development fosters step-by-step task tracking using the most convenient means for you. We set direct contact with team leaders to provide transparency and up-to-date data covering everything going on the project. You may define your own style and schedule of delivery tracking. info@ddi-dev.com +38 050 403 88 21 ddi-dev.com

  8. CONTACTS UKRAINE ESTONIA UNITED STATES Novgorodskaya St, 3 Kharkiv, Ukraine Tornimae tn 7 - 132, Kesklinna district, Tallinn city, Harju country 10145, Estonia 1464 Broadway New York, USA +38 050 403 88 21 +1 718 355 9302 +372 712 3532 info@ddi-dev.com ddi.development www.ddi-dev.com

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