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D&F Liquidatorsu2019 success has been built by serving our customersu2019 electrical construction materials needs for over 30 years. Our 180,000 square foot facility located in Hayward, California is ready to meet the unique requests we receive. If itu2019s ordinary, difficult to find, or u201cone of a kind,u201d we can locate it from our vast resources.<br><br>https://www.dfliq.net/
14 ElectricalProblems A briefoutline Poor circuit protection/ NoRCCB GroundingIssues LightingProblems ElectricalShocks High ElectricityBills Electricalsurges Power sags anddips Overloading Switches of light notworking An uncovered junctionbox Overcircuitedpanel Tripping circuitbreaker Backstabbedwires 14 Aluminumwiring WWW.DFLIQ.NET
"Everythinginit'splace keeps yousafe" GEORGEMATT WWW.DFLIQ.NET
Poor circuit protection/ NoRCCB Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) is a devicethatdetectsandpreventslowvoltage circuitifthereisacurrentleak.Itdisconnects the load from the main supply when the circuit has residualcurrent. Solution: Get an RCCB installed as itgives protection against direct andindirect currents, shock, and electricalfire. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
GFCI breaks the circuit if there is an imbalance between incoming and outgoing currents. Without GFCI, there is a risk of overheatingofelectricalwires,shocks,burns,oranelectricalfire. Solution:GetGFCIinstalledifyoudon’thaveonealready. NO GFCI INSTALLED GROUNDING ISSUES UNGROUNDED CONNECTIONS Theseareconnectionsthatdonothaveagroundingsystemasan added failsafe. Grounding provides a pathway for the excessive currenttoflowincaseofashortcircuit Solution:Makesurealltheconnectionsaregroundedandyou have proper groundingsystem. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
Light Bulbs Burn Out TooFrequently Ifyourlightbulbsgoouttoooften,itcouldindicate electricalproblems.Bulbscanburnoutif: Wattage is toohigh Highvoltage Improper air circulation The bulb is fixed tootightly Badwiringonmainsorcircuit Solution:Ifyoufacethisproblemoften,checkiftheholder isloose.Bringinaprofessionaltodeterminetherootcause of ElectricalBurnout. LIGHTINGPROBLEMS WWW.DFLIQ.NET
Flickering Lightsand Too Bright or Dim Lighting If you notice the lights flickering or if one is brighterordimmerthantheothers,therecould be two reasons for that. They either consume different wattage of power or the main power panel has technicalproblems. Solution:Ifthebulbsareofdifferentwattage, there would be no issue, but if there is a probleminthepowerpanel,youneedtocalla professional. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
You may experience electrical shocks when you turn an appliance on or off. Even if the shocks are mild, it is an indicationthattheappliancehasanelectricalproblem,or there are issues withthe wiring. Solution:Youcanpluginanotherdeviceandseeifyouface thesameproblem.Iftheresultsarereproducible,callinan electriciantofixtheproblembeforeanyonegetshurt. ElectricalShocks High ElectricityBills Somereasonswhyyoumaygetahighelectricitybillare: Damaged wiring andcircuit Leakage in electricalsystems Electricaldevicesareoutdatedandconsumemorepower Solution: You can reduce the cost of electricity bills by switching to more cost-effective devices and unplugging appliances when they are not in use. Repairs damaged wires and identify electrical devices that may be causing powersurges. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
Electricalsurges Itusuallyoccursduetopoorelectricalwiringin the house, faulty appliances, damaged power lines,orwhenlightningstrikes.Electricalsurges are common electrical problems, and they last for a split of a second. If there are frequent surges, they can damage the equipment and lower its lifeexpectancy. Solution: Check your electrical connectionsthat connectthedevicetothehomegrid.Disconnect the poor quality power boards or devices from the outlet. The surges should stop; if they don’t, you mustcall an electrician. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
Power sags anddips Whenelectricalappliancesareconnectedtoafaulty oralow-qualitypowergrid,sagsanddipsoccur. Whenyouturnonthedevicesthatareconnectedto thecheaporfaultypowergrids,theyconsumemore power than what the device can handle. This cause sags anddips. Solution:Ifyouwanttoexperienceimprovedlighting and lower power consumption, have your power checkandreplaceyourolddevicewithanewone. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
OVERLOADING The light fixture you may be using for your high-watts bulbs or other fittings could be designed for low voltage. This violates the code, increasing the risk of melting the socket and wire insulation of the fixtureduetohighheatfromthebulb.Thiscancauseelectricalfires. Solution: Fittherightbulbtotherightfixture.Ifyouareunsureofthe wattagethefixturecanhandle,itissafetousea60-wattorasmaller bulb. SWITCHES OF LIGHT NOT WORKING Aswitchnotworkingisaresultofpoorworkmanshipor poorqualityofproducts.Itcanalsobeafaultinwiring, circuit, oroutlet. Solution: Consultanelectricianforthisissue. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
Anuncovered junctionbox Junction boxes contain a lot of wires that are connected to each other and are designed to keeponesectionofwiresawayfromtheother. Theseboxesalsoprotectthewiresfromgetting damaged.Anuncoveredjunctionboxincreases the chances ofelectrocution. Solution:Getitcoveredbyaprofessionalwith the screwsprovided. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
Overcircuitedpanel Your electrical panel is designed to accommodate a certain number of circuit breakers.Thesebreakersfitintoslots.Atandem breaker looks like two switches, but it doesn’t need two slots. So, when people place tandem breakers in one slot instead of two single-pole breakers, they over-circuit the panel. An over circuitedpanelisafirehazardandcausesharm. Solution: Call an electrician to replace the panelwithabiggerloadoraddasub-panel. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
Trippingcircuit breaker If too many high power consuming items are drawingpowerfromthesamesource,thereare chances of your breakers getting tripped– it’s a good sign, though – it means your home is protected. Solution:Reducethenumberofhighpower- consuming appliances drawing power from the samesource.Oruselowersettings.Ifthisdoesn’t fixtheproblem,calltheelectriciantocheckthe wiringandfigureoutwhatcausesthetripping. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
Backstabbedwires Backstabbed wires are wires with holes and cuts in them, thus exposing live wires and increasing the chancesofelectrocutionisthereisdirectcontactwith them. Solution:Turnoffyourpowersupplyandcoverthe cutsandholeswithtape.Thisfixistemporary,andthe situationcanbecomehazardouswhenthetapecomes off.So,itisbesttogetanewwirefixed. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
ALUMINUMWIRING Aluminumisametalandismoresusceptibletooxidation whenconductingelectricity.So,whenitcomesincontact with other combustible materials like wood, plastic, etc., it can cause afire. Solution:Usecopperinsteadofaluminum.Copperis cheaper and equally ductile, but it doesn’t have the oxidation properties ofaluminum. WWW.DFLIQ.NET
WWW.DFLIQ.NET D&F Liquidators’ success has been built by serving our customers’ electrical construction materials needs for over 30 years. Our 180,000 square foot facility located in Hayward, California is ready to meet the unique requests wereceive. If it’s ordinary, difficult to find, or “one of a kind,” we can locate it from our vast resources. Get inTouch We' d love to hear yourthoughts ADDRESS D & F Liquidators1810 W. Winton AvenueHayward, CA94545-1232 PHONE (800)458-9600 EMAIL sales@dfliq.com