The Conept of Caveat Emptor and Caveat Venditor Still Govern the International Commercial Transation in 21th Centuries
In this research the researcher told about the caveat emptor and caveat venditor and the position of the caveat emptor and caveat venditor in 21st centuries and how they do the transactions international commercial market, what is the position of the caveat emptor and the caveat venditor in 21st centuries in international commercial market. And also in his research the researcher told the the position of the caveat emptor and the caveat venditor before the 21st century in international commercial market, and how they do the transaction of the goods and the money at that time . If any defect was arises in the goods at that time then they how to deal their problems of the goods and transactions, and before 21st century how the supply the goods was done by the seller of the products. In his research the researcher told how the international commercial transactions is different form the other transactions, and also deals before the 21st centuries how the consumers are protect their rights and and what are the changes come in 21st centuries for the protection of his rights. Satish Kumar Singh "The Conept of Caveat Emptor and Caveat Venditor Still Govern the International Commercial Transation in 21th Centuries" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018, URL: Paper URL:
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