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सूक्ष्म जीवों को पीने या खाने के लिए मलिन जीविका या पानी में पीने से टाइफाइड बुखार सिकुड़ जाता है लगभग 3% -5% व्यक्ति तीव्र बीमारी के बाद सूक्ष्म जीवों के वाहक बनने की ओर बढ़ते हैं
Typhoid - Symptoms and Treatment What are the signs and side effects of Typhoid Fever? Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever have comparative symptoms̵. Individuals, as a rule, have a continued fever (one that doesn't travel every which way) that can be as high as 103– 104° F (39– 40° C). wiped out with stomach torments. Different side effects of typhoid fever incorporate:- - Weakness - Stomach torment - A cerebral pain - Diarrhea or blockage - A hack - Loss of hunger A few people with typhoid fever build up a rash of the level, rose-shaded spots. Treatment at home:- In the event that typhoid fever is analyzed in its beginning times, a course of anti-microbial tablets might be endorsed for you. A great many people need to take these for 7 to 14 days. Typhoid fever | Taifaid can generally be dealt with effectively with a course of anti-infection medicine:- Most cases can be treated at home, yet you may be admitted to the healing facility if the condition is serious. A few strains of the Salmonella typhi microscopic organisms that reason typhoid fever have built up protection from at least one sorts of anti-infection agents. This is progressively turning into an issue with typhoid diseases beginning in southeast Asia. Any blood, crap (stool) or (pee) tests taken amid your finding will, for the most part, be tried in a research center to figure out which strain you're tainted with, so you can be treated with a suitable anti-microbial. Your manifestations should start to enhance inside 2 to 3 days of taking anti-toxins. Be that as it may, it's critical you complete the course to guarantee the microscopic organisms are totally expelled from your body. Ensure you rest, drink a lot of liquids and eat standard dinners. You may think that it's simpler to eat littler dinners all the more regularly, instead of 3 bigger suppers daily. You ought to likewise keep up great norms of individual cleanliness, for example, consistently washing your hands with cleanser and warm water, to diminish the danger of spreading the contamination to other people.