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Sponsored by Galp Energia, the Debate will take place 19th may, at 17h00, at Auditório C Galp Energia, Rua Tomas da Fonseca, Lisbon.
VII Regional Lisbon Debate 19May 2011 THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2 011AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LATVIA I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Communication Evaluation: what’s beyond AVE? M AY 19 , 2 011 • 5 . 0 0 P M • G A L P E N E R G I A Louis de Schorlemer Tânia de Morais Soares Entrepreneur in Strate- SCHEDULE Head of Division of the gic Communications/ 5.00 – 5.30 pm Registration Media Monitoring and EACD Evaluation Statistics Unit Working Group Coordi- Portuguese Media nator 5.30 – 5.50 pm Regulation Authority (ERC) Welcome and presentation of the EACDLouis de Schorlemer is a consultant in The event will open with a welcome by Rui Mendes da Costa, Commu- Tânia is Head of Division of the Mediastrategic communications, before he nication and Internal and Social Development Corporate Affairs Direction Monitoring and Statistics Unit, in thewas Director of Communications (Eu- Galp Energia and a short presentation on the European Association of Portuguese Media Regulation Authori-rope) at Gallup, in charge of Corporate Communication Directors by the EACD Regional Coordinator for Portu- ty (ERC). A Sociologist and a DoctoralCommunications. He started his career gal, Rui Martins. Student with a Masters Degree in Com-with DaimlerChrysler in Germany before munication, Culture and Informationmoving to Brussels, Louis holds a MA in Technology, she is also a Member of the 5.50 – 6.20 pmGlobal Marketing Communications, and Group of Specialists on Human Rights in Communications and ROI, the impossible equation?he is a founding member of the European the Information Society, Media Division Louis de Schorlemer will speak about the struggle with tangible measu-Association of Communication Directors of the Council of Europe and previously rement of communications strategy’s questioning whether ‘Communi-(EACD), and coordinates its “Evaluation” was Researcher in Sociology of Com- cations and Return on investment, is an impossible equation?’working group. munication at ISCTE-IUL and lecturer at PIAGET, INP, ESCS and ISCTE-IUL. 6.20 – 6.50 pm Evaluating, monitoring and supervising media activity Paula Nascimento in Portugal - methods and tools Philippe Borremans Nobre Tânia de Morais Soares will present the set of methods and tools used Chief Social Media Associate Professor Officer/EACD Social by the ERC for content analysis and verification of media legal obligati- Escola Superior de Media Working Group Comunicação Social ons. Coordinator (ESCE – IPL) Van Marcke Group 6.50 – 7.10 pm BreakPaula Nobre is an Associate Professor Philippe started his business communi-and responsible for the PR scientific cations career at Porter Novelli Interna-area at Escola Superior de Comunica- 7.10 – 7.40 pm tional; he then joined IBM Belgium and Measuring Social Media for Internal Communicationsção Social (School of Communication soon became one of IBM’s “evange- & Collaborationand Media Studies), where she teaches lists”, after developing to a European Philippe Borremans will cover the different steps taken at the Van Mar-Public Relations. She has also been a re- coordination role for IBM‘s online com- cke Group to roll out an internal social media platform for 900 emplo-searcher in PR and has a special interest munications activities. In June 2009 he yees.in the questions of Communications’ joined the Van Marcke Group as Chiefresearch and evaluation. Since her Mas- Social Media Officer; he is responsibleters Degree and throughout her PhD 7.40 – 8.10 pm for all online communications, and to rollPaula has been working in these specific Measurement and evaluation research in Corporate out an internal social media platform.areas as well as PR in the third sector. Communications Philippe is a founding member & mem- Paula Nascimento Nobre will speak about methodologies of measure- ber of the board of the International As- ment and evaluation concerning the effectiveness and accountability of sociation of Online Communicators and communication. a member of 3C, the Belgian Corporate Communications Community. HOST/VENUE ABOUT THE REGIONAL DEBATES With more than 80 events having already taken place in capital ci- Auditório da Torre C ties across Europe since March 2008, the EACD‘s Regional Deba- Rua Tomás da Fonseca tes place the communications profession in both a pan-European 1600-209 Lisbon and regional context. The debates bring together EACD members to network and connect whilst further promoting the EACD‘s vi- sion, and gives communicators the opportunity to learn from one another‘s ideas and experiences. www.eacd-online.eu
THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2 011AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LATVIA I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Communication Evaluation: what’s beyond AVE? M AY 19 , 2 011 • 5 . 0 0 P M • G A L P E N E R G I A REGIS TRAT ION Fa x +32 ( 0 )2 219 22 92 Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation Position E-mail I will be accompanied by � Please register until the 18th of May, 2011 by fax or by email to regionaldebates@eacd-online.eu. European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2 011AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LATVIA I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Communication Evaluation: what’s beyond AVE? M AY 19 , 2 011 • 5 . 0 0 P M • G A L P E N E R G I A REGIS TRAT ION Fa x +32 ( 0 )2 219 22 92 Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation Position E-mail I will be accompanied by � Please register until the 18th of May, 2011 by fax or by email to regionaldebates@eacd-online.eu. European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu