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VIII Regional Lisbon Debate 2011

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VIII Regional Lisbon Debate 2011

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  1. VIII Regional Lisbon Debate 2011 THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2 011AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LATVIA I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Financial Communications: Rebuilding Trust and Con�dence N O V E M B E R 9 , 2 011 • 5 . 3 0 P M • H O T E L A LT I S Maria Antónia Saldanha José Quintela Communication & SCHEDULE Managing Partner Image Manager 5.30 – 5.40 pm Quintela & Reis SIBS Welcome and Presentation of the EACD Consultants 5.40 – 6.00 pmMaria Antonia Saldanha has been Com- “Coopetition”– The Challenge Between Shareholders and Clients José Quintela is a partner at Quintela &munications & Image Manager at SIBS Maria Antónia Saldanha will speak about how the clever combination of Reis Consultants. He is also a lecturerSGPS since 2007. She is also the PR ad- cooperation and competition has promoted efficiency and innovation in on Public Relations, Media Relations,visor of Vitor Bento, CEO of SIBS SGPS. the Portuguese payments system. and Financial Communication at theSince this January, she has advised the INP (Institute of New Professions) andSOS Children’s Villages-Portugal on mat- 6.00 – 6.20 pm the IGB (Institute of Management). Mrters related to PR and communications. Listed Companies Communication: Identity and Image Quintela holds a DEA (Master of Ad-Ms Saldanha completed her studies at Listed companies have to observe a set of mandatory laws, particularly vanced Studies) and is currently earningthe University Lusiada of Lisbon and has in terms of disclosure information. José Quintela will speak about inte- a PhD with a financial focus on organi-also taken courses at SEBRAE, INP, Insti- grating financial communication within the company’s communications satonal communications. He has a widetute Nova Forum of the faculty of Econo- framework and strategy. range of PR experience and is the authormics of the New University of Lisbon and of scientific and technical papers andthe Portuguese Catholic University. 6.20 – 6.40 pm the book, Transparency on PSI-20 Listed What Are You Talking About? Companies Websites. Rita Maltez will discuss shareholders’ information rights, board’s infor- mation duties, both from legal and practical communications perspec- Cristina Dias Neves Rita Maltez tives, with a focus on current privatisation processes in Portugal. Head of Partner Communications Pares Advogados Banco Santander Totta 6.40 – 6.50 pm Break 6.50 – 7.10 pmCommunications Director of Bank Communication in the Financial Sector: Rita Maltez is a Partner at the law firm,Santander Totta since 2006, Cristina 10 Rules to be Followed? Pares Advogados. Her areas of experiseDias Neves is the bank’s spokesperson Cristina Dias Neves will examine communications and media relations are M&A, both at the national and inter-and is responsible for external commu- concerns, with a primary focus on the financial sector. She will discuss national level, as well as advising boardsnications. After studying Political and the contemporary challenges of the era of social media and the more in governance matters, and structuringCommunication Sciences, she gained traditionally examined topics of earlier decades, such as how people governance models. Ms Maltez is also aprofessional experience as a journalist, connect emotionally and build alliances based on trust and fairness. professor of Corporate Governance for aand contributed to several publications, post-graduate course, a member of theincluding Fortunas & Negócios and 7.10 – 7.40 pm Portuguese and European Institutes ofMeios & Publicidade. Prior to her current Concluding Discussion: “Financial Communications: Corporate Governance, a Board Mem-job, Ms Dias Neves advised some of the Rebuilding Trust and Confidence” ber of the Association of Law Firms oflargest companies of the PSI-20, while Moderated by Rui Martins, EACD Regional Coordinator for Portugal Portugal (ASAP) and the author of a blogat the communication consulting firm, (www.governodassociedades.word-João Líbano Monteiro & Associados. 7.40 – 8.30 pm press.com). Get-Together When the discussion is over and all your questions have been answered, there will be the opportunity to relax and enjoy refreshments, network with your peers from across the region and discuss the day’s events. PARTNER SPONSOR HOSTS/VENUE ABOUT THE REGIONAL DEBATES Having already hosted more than 85 events in capital cities across Europe since March 2008, the EACD Regional Debates place the Hotel Altis communications profession in both a pan-European and regional Rua Castilho, 11 context. These regional forums bring together EACD members 1269-072 Lisbon to network and connect while further promoting the EACD’s vi- sion, and give communicators the opportunity to learn from one another’s ideas and experiences. www.eacd-online.eu

  2. THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2 011AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LATVIA I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Financial Communications: Rebuilding Trust and Con�dence N O V E M B E R 9 , 2 011 • 5 . 3 0 P M • H O T E L A LT I S REGIS TRAT ION Fa x +32 ( 0 )2 219 22 92 Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation Position E-mail I will be accompanied by Please register by the 8th of November, 2011 by fax or by email to regionaldebates@eacd-online.eu. European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2 011AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LATVIA I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Financial Communications: Rebuilding Trust and Con�dence N O V E M B E R 9 , 2 011 • 5 . 3 0 P M • H O T E L A LT I S REGIS TRAT ION Fa x +32 ( 0 )2 219 22 92 Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation Position E-mail I will be accompanied by Please register by the 8th of November, 2011 by fax or by email to regionaldebates@eacd-online.eu. European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu

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