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In this article, I've explained how to know who viewed your Facebook profile.
7/13/2020 How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? (2020) APPS TRENDING NOW 10 Best Baby Care Gadgets and Apps To... GADGETS SITES TECH SOCIAL MEDIA CARTOONS & ANIME REVIEWS How To How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? Home How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? written by TechRuth July 13, 2020 Type and hit enter... RECENT POSTS How To Know Who Viewed My Fa 13, 2020 200+ Best Instagram Username Ide 2020 July 11, 2020 How to Install X?nity Stream on Ap 2020 How to Install X?nity Stream on Fir (2020) July 8, 2020 How To Get More Instagram Follow 2020 CATEGORIES Privacy - Terms https://techruth.com/how-to-know-who-viewed-my-facebook-profile/ 1/8
7/13/2020 How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? (2020) Apps Facebooks is one of the most used application all over the world. Almost every person in this world is using this application. Facebook is a USA social media and social networking service based in California. Thus, was founded by Mark Zuckerberg and some of his Harvard fellow students and roommates. APPS GADGETS SITES TECH SOCIAL MEDIA CARTOONS & ANIME REVIEWS Cartoons & Anime Entertainment Gadgets One can access Facebook from any of the devices like PC or mobile phones etc. Having internet connectivity. After downloading the app, the user can make their pro?le and can reveal some information. The user can share text, videos, photos, and other things to their friends through this platform. But with this huge advancement and development, there are some loopholes which are needed to be covered. These loopholes are security issues like who viewed your pro?le and others. The main reason for this is because Facebook is an open world platform with a huge user base and one can visit and use the pics of others in some wrong way or other. This is because many uncountable fake pro?les are still living on Facebook which you need to take care of. One can also use the personal information of any person in a fake manner that may hinder the reputation of the person. Games How To Internet Reviews Sites Social Media In our day to day life, we come across many cases of frauds through fake accounts. These sometimes have to lead to the loss of ?nance or loss of life of the person. But there are also some other reasons because of which the users want to know about who had viewed their pro?le. So, if you are among those who also wanted to know about the person who viewed your pro?le then this information is for you. This is the one-stop spot where you can get the complete information related to the matter of who viewed your pro?le. Tech FOLLOW US FACEBOOK TWI INSTAGRAM PINT LINKEDIN TUM Maybe you have tried a lot of times on Facebook to know about who viewed your pro?le. But there is no of?cial way to know that. But then too there are some of the unof?cial ways and methods which can help you out. Privacy - Terms https://techruth.com/how-to-know-who-viewed-my-facebook-profile/ 2/8
7/13/2020 How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? (2020) POPULAR POSTS Table of Contents 3 Best Ways To Find Out Who Viewed Your Facebook Pro?le #1. Manually ?nd out who viewed your pro?le: #2. With the help of google chrome extension: #3. Using some iOS apps: APPS GADGETS SITES TECH SOCIAL MEDIA CARTOONS & ANIME REVIEWS 1 3 Best Ways To Find Out Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile #1. Manually find out who viewed your profile: This way is sometimes considered to be time-consuming by some of the peoples but then too this is the most effective and widely used way. For this one should visit their Facebook pro?le timeline page – facebook.com/ABC. Now it may take some time to load the page. So, you should wait for a while till the loading completes. Now the user should do a right-click on anywhere on the page and select “view page source” (You can also use “CTRL+U” to view page source). After this, a new tab will open automatically. This tab will contain some of the codes of the source. This will also have complete information. Now hold CTRL+F, which will open the search box and then copy-paste this {InitialChatFriendsList} there. 12 Best Sites To Watch An For Free (2020) February 25, 2020 16 Top Sites Like 123Movies To Stream Free Movies In 2020 January 25, 2020 12 Best Free Hairstyle Apps For Men’s & Women’s To Try Different Hair Style (2020) January 7, 2020 Privacy - Terms https://techruth.com/how-to-know-who-viewed-my-facebook-profile/ 3/8
7/13/2020 How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? (2020) 11 Best Free Sound Effect Apps for Android/iOS In 2020 APPS GADGETS SITES TECH SOCIAL MEDIA CARTOONS & ANIME REVIEWS May 31, 2019 Top 8 Key Social Media Activities for Smart Marketers August 1, 2019 After this, you will see some pro?le ids of the persons who visited your pro?le. Now just copy these pro?le ID (any 15 digit number) and then open facebook.com and then paste the id that has been copied (like facebook.com/100010542976550). The ?rst ID will show you the person who viewed or visited your pro?le most of the time. #2. With the help of google chrome extension: This is the easiest and the most reliable way to know who visited your pro?le. The method also saves you time. To get started with this one must follow some of the given information. After this, the user may feel comfortable and safe as the can now who had viewed their pro?le. So ?rst and foremost thing the user has to do is to get to the Social pro?le extension page. There you can see at the top the option Privacy - Terms https://techruth.com/how-to-know-who-viewed-my-facebook-profile/ 4/8
7/13/2020 How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? (2020) of “add to chrome”. This will help and enable the extension to get added to your browser. The process may require some downloading tasks so wait for a few minutes. Then click on the add extension after the downloading gets completed. APPS GADGETS SITES TECH SOCIAL MEDIA CARTOONS & ANIME REVIEWS After completing the above steps, you will reach some of the few last steps. Now open www.facebook.com and log in using your account to know who viewed your pro?le and not friends. Once your Facebook pro?le gets loaded you can see the timeline bar. This bar will show you a new option as a “visitor”. This is the person who had visited your pro?le. #3. Using some iOS apps: Sine above methods is enough to know about who viewed your pro?le. But then too if you are an iOS user and is facing the problem so this is for you. Some of their users may face the problem of adding the extension or other. So, to solve this problem many iOS developers and designers have made an app called “social fans”. This app will provide you with complete information about who viewed your pro?le. The app is available in the iTunes store for all the iOS devices. This app will help you to get the social support that enables you to see who has viewed your pro?le. The above-given methods will help you out with your query. Also, some recent news and information revealed that Facebook has now provided a separate option in their application. This option will directly help you out in knowing who has visited your pro?le. Earlier due to some of the rumors and security issues this option was not available. But with updates and development in security and user interface, this option is now available for all the Facebook users. Hence this is clear that we have the option available to see who has viewed our Facebook pro?le. in case you feel like there is something missing and you wish to know more about anything else then do Privacy - Terms https://techruth.com/how-to-know-who-viewed-my-facebook-profile/ 5/8
7/13/2020 How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? (2020) let us know in the comments section below. we will get back to you within the answer and provide you the best solution for the same. APPS GADGETS SITES TECH SOCIAL MEDIA CARTOONS & ANIME REVIEWS You might also like Apps To Check Who Viewed My Instagram Account How To View Private Instagram Account? CHECK WHO VIEWED YOUR FACEBOOK PROFILE WHO VIEWED MY FACEBOOK PROFILE 0 comment 2 TECHRUTH Here we share the info about Tech, Gadgets, Streaming Sites, iOS, Android, Social Media, and lots more. You may read more about us here. previous post 200+ Best Instagram Username Ideas For Girls In 2020 RELATED POSTS Privacy - Terms https://techruth.com/how-to-know-who-viewed-my-facebook-profile/ 6/8
7/13/2020 How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? (2020) APPS GADGETS SITES TECH SOCIAL MEDIA CARTOONS & ANIME REVIEWS 200+ Best Instagram Username How to Install Xfinity Stream on How to Install Xfinity Stream on Ideas For Girls In... Apple TV? FireStick and... July 11, 2020 July 9, 2020 July 8, 2020 LEAVE A COMMENT Your Comment Name* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. SUBMIT Privacy - Terms https://techruth.com/how-to-know-who-viewed-my-facebook-profile/ 7/8
7/13/2020 How To Know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile? (2020) APPS GADGETS SITES TECH SOCIAL MEDIA CARTOONS & ANIME REVIEWS About Us Contact Us Write For US- Tech, Gadgets, Apps, Entertainment, Social Media, Software & Games Privacy Policy Disclaime @2020 - Techruth. All Right Reserved. Designed and Developed by DigitalVTech Web Privacy - Terms https://techruth.com/how-to-know-who-viewed-my-facebook-profile/ 8/8