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Questions asked in a interview for html

<br>Certainly! Here are some common HTML interview questions that you might encounter during an interview

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Questions asked in a interview for html

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  1. Questions asked in a interview for html Certainly! Here are some common HTML interview questions that you might encounter during an interview: 1. What is HTML, and what does it stand for? - HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to create web pages and structure their content. 2. What is the basic structure of an HTML document? - An HTML document typically includes the `<!DOCTYPE>`, `<html>`, `<head>`, and `<body>` elements. 3. What is the purpose of HTML tags? - HTML tags are used to define elements on a web page and provide structure and formatting. 4. Explain the difference between HTML and XHTML. - XHTML is a stricter, XML-based version of HTML that enforces well-formedness rules. 5. What are self-closing tags in HTML? Can you provide an example? - Self-closing tags are tags that don't require a closing tag, such as `<img>` or `<br>`.

  2. 6. What is the purpose of HTML attributes? - HTML attributes provide additional information about HTML elements and are used to modify their behavior or appearance. 7. How do you create a hyperlink in HTML? - Hyperlinks are created using the `<a>` (anchor) tag with the `href` attribute. 8. Explain the difference between relative and absolute URLs. - Relative URLs are specified in relation to the current page, while absolute URLs provide the complete web address. 9. What are HTML headings, and how are they structured? - HTML headings are defined using `<h1>` to `<h6>` tags, with `<h1>` being the highest level (most important) and `<h6>` the lowest. 10. How do you create an ordered list and an unordered list in HTML? - Ordered lists are created with the `<ol>` tag, while unordered lists use the `<ul>` tag. List items are defined with `<li>`. 11. What is the purpose of the `<meta>` tag in HTML? - The `<meta>` tag is used to provide metadata about the HTML document, such as character encoding and viewport settings. 12. How do you embed images in an HTML document? - Images are embedded using the `<img>` tag with the "src" attribute specifying the image file path. 13. Explain the concept of HTML entities. - HTML entities are codes used to represent special characters, like `&lt;` for `<` and `&amp;` for `&`. 14. How do you add comments in HTML? - HTML comments are added using the `<!-- ... -->` syntax.

  3. 15. What is the difference between block-level and inline elements in HTML? - Block-level elements create a new block formatting context, while inline elements are part of the surrounding text. 16. What is an HTML form, and how is it structured? - An HTML form is created with the `<form>` element and includes various input elements like text fields and buttons. 17. How do you create tables in HTML? - Tables are created using the `<table>`, `<tr>`, `<th>`, and `<td>` elements to define rows, headers, and data cells. 18. What is semantic HTML, and why is it important? - Semantic HTML uses elements like `<header>`, `<nav>`, and `<footer>` to provide meaning and improve accessibility and SEO. These questions cover a range of HTML topics and are designed to assess your knowledge of HTML fundamentals. Be prepared to provide clear and concise explanations during your interview.

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