Custom Search Engine Intro and Working
Hello Friends, First of All Jumah Mubarik To All, As i did a webinar on custom search engine yesterday and some people are saying and requesting me to give them a copy of recording of complete Webinar, So i decided to upload the recording of my webinar on my this official website. People who were attentive to the speaker they must be have some common question related to it. Common Questions About Custom Search Engine Q1 : When we create new account their CSE ads are not appearing ? Ans : It’s very simple as i mentioned in my webinar too that id your adsense account is fresh to CSE then it will took maximum 2 hours for appearing ads and the result of searches will start displaying in while. Q2 : My gadget is not adding ? Ans : If your gadget is not adding or their is no option to add a gadget then you have to try a new template or put the code by going to template code and paste it in header or body its upto you. Q3 : How to do anonymity 100% ? Ans : I already told in webinar, that it depend on several things such as you ip’s timezone is not matching to the system’s ip or your ip is blacklisted or you DNS country is not matching you ips country, So mean to say that it depend on many things Q4 : How to check that your CSE is linked with Adsense or not ? Ans : It’s to easy to get it know by just going to your adsense account settings and tap on account information tab and on the left white page you will see in content section written as ” Content Search 51% publisher revenue share ” if it is then your CSE account is activated if it is not there like that then you have to open the CSE dashboard and ON monitization. For more question you can contact me personally on FB : OR HERE Some people are asking that how can we get paid below 100$ from Adsense, I will share that method too but not right now because i want some more activeness in the Our group F.T.B
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