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Syphilis: test, treatment,symptom

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. A common cause of the genital ulcer.<br>Read more from here: https//www.doctorsmediainfo.com

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Syphilis: test, treatment,symptom

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  1. Syphilis: test, treatment, symptom https://www.doctorsmediainfo.com/2020/08/syphilis.html

  2. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by treponema pallidum.

  3. The infection is characterized by primary, secondary, and tertiary stages. The incubation period is between 9-90 days. Usually, a person presents with a sexual intercourse history of months back and painless ulcer in early syphilis.

  4. Syphilis symptoms: according to time syphilis has 3 stages, • Primary stage • Secondary stage • Tertiary stage

  5. Primary feature: • A painless ulcer at the site of sexual contact. • Local lymph node enlargement which is painless • Often women present with an ulcer in the cervix

  6. Secondary feature: Occurs 6-10 weeks of the primary feature • The patient may present with fever, lymph node enlargement • Rash on the trunk, palm, and soles

  7. • A characteristic ulcer in the oral cavity known as snail track ulcers. Found in 30% patient. • Painless, warty lesions of skin and bones are known as condylomata lata.

  8. Tertiary features: • A granulomatous lesion of the skin and bones are known as gumma • Tabes dorsalis • Argyll robertson pupil (A characteristic pupil found in tertiary syphilis )

  9. Syphilis test Nonspecific tests • VDRL (venereal disease research laboratory ) test • RPR ( rapid plasma reagin) test

  10. • SPECIFIC TESTS • EIA For IgG And IgM • TPHA ( Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination Test ) • TPPA • FTA-ABS

  11. A most common screening test is the VDRL test. It is non- antigenic and specific. It gives a false positive and false negative test. Most common used specific test is TPHA

  12. Syphilis treatment Penicillin is the drug of choice. Currently, A single dose of 2.4 mega units of intramuscular benzathine penicillin is used in early syphilis (less than 2 years). Where three-dose in a weekly interval is recommended for late syphilis. In pregnancy, penicillin is the drug of choice.

  13. Follow up Resolution of signs occurs after 6 months with proper treatment. VDRL TEST becomes negative within 6 month in primary syphilis.12 -13 months need for secondary syphilis. Specific treponemal antibody tests may remain positive for life long.

  14. Prevention Safe sex practices can prevent syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

  15. READ MORE ABOUT DISEASES https://www.doctorsmediainfo.com/

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