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Want to get rid of vascular diseases? No worries, we provide best treatment for all vascular diseases.The Best vascular surgeon Dr. Ankur Aggarwal will perform your vascular surgery in Chandigarh. Book your appointment for a consultation with Dr. Ankur in Chandigarh or visit us at www.vascularsurgeondrankur.com | 91-6284048144.
5SIGNSTHATIT’S TIMETOTREATYOUR VARICOSEVEINS LEGPAINANDSWELLING Leg pain is the most common symptom of varicose veins. Most commonly, varicose vein patients experience dull leg ache of heaviness, especially in the night. If you’re experiencing leg pain on a daily basis, which is interfering in your day to day activities, this means that you should pay attention to your leg. SKINDISCOLORATION WITHRASHES If you notice discolored skin, rashes, itchiness or have burning sensation near your ankle, then you should book an appointment for a vascular surgeon. If varicose veins are left untreated for an extended period, it begins to itch or burn, and the skin around the varicose veins starts to appear darker in color. Medical help should be sought if any of the above mentioned symptoms and signs develop. VEINSAPPEARBULGING ANDBLUE,RED,PURPLEIN COLOR Sometimes, patients have severe pain over the leg over the dilated veins which become thickened and cord like; this condition could be due to clot in the superficial veins and is called superficial thrombophlebitis. There could be a co- existent Deep Vein Thrombosis. Deep Vein Thrombosis is a condition that can be life-threatening. Usually, DVT occurs in the deep veins of the leg and thigh. LEGULCERS Leg ulcers can often complicate untreated varicose veins. These are often long standing as many people are unaware of how to diagnose them and how to treat them. They can cause a significant morbidity in the patients. Many times, patients come to our OPD with ulcers since as long as 20 years. Book your appointment for a consultation with Dr. Ankur in Chandigarh or visit us at www.vascularsurgeondrankur.com | +91-6284048144.