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Swollen Lymph Nodes In The Neck- Dr. Sharad ENT

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck are a typical sign of a wide range of ailments, from minor infections to more serious diseases. In this PPT, you will get to know more about swollen lymph nodes in the neck.<br><br>Visit to know more: https://www.drsharadent.com/swollen-lymph-nodes-in-neck/

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Swollen Lymph Nodes In The Neck- Dr. Sharad ENT

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SwollenLymphNodes InTheNeck

  2. INTRODUCTION Talking about the lymphatic system, it is a set of vessels that carry a transparent or white fluid in them that is transported throughout the body until it reaches the bloodvessels,whereitisfinallypouredout.


  4. SYMPTOMS Coughing Fatigue Fever Profoundchills Runnynose Sweating Smalllumpsthatrangefromthesizeofapeatothatofa cherry Painisfeltwhentouchedorwhilechewing Tenderorhardlymph


  6. TREATMENT Itisobservedforafewdaysastheswellingmightreduceautomaticallyin somecases. Ifitdoesnotreduce,thencertainantibioticsareprescribedbythedoctor asperthecauseoftheswelling. Iftheswellingiscausedduetocancer,thenoncethecanceristreated,the swellingautomaticallysubsidies. Thiscancertreatmentdependsontheregionatwhichthecancerhas attacked.Afewmethodsaresurgicalremovalorchemotherapy.

  7. PREVENTION Avoidinfectionsby, Maintainingyourdentalhygiene,thatis,brushtwiceaday (morningandnight) Washyourhandsfrequently Avoidsharingfood,drinks,towel,oranyotheritemsincommon withtheinfectedperson Avoidnon-infectiouscausesby, Usingcondomsorotherbarriersduringsexualactivitytoavoid sexuallytransmitteddiseases Checkforhypersensitivitytowardsamedicinebeforeconsumingit.

  8. ThanksFor Visiting ToKnowMoreGetStartedToday! www.drsharadent.com

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