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Which Common Diseases can cause Hearing Loss | Dr. Sharad ENT

Hearing loss is very common. It happens for many reasons we are familiar with the common causes of that. This ppt will let you know more about the common diseases that can cause Hearing Loss.<br><br>Visit to know more: https://www.drsharadent.com/which-common-diseases-can-cause-hearing-loss/

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Which Common Diseases can cause Hearing Loss | Dr. Sharad ENT

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  1. WhichCommon Diseasescan causeHearing Loss?

  2. HowcanDiabetes CauseHearing Loss? Diabetes can cause hearing loss by damaging the small blood vessels and nerves in the inner ear. High levels of glucose in the bloodcanalsoleadtoinflammation,whichcanaffectthedelicate hair cells in the ear responsible for hearing. Additionally, people with diabetes are more prone to infections, which can also contributetohearingloss.Propermanagementofbloodsugar levelsandregularhearingcheckscanhelppreventormitigatethe effectsofdiabetes-relatedhearingloss.

  3. HowdoesHeart Diseasecause HearingLoss? Heartdiseasecancausehearinglossduetoreducedbloodflow and oxygen to the inner ear, as well as the potential ototoxic effects of certain medications used to treat heart disease. The exactmechanismsarenotfullyunderstood,butitisimportant forindividualswithheartdiseasetomonitortheirhearingand discussanychangeswiththeirhealthcareprovider.

  4. HowDoesaThyroid DiseaseCause HearingLoss? Thyroiddiseasecancausehearinglossthroughvarious mechanisms. Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, can leadtoincreasedbloodflowtotheearandpotentiallydamagethe innerear.Hypothyroidism,oranunderactivethyroid,cancause a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, which can also impair hearing. Additionally, some medications used to treat thyroid diseasemayhaveototoxiceffectsanddamagethedelicate structuresoftheinnerear.Itisimportantforindividualswith thyroiddiseasetomonitortheirhearinganddiscussanychanges withtheirhealthcareprovider.

  5. HowdoesChronic KidneyDisease CauseHearingLoss? Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) can cause hearing loss by damagingthesmallbloodvesselsintheinnerear,reducingthe flowofoxygenandnutrients.Highlevelsoftoxinsanduremic acidinthebloodcanalsodamagethesensorycellsintheear. Additionally,hypertensionanddiabetes,whichoftencoexist withCKD,canfurthercontributetohearingloss.

  6. HowdoesInfluenza CauseHearingLoss? Influenza can cause hearing loss through its effect on the inner ear.The virus canentertheinnerearandcauseinflammation and damage tothe delicatehaircellsandnervefibersresponsible for hearing. This can result in temporary or permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance problems. In severe cases, the virus can also cause inflammation in the brain and the protective membranes around it, leading to further hearing and neurologicalcomplications.Earlydiagnosisandprompt treatmentcanhelppreventpermanentdamage.

  7. Howdoes Hypertension CauseHearing Loss? Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause hearing loss by damagingthebloodvesselsandnervesintheinner ear.Thisleads toreducedbloodflowandoxygentothecochlea,whichis responsible for converting sound vibrations into nerve impulses. Over time, the damage can accumulate and result in permanent hearing loss. Additionally, hypertension can increase the risk of other conditions that can contribute to hearing loss, such as stroke anddiabetes.

  8. HowCanObesity CauseHearing Loss? Obesity cancausehearinglossbydamagingthedelicate haircells in the inner ear, which are responsible for detecting sound waves and sending signals to the brain. The excess fat tissue around the bodycancauseinflammationandaffectbloodflowtotheears, leadingtoreducedoxygenandnutrientsupplytothehaircells. Additionally, obesity increases the risk of developing other conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, which can further damage the auditory system and lead to hearing loss. Maintaining a healthy weight throughabalanced dietandregular exercisecanhelpreducethe riskofobesity-relatedhearingloss.

  9. ThanksForVisiting ToKnowMoreGetStartedToday! www.drsharadent.com

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