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Can Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

Losing a hundred strands every day is considered pretty normal. But if you are shedding more than that, chances are high that you are suffering from hair loss and need a help. - See more at: http://thehairtransplantcenter.com/hair-loss/can-iron-deficiency-cause-hair-loss/

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Can Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

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  1. CanIronDeficiencyCause HairLoss? One nutritional deficiency that is most commonly associatedwithhairlossistheirondeficiency.Yes!Iron deficiencycancausehairloss.Herewewillshare5signs you may have irondeficiency.

  2. Losingahundredstrandseverydayisconsideredpretty normal.Butifyouaresheddingmorethanthat,chances arehighthatyouaresufferingfromhairlossandneeda help. Most people associate hair loss and baldness with age, but there are numerous other reasons that can cause you lose hair at a very tender age – even in your late teensorearly20s.Causesofhairlossvarygreatlyfrom

  3. genetics to fungal infection to nutritional deficiencies. One nutritional deficiency that is most commonly associatedwithhairlossistheirondeficiency.Yes!Iron deficiency can causehairloss. Alatestresearchhasfoundthatirondeficiencyhasmuch moreinfluenceonhealthyhairgrowththanmostdoctors and the patients realize. Getting enough iron through dietisthekeytopreventinghairlossandrestoringhair growth. An article published in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology quoted the researchers as saying, "We believe that treatment for hair loss is enhancedwhenirondeficiency,withorwithoutanemia, istreated." Studies also show that low levels of iron in the blood furtherworsenthehairlossduetoanyothercause.Iron playsavitalroleinproductionofhemoglobin,aprotein present in the blood that helps red blood cells deliver

  4. oxygentoallpartsofthebody.Lowlevelsofironaffect theblood’sabilitytocarryoxygento thescalp andhair follicles.Thisweakensthehairfolliclesandcausesthem toshrink.Ifnottreatedintime,thisirondeficiencycan cause the hairfolliclesto shed. 5 SignsYou MayHaveIron Deficiency Here are 5 signs that show a person is iron deficient. Checkoutthesesymptoms,ifyouhavethemandyouare shedding hair as well, you are most probably suffering fromAnemiaHairLoss. YouAreExhausted Themostcommonsymptomofirondeficiencyisthatthe person feels exhausted all the time for no apparent reason. It is the easiest but at the same time the most difficultonetodetect,becausepeoplerelatefatigueand exhaustion with their routine activities and ignore

  5. considering it as part of life. If you also feel overly exhaustedandlethargicallthetime,gogetabloodtest to checkhemoglobinlevels inyourblood. 2.YouArePale The most visible symptom of iron deficiency is that the person starts looking pale. Hemoglobin adds the red colortoyourblood,whichultimatelygivesyourskinthat rosy hue. If you look pale, or your lips have lost their

  6. pinkness, this could be a symptom that you have low levelsofiron.Theeasiestwayto spot iron deficiencyisto seetheinsideofyourlipsandtheinsideoflowereyelids. If they look white more than red, you may be iron deficient. 3.YouGetOut OfBreathEasily If you get short of breath easily, even after climbing a few stairs, you may be having low levels of iron. When

  7. oxygen levels in your blood are low, you feel out of breath,regardlessofhowdeeplyyoubreathe.Asstated above, your bloods ability to carry oxygen depends on hemoglobin in the blood and iron is required for production of hemoglobin. This is why iron deficiency leaves a person shortof breath. Ifyoufindperformingroutine tasks,likewalkingalittle brisk or climbingstairs,you maybeirondeficient.

  8. 4.You CraveClayorDirt You must have noticed kids eating clay or licking dust. Thishabitisnotrestrictedtokids,evengrownuppeople cravefortheseunusualedibles.Don’tthinkpeoplecrave forclay,dist,chalk,andpaperbecausetheyaretasty;it is just because they are iron deficient. Most iron- deficientwomencraveforiceaswell.Ifyoulikeanyof theabovestatednon-foodsubstances,seesomedoctor andgetyour ironlevels tested.

  9. 5.YouAre LosingHair Thisisthedirectindication!Ifyouaresheddinghairfor noapparentreason,anditisaccompaniedbyanyofthe above stated symptoms,irondeficiency could be blamed. When your body is iron deficient, the blood fails to supply oxygen and other essential nutrients to the hair folliclesinthescalp.Thefolliclesbecomeweakandover sometimestart to shed.

  10. Irondeficiencyisoneofthemostcommoncausesofhair loss in pregnant mothers and post-menopausalwomen. Ifyouaregoingthrougheitherofthesephasesandare losing hairs, you may be iron deficient. See some Trichologist today and get some blood tests done to determine if it is really iron deficiency or there is some otherhormonal problem. Free Consultation: Toknowmoreabouthairloss,itscausesandtreatments contactSaudiArabia HairTransplant Clinicnow.

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