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Characteristic of different homoeopathic materia medica

Characteristic of different homoeopathic materia medica by Dr.Ankit srivastav

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Characteristic of different homoeopathic materia medica

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  1. Characteristic & Uses of Different types Homoeopathic Materiamedica Compiled by: Dr. Ankit Srivastava B.H.M.S., M.D.(PGR) Gorakhpur, U.P., INDIA Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  2. Materia medica (English: medical material/substance) is a Latin medical term for the body of collected knowledge about the therapeutic properties of any substance used for healing (i.e., medicines). The term derives from the title of a work by the Ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides in the 1st century AD, De materia medica, 'On Medical Material' (Περὶ ὕλης ἰατρικῆς in Greek). Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  3. The earliest known writing about medicine was a 110-page Egyptian papyrus. It was supposedly written by the god Thoth in about 16 BC. The Ebers papyrus is an ancient recipe book dated to approximately 1552 BC. It contains a mixture of magic and medicine with invocations to banish disease and a catalogue of useful plants, minerals, magic amulets and spells. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  4. Hahnemann gave us a detailed description of materiamedica in aphorism 143. He says, “Materiamedica is a collection of real, pure, reliable, mode of action of single medicinal substances, a volume of the book of nature where is recorded a considerable array of the peculiar changes of the health and symptoms ascertained to belong to each of powerful medicines as they were revealed to the attention of the observer in which the likeness of the ( homoeopathic) disease elements of many natural disease to be hereafter cured by them are present, which in a word contain artificial morbid states that furnish for the similar natural morbid states the only true homoeopathic that is to say, specific therapeutic instrument for effecting their certain and permanent cure”. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  5. “The most expert healer is the man who knows how to handle his MateriaMedica”-Dr. C.M. Boger Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  6. 1. Name of the Book: MateriaMedicaPura • Author:Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel • Hahnemann (10.4.1755 to 2.7.1843) • Volume & Edition: Six volumes • (from 1811 to 1821) Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  7. 1.Name of the Book: MateriaMedicaPura Editions: Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  8. 1.Name of the Book: MateriaMedicaPura Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  9. 1.Name of the Book: MateriaMedicaPura • Characteristic: Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  10. 1. Name of the Book: MateriaMedicaPura • Characteristic: Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  11. 2. Name of the Book: The Encyclopedia of pure MateriaMedica • Author:Trimothy. F. Allen • (24.4.1837 to 5.12.1902) • Volume and Edition: Twelve volumes • (1874 to 1879) Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  12. 2. Name of the Book: The Encyclopedia of pure MateriaMedica Characteristics: Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  13. 2. Name of the Book: The Encyclopedia of pure MateriaMedica Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  14. 2. Name of the Book: The Encyclopedia of pure MateriaMedica • Sources: • Pathogenesis given by Hahnemann • Experiments made upon healthy individuals. • Effects of accidentally administered poisonous doses. • Symptoms observed in the sick after drug administration. • Symptoms verified clinically. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  15. 3. Name of the Book: Hering Guiding Symptoms • Author: Constantine Hering(01.01.1800 to 23.07.1880) • Volume and Edition: 10 volumes • I volume 1879 • II volume 1880 • I and II volumes by Hering • Later volumes by his students and colleagues by Dr .C.G Raue, Dr.C.B.Knerr and C. Mohr Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  16. 3. Name of the Book: Hering Guiding Symptoms • Characteristic • All symptoms are verified bedside several times. • There are symptoms appearing in Hahnemann materiamedicapura and Allen’s encyclopedia which Hering ignored but emphasised others which though having comparatively lower gradation were verified and cofirmed more often in actual practice. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  17. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  18. 3. Name of the Book: Hering Guiding Symptoms • Characteristic • Various pathological symptoms were mentioned in which particular symptoms was found to be cured by particular drugs. This is mentioned at the end of the symptoms in brackets there are confirmation of the provings in particular condition of disease. • At the end of description references of relationship of the drugs and hints for comparative study. • It is a voluminous work with 48 chapters and 408 medicines. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  19. 4. Name of the Book: Key Notes And Red Line Symptoms of the MateriaMedica • Author:Dr. Adolph Von Lippe • (11.5.1812 to 23.1.1888) • Volume and Edition: One volume Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  20. 4. Name of the Book: Key Notes And Red Line Symptoms of the MateriaMedica Dr.AnkitSrivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  21. 5. Name of the Book: Lectures on MateriaMedica • Author: Carroll Dunham(1828 - 1877) • Volume & Edition: I edition – 1878 • II edition - 1880 Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  22. 6. Name of the Book: A Cyclopediaof Drug Pathogenesy • Author: R.Hughes and J.P. Dake. • Volume & Edition: In four volumes • 1st edition 1886. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  23. 6. Name of the Book: A Cyclopedia Of Drug Pathogenesy • Characteristic Dr.AnkitSrivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  24. 7. Name of the Book: Clinical MateriaMedica • Author: Ernest A. Farrington • (1.1.1847 to 1885) • Volume & Edition: One volume • I edition – 1887 • II edition - 1890 Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  25. 7. Name of the Book: Clinical MateriaMedica • Characteristic Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  26. 8. Name of the Book: Keynotes of the MateriaMedica with Nosodes. • Author: H. C. Allen (1836 - 1909). • Volume & Edition: One volume • I edition – 1898 • II edition – 1899 • (expanded to 318 pages) • VI edition – 1931 • (printed by Boericke and Tafel ) Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  27. 8. Name of the Book: Keynotes of the MateriaMedica with Nosodes. • Characteristic Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  28. 9. Name of the Book: Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics. • Author: Eugene Beauharis Nash (1838 - 1917). • Volume & Edition: I edition – 1898 • II edition – 1900 • III edition – 1907 • IV edition – 1913 • VI edition - 1946 Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  29. 9. Name of the Book: Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics. • Characteristic Dr.AnkitSrivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  30. 10. Name of the Book: A Manual of MateriaMedica Therapeutics and Pharmacology. Author: Alexander Leslie Blackwood. 1862-1924. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  31. 10. Name of the Book: A Manual of MateriaMedica Therapeutics and Pharmacology. • Characteristic Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  32. 11. Name of the Book: Homoeopathic MateriaMedica And Repertory. Author: William Boericke (26.11.1849 to 1.4.1929) Editions: One volume Nine editions I edition – 1900 II edition – 1903 III edition - 1906 IX edition – 1927 Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  33. 11. Name of the Book: Homoeopathic MateriaMedica And Repertory. • Characteristic Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  34. 11. Name of the Book: Homoeopathic MateriaMedica And Repertory. • Characteristic Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  35. 12. Name of the Book: Dictionary of Practical MateriaMedica Author: John Henry Clarke (1853 to 24.11.1931) Edition: Three volumes in 1900 Volume 1 has 951 pages, Volume 2 has 736 pages, Volume 3 has 1635 pages. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  36. 12. Name of the Book: Dictionary Of Practical MateriaMedica • Characteristic Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  37. 12. Name of the Book: Dictionary Of Practical MateriaMedica Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  38. 13. Name of the Book: Lectures of Homoeopathic MateriaMedica Author: James Tyler Kent (31.3.1849 to 6.6.1916) Editions: One volume I edition 1904 Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  39. 13. Name of the Book: Lectures Of Homoeopathic MateriaMedica Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  40. 14. Name of the book:- New, Old and Forgotten Remedies Name of the author: E. P. Anshutz Editions: I edition – 09.01.1900 II edition – 10.10.1917 Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  41. 14. Name of the book:- New, Old and Forgotten Remedies Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  42. 14. Name of the book:- New, Old and Forgotten Remedies Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  43. 15. Name of the book: A Synoptic Key of MateriaMedica Author: Dr.C.M.Boger, (1861-1935) Editions: Only one volume I edition-1915 Fifth and final edition – 1931 Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  44. 15. Name of the book: A Synoptic Key of MateriaMedica • Book is divided in three parts: • I part: 80 pages repertory • Repertory contains – • Periods of aggravation. • Conditions of aggravation and amelioration. • Generalities i.e. consideration of drug affinities for the entire organism. • Regional repertory. • The number of medicines mentioned under the repertory section is 489. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  45. 15. Name of the book: A Synoptic Key Of MateriaMedica • II part: Synopsis, 215 pages, materia medica • Materia medica contains –323 remedies. • Remedies are arranged alphabetically with their physiological spheres of activities modalities and relationship. • Each remedies is presented in outline form, diagrams or in graphic representation. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  46. Name of the book: A Synoptic Key of MateriaMedica • III part: 110 page section of four appendices • Duration of remedy action. • Complementary remedy action. • Antagonistic remedy action. • A supplemental reference table, which is actually an alphabetical • Clinical listing of symptoms, body parts, sensation etc and their • associated remedies linked via page numbers to the 80 page repertory Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  47. 16. Name of the book: Studies of Homeopathic Remedies Author: Douglas M Gibson (1888-1977). Editions: First published in the British Homoeopathic Journal over the period 1963-1977. His studies are edited for publication in book form. Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  48. 16. Name of the book: Studies of Homeopathic Remedies Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  49. 16. Name of the book: Studies of Homeopathic Remedies Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

  50. 17. Name of the book: A materiamedica and repertory James Stephenson Author: I edition - 1963 Edition: Dr.Ankit Srivastav copyright@2014 email:ankitsrivastav183@gmail.com

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