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THE HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS OF DIARHOEA: • INTRODUCTION Popularly known as Bell’s Diarrhea Prepared for the personal use of the author Written from clinical experience of 10 years, also from journals. Collected symptoms related to diarrhea with its indicated remedies. Source of collection of symptoms is clinical findings & clinical verification.
I Edition: • Based on reprint edition 2002, B.Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, New DelhiNo. of pages – 316 • 1869 – Published by Boericke & Tafel.Work prepared for own use from clinical observation, gleanings from others & from periodicals.Felt the want of such work to deal with frequently occurring & obstinate diarrheas of infants.Not included all the remedy that has been known to purge but only remedy which is known either of its stool, conditions or concomitants to distinguish it from other remedy.Printed because colleagues who saw it desire to have it • Tafel desired to print it .Hahnemann chronic diseases, Jahr repertory, LippeMateriaMedica, wells diarrheas, journals, etc were the sources
II Edition: • 1881 – Dr. W.T.Laird, N.Y,was asked to undertake this work for press & was editor for this edition. He has added much from his own material Entire remodeling of repertory which was lacking in first edition was done by him. Dr. T.M. Dillingham, former partner of Bell made a partial revision of work but went abroad before its compilation. Dr. Lippe has contributed 2 annotated copies & many suggestions
EDITOR’S PREFACE • Appeared after 12 years. There were new remedies.Drugs graded in four class: I grade – thoroughly proved & repeatedly verified in practice. II grade – well proved but lack clinical confirmation. III grade – possess fragmentary & imperfect pathogenesis (styled as suggestive remedies – Coto Bark, Gent Lut, Geran, Gnaph, Hura, Oenotyhera, Paullinia, etc) IV grade – indication derived solely ab us in morbis.Same general plan has been followed as in first with exception important symptoms italicized, while which are especially characteristic are printed in black type (in therapeutic part). Word cholera infantum is retained though it should be designated as enterocolitis & gastro enteric catarrh.
This edition contains 100 pages more than first. 32 new remedies has been added & the old ones thoroughly revised & in some instances entirely rewritten. • Numerous clinical symptoms has been incorporated but only those genuiness or writer has frequently verified in his practice. Others have been rejected on the ground of insufficient evidence. • Writer has acknowledged Dr. W.P.Wesselhoeft & Ad Lippe for valuable notes & suggestions. To Prof.E.A.Farrington for important information & to use his lectures of MateriaMedica & to Dr. F.F.Laird for preparing the manuscript. • Allen Encyclopedia, Hering Condense MateriaMedica, Hering Guiding Symptoms were consulted for this work.
III Edition: • 1888 - Thoroughly revised, for making complete as possible.4 remedies of little importance has been omitted – Cactus, Euphorb, Opuntia, Castoreum5 remedies has been added – Acetic acid, Crotalus, Angustra, Carbolic acid, Valeriana.Dr. Samuel A. Kinball, author of monograph on gonorrhoea, has been faithful & most valuable in this revision & Drs. J.G.Allen & W.Jefferson Guernsey have furnished annotated copies of the earlier edition.
IV Edition: • 1896 – Thorough revision & re revision & renewed comparison with all the MateriaMedica now available were done. • No remedies added or omitted. • Allen Symptom Register gives 425 remedies as having diarrhea & Knerr Repertory Of Guiding Symptoms a much smaller list but none of them not already included in this book are suited for a place in it either because proving is indefinite. So that this little work is now as complete. • Allen Symptom Register & Knerr – Repertory Of Hering’s Guiding Symptoms were consulted for preparation of 4th edition. • Thus the book underwent 4 editions during life time of Dr, Bell. Later on it got revised 9 times & the present book is the 13th edition
PLAN & CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOOK 1. Title Page2. Acknowledgement3. Preface To First Edition4. Author’s Preface To Second Edition5. Editor’s Preface6. Preface To Third Edition7. Preface To Fourth Edition8. Introduction : Character & Object Of The Work The SelectionOfTheRemedy The Administration Of The Remedy 9. Homoeopathic Therapeutics Part I – The Remedies & Their Indications Part II – Repertory 10. List Of Authors11. Index
1. TITLE PAGE Description of title book given fully with author’s name. 13th edition A quoting from Sir Wm. Hamilton” Science is a complement of knowledges, having, in point form, the character of logical perfection, and in point of matter, the character of real truth” The publisher name given last.2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION Acknowledged by the B. Jain Publishers to Dr. S.P.Padiar, Ernakulam for making available the original book for printing. By James B. Bell on 21 Feb 1869, at Augusta.4. AUTHOR’S PREFACE
5. EDITOR’S PREFACE6. PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION7. PREFACE TO FOURTH EDITION By Author Given by W.T.Laird MD. On March 1881, at Augusta By James B.Bell at Boston on June 1888 By James B. Bell at 178, Commonwealth Ave, Boston on October 1896
8. INTRODUCTIONa. CHARACTER & OBJECT OF WORK( PART I) Intended to apply to all loose evacuations of the bowels & to describe them their aggravations & ameliorations with their immediate accompaniment & general accompanying symptoms. The character of stool is used as an adjective & after it the stool is always to be understood. The semicolon stands for it. (Pg 83) Under the head of aggravations & ameliorations those influences are given which affect the stool & exciting causes of the attack. When referring to other symptoms they will be found indicated in parenthesis (Pg 83) Concomitant of stool have been studied & observed with much care (Pg 79). The general accompaniments include all the symptoms that occur during the attack (Pg 79). Under each best known remedies some symptoms will be italicized. (frequently observed, distinguish that remedy from others) (Pg 79).
b. SELECTION OF THE REMEDY • 2 types: one corresponding to the general symptoms or those which brings it into relation to the pathological state to be treated, & one corresponding to the special & characteristic symptoms or individualism. • Drugs no need to correspond pathological symptoms always if it has peculiar individualizing symptoms. Problem of selection is solved by seeking the remedy which possess the physical & diagnostic symptoms of the case & which corresponds to peculiar symptoms of the case.
c. THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE REMEDY • Writer began the practice of medicine with the preconceived idea that 30th for chronic & nervous affections, lower & even crude preparation for acute affections & for bowel diseases. But experience has been most satisfactory with the use of 12, 15, 30, 200 & often higher potencies administered in water & repeated every one to six hours according to urgency of symptoms & suspended as soon as decided improvement appeared. If the same remedy was needed to be resumed again it ha seemed to do better in higher potency.
9. HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICSPART I – THE REMEDIES & THEIR INDICATIONS Here 2 parts as:(Refer character & object of work)No. of remedies – 141Arranged alphabetically from Acetic acid to ZingiberRemedies dealt in detail regard with: Type of stool Aggravation, exciting cause Amelioration Before stool During stool After stool Accompaniments During convalescence given in few drugs – China (Pg 80), Sulph (Pg 193) Remarks of the remedy with or without drug relationship. E.g. Pg 23, 29, 33.Italics & bold – Pg 97, 75Certain drugs lack any of these headings. E.g. Acetic acid (before, during, after, amel), Aescul (agg & amel)
PART II - REPERTORY 141 remedies Gradation of drugs: Typography - Bold, Italics, Roman, (Roman parenthesis) Grades - I, II, III, IV Marks - 4, 3, 2, 1(Pg 207, 219, 222, 225)
II. PLAN & CONSTRUCTION OF REPERTORY i. Pathological Names ii. Character Of Stools iii. Conditions Of Stools & Accompanying Symptoms – 2 Subsections Aggravation Amelioration iv. Accompaniments Of The Evacuation – 3 Subsections Before Stool During Stool After Stool
1 Mind and Mood 2 Head ..... 3 Eyes and Ears . 4 Nose 5 Face 6 Mouth 7 Throat 8 Esophagus9 Appetite .. IO Eructations11 Nausea and Vomiting 12 Stomach . 13 Abdomen14 Anus ..
15 Urine ••••16 Sexual Organs17 Chest .... 18 Back and Neck 19 Extremities 20 Sleep .. 21 Fever .. a. Chill b. Heat c. Sweat d. Pulse 22 Skin ... 23 General Symptoms.••••
CHAPTER ARRANGEMENT • The general arrangement of repertory is as Pathology/location, character/sensation, modality & concomitants of particular & general state.Has 5 sections & certain section has subsection under itChapter names are given in capital boldSubsections are given as a) or b) & in capital ordinary small font. Except in General accompaniment it is given in 1. 2, 3, etc.
ARRANGEMENT OF RUBRICS • Rubrics are arranged alphabetically under sections & subsections. Rubric words are given in bold roman after a comma ‘,’ next word is given finally after colon ‘:’ the drugs are arranged alphabetically with their typography. Sub rubrics are given with indentations . One indentation means first word of the previous rubric. 2 indentation , , means 2 words of the previous rubric even in, of etc. Drinking, after , cold drinks (see cold drinks) Pg 228 , , impure water:Zing Here it means Drinking, after, impure water Time phases also arranged alphabetically – Pg 229 Cross reference are of 2 types With drugs – Pg 228, 231 Without drugs – Pg 228, 274
DESCRIPTION OF EACH CHAPTER • 1. PATHOLOGICAL NAMES Direct pathological names like Cholera, Diarrhea, Dysentery given in capital letters. Under these sub rubrics are given.2. CHARACTER OF THE STOOLS Different character of the stools based on nature of expulsion (Pg 212), onset, color, odor, consistency, alternation, etc are given. Colors are given under rubric color.Faecal as a separate rubric given , under which colors of faecal are mentioned.
3. CONDITION OF STOOLS & OF THE ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS 2 subsections given. a) Aggravations – given in capital letter Time, season are given alphabetically & not by the phases of occurrence. Causes given – Acids, after; Acute disease, after Periodicity given – Periodically at same hour; Alternate days Constitution like age & appearance – Aged persons in; Children fat; Fat, flabby person; etc. b) Ameliorations – given in capital letter. Here only amel is mentioned.
ACCOMPANIMENTS OF THE EVACUATIONS –given in capital, bold, big font 3 subsections given a) Before stool – given in capital, small font not bold b) During stool - given in capital, small font not bold. This subsection is well represented. c) After stool - given in capital, small font not bold In all these symptom pertaining to mind & all parts are given alphabetically.
ACCOMPANIMENTS OF THE EVACUATIONS –given in capital, bold, big font 3 subsections given a) Before stool – given in capital, small font not bold b) During stool - given in capital, small font not bold. This subsection is well represented. c) After stool - given in capital, small font not bold In all these symptom pertaining to mind & all parts are given alphabetically.
1. MIND & MOOD 2. HEAD – vertigo also given in this. 3. EYES & EARS – ear 1 rubric only given. 4. NOSE 5. FACE – Cheeks, Expression, Face & Lips given 6. MOUTH – Apthae, Chewing, Gums, Mouth proper, Palate, Saliva, Smell from mouth separately given, Taste, Teeth, Tongue are mentioned.
7. THROAT – Throat & Larynx, Goitre given. 8. OESOPHAGUS 9. APPETITE – Appetite, Aversion, Desire, Thirst, Thirstlessness are found. 10. ERUCTATIONS – Eructation & Hiccough mentioned. 11. NAUSEA & VOMITING – Nausea mentioned. Vomiting with its odor, color, modality is given in detail. 12. STOMACH 13. ABDOMEN – Abdomen, Flatus, Hypochondria, Liver, Sides, Spleen, Urging to stool given. 14. ANUS – Rubrics of Anus, Hemorrhoids & Rectum are given.
15. URINE - Dysuria, Strangury, Tenesmus, Urination, Urine given. In Urine its color, odor, quantity, sediments are given. 16. SEXUAL ORGANS – Erections, Genitals, Ovarian, Prolapsus uteri, Sexual excitement, rubrics are present. 17. CHEST – Breath, Chest, Cough, Heart, Respiration, Voice, Yawning are described. 18. BACK & NECK – Back esp renal region, sacrum, scapulae, lumbar region are given under this rubric. Neck, Shoulders are also given. 19. EXTREMITIES –Ankles, Arms & fingers, Calves, Extremities & body, Feet, Fingers, Hands, Legs, Nails, Shoulders, Thighs, Toes, Walk are main rubrics.
20. SLEEP – Dreams, Sleep, Sleepiness, Sleeplessness, Somnolency, Sopor are given. 21. FEVER – under this a. CHILL b. HEAT c. SWEAT d. PULSE – given in capital small font. Chill – Chill, Chilliness, Coldness, Shuddering given Heat – hot flashes Sweat – location, color, quantity, odor, consistency mentioned. Pulse – various types mentioned. 22. SKIN
23. GENERAL SYMPTOM – Dentition, Ebullition of blood, Talk, slow, etc are given. In parenthesis conditions are given - Pg 306 In parenthesis meanings are given – Pg 304PHILOSOPHICAL BACKGROUND Thus from the construction of repertory we can know that it is based on: Doctrine of complete symptoms Doctrine of evaluation of remedy Doctrine of concomitants Mostly of Boenninghausen’s philosophy.
WORKING OUT A CASE All cases of loose evacuations based on Pathological names Character of stool Modalities Concomitants pertaining to stool in particular General accompaniments.
SPECIAL FEATURES • Handy & concise , easily usable at bed sideCan be used for reference & for research purpose • Concomitants are very well represented which makes it superior than other major repertories pertaining to diarrhea, as well as to those at that time. • Authenticated remedies only represented. So it can be relied.gradation of remedy help us to select the exact similimum. • Remedy description given at first with relationship, which helps for final selection of remedy after repertorization & also for second prescription. • Also available in computer software espHompath Classic under SPECIAL as DIARRHEA.
CRITICISM • 10. LIST OF AUTHORS11. INDEX Rubric arrangement by indentation is slightly confusing. The list of authors books referred & journal consulted is mentioned. Index is given for editions, introductions, then for remedies & last for repertory - mentioned as per sections & subsection. This is just but the contents.
CONCLUSION • This repertory was the inspiration for Dr. Henry Minton for preparing Uterine Therapeutics. The arrangement used in Bell’s diarrhea is followed in Minton’s Uterine Therapeutics. • Even in Repertory of More Characteristic Symptoms of our MateriaMedica – C. Lippe, had added selections from Bell Diarrhea. Even the arrangement in rubrics as as from Bell’s Diarrhea. • It has been used by scholars & found useful in treating loose evacuation of stools..
BIBLIOGRAPHY • The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Diarrhea – James B. Bell.Essentials of Repertorization – Dr. S.K. TiwariThe Principles & Practice of Repertorization – Dr. K. Harinadham.Reperire -Dr. VidhyadharKhanajUterine Therapeutics – Dr. Henry Minton.Repertorial Approach to the Treatment of Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases – Dr. R. BhuvaneswariRepertory to the More Characteristic Symptoms of the MateriaMedica – Constantine Lippe.Hompath Classic 8.0 version