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The International Arbitration Attorney Network is the leading legal network of international arbitration practitioners and independent arbitration law firms. Its internationally-recognized lawyers form legal teams for arbitrations and also serve as arbitrators.
The Leading Legal Network of Independent International Arbitration Law Firms and Practitioners
What Is International Arbitration? International arbitration is similar to domestic court litigation, but instead of taking place before a domestic court it takes place before private adjudicators known as arbitrators. It is a consensual, neutral, binding, private and enforceable means of international dispute resolution, which is typically faster and less expensive than domestic court proceedings.
How To Minimize The Cost Of International Arbitration? • Use cost-effective international arbitration lawyers with capped legal fees. • Use experienced international arbitration legal counsel. • Use fast-track arbitration clauses in contracts whose total value is USD 500,000 or less. • Provide for a sole arbitrator rather than three arbitrators to resolve your dispute. • Attempt to settle the dispute if possible. • Request a limitation in terms of document production or no document production at all.
About The IAA Network Having achieved successful outcomes in numerous previous international commercial, investment and construction arbitrations, the IAA Network's members provide "great" arbitration legal representation "at the highest level" in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and North America.
Should International Arbitration Be Used To Resolve A Dispute? Even in the presence of an agreement containing an arbitration clause, negotiations or international mediation may be worth considering unless it is clear that the opposing party is unwilling to negotiate an end to a dispute on fair terms or in good faith. While arbitration will result in a final and binding judgment, like any legal dispute a ruling on the matter will not be instant and, on average, an international arbitration takes approximately 18 months from the filing of a case until the rendering of an arbitration award.
How To Minimize The Cost Of International Arbitration? • Encourage your lawyer to select cost-effective experts. • Limit the number of rounds of written submissions. • Ensure that your lawyer avoids unnecessary correspondence. • Keep arbitration clauses simple. Complex arbitration clauses can cause complex jurisdictional battles that would have been unnecessary with proper drafting. • Ensure your legal counsel has a modern and organized system for retrieving documents and help your legal counsel by providing the most relevant documents with clear explanations of their relevance. • Encourage keeping hard copies to a minimum.
Research International Arbitration Law And Doctrine. International arbitration law is an eclectic body of law, composed of decisions rendered by international arbitration courts and arbitration tribunals, domestic court judgments, restatements, domestic arbitration laws, international treaties, and awards of supranational institutions. Arbitration doctrine by respected commentators also plays a role in establishing the relevant legal norms to be applied in international arbitrations and is highly-persuasive. While technically non-binding, except between the parties to a particular arbitration agreement, arbitration case law and doctrine is nevertheless highly-persuasive and typically followed by arbitrators, although arbitrators can also be requested to rule ex aequo et bono (Latin for “from equity and conscience“).
Online Tools For Calculating Arbitration Time Limits. • Calculating Days Before and After Specific Dates: This online tool allows users to add or subtract numbers of days from a date. This is useful for calculating arbitration time limits, since institutions such as the ICC often provide deadlines on the basis of the number of additional days prior to a procedural event. • Adding or Subtracting Years, Months, Weeks and Days: This online tool is similar to the above tool, and is useful for arbitration time limits. It allows users to add or subtract years, months and weeks from dates, rather than only days. • Calculating the Number of Days Between Two Dates: Time and date is an online resource which allows users to ascertain the number of days which have elapsed between two dates.
Fast-Track And Model Arbitration Clauses. • American Arbitration Association (AAA) / International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) • Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) • Association Française d’Arbitrage (AFA) • Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA) • Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) • Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA)Model Arbitration Clause • Centro de Arbitraje de México (CAM)
ContactUs Email: contact@iaa-network.com Website: www.international-arbitration-attorney.com