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Dynemech Anti Vibration Solutions for HVAC

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) technology provides indoor and vehicle comfort, providing thermal comfort and good indoor air quality. <br>HVAC systems play a crucial role in maintaining optimal temperature and humidity levels in residential structures, medium to large industrial and commercial buildings, automobiles, and maritime settings. HVAC systems provide safe and healthy building conditions by regulating the use of fresh outside air. <br>Mob: 91-9810760131 ; 91-9911145131u00a0u00a0u00a0<br>u00a0u00a0<br>Email: Salu0435s@dynu0435mu0435ch.comu00a0u00a0<br>u00a0u00a0<br>www.vibrationmountsindia.com | www.vibrationdampingpads.comu00a0<br>

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Dynemech Anti Vibration Solutions for HVAC

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  1. N N ·~ ' 1" For HVAC Equipments Vibration Tamed, HVAC Efficiency Gained! ~ ~ ~ A~ ~ ~ ~=--- -= ~ - -= - ~ ~ ~ • ~ M: +91-9810760131 • E: sales@dynemech.com www.vibrationmountsindia.com • www.vibrationdampingpads.com -..:::::::::

  2. D~, fnemeer R ~ v: RATION TECHNOLO~ , I Dynemech Rituresilire Vibration Isolation Pads Page No 4 : i~i/';,' ,_: ~::/_ ,_:. I• -- ~ . \: < • -- _ _,,. Screw Support Mounts Series OLK-LP PageNo.6 Rubber Air Springs Series ORAS PageNo.6 Compac Machinery Mounts Series DH PageNo.7 Mac Level Mounts Series OML Page No. 7 lf ...,_ Series DLM/DLMS I PageNo.8 Screw Support Mounts Flexifoot Mounts Series DGF PageNo.9 PageNo.10 • Ii ~ P•~~14 -, ubber Buffers/ ngs Stud Mounts • ~ Series DS ~ PageNo.11 ______ •~ ____. • Spring Isolators Series RT Spring Isolators Series MAI-P5-TR1 PageNo. 17 Spring Isolators Series MEI PageNo.17 Spring Isolators Series RCD-SP3 &RDD-SP3 PageNo.18 Spring Isolators Series MAI-RSTD/MBI-RSTD PageNo.17 p~ Floor Mounted Open Spring Isolators Series DOS PageNo.19 Hanger Type Spring Isolators Series DIH PageNo.19 Floor Mounted Open Spring Isolators Series DOS-B PageNo.20 Floor Mounted Open Spring Isolators Se.ties DOS-O "'~"~" ~ ii Spring Isolators Se.ties RDD-OPSD Spring Viscous Dapshot Series RBD-RT-LV RCD-RT-LV RDD-RT-LV RFD-RT-LV RGD-RT-LV RID-RT-LV PageNo.22-2.l Applications PageNo. 21

  3. ---1Elastomeric Composite Material Solutions,._ __ Vi IRsu, lation. Plates Dynemech Insulation Plates are made from the compound of Nitrile Rubber, Cork, Synthetic Fibre which at varying compositions gives different natural frequencies for providing vibration damping solution to almost every machine tool. These Vibration Insulation plates are resistant to water, oils, lubricating oils, fuels etc. used in the shop floor. The maximum available size for Dpl, Dp3 is 600x600nun. For all other types, it is 500x500mm. These sheets can be cut & supplied to any smaller sizes as per requirements. D•· trlemec{ R J v: RATION TECHNOLO~ I 1brafion Natural Frequency Range (Hz) Coeff. of Working Friction LOAD Kg/Sq.cm. THKS. mm. Temp. Range °C TYPE Load Test 3-9 15 35-18 0.9 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 Du Du-10 3-12 10 45-20 0.9 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 Du-12 3-10 12 40-20 0.9 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 Dm 5-10 15 50-30 0.7 Di 5-14 25 25-7 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 •. - - Dpt 1-4 15 20-7 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 ~ 1 ~ Dp2 1-5 20 30-12 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 ~ ~ I~ I· ~ ~-· ,.__.. -~/ Dp3 2-6 24 15-7 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 ::::--:-: ..... -~ - - ~-- - Dsl 2-5 20 35-15 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMDS75 01

  4. ---1Elastomeric Composite Material Solutions,._ __ D~· 4lemec1li ~ v:RATION TECHNOLO~,l Dynemech Insulation Plates are made from the compound of Nitrile Rubber, Cork, Synthetic Fibre which at varying compositions gives different natural frequencies for providing vibration damping solution to almost every machine tool. These Vibration Insulation plates are resistant to water, oils, lubricating oils, fuels etc. used in the shop floor. The maximum available size for Dpl, Dp3 is 600x600mm. For all other types, it is 500x500mm. These sheets can be cut & supplied to any smaller sizes as per requirements. Vi 1bration Insui latioa Plates Coeff. of Working Friction Natural Frequency Range (Hz) LOAD Kg/Sq.cm. THKS. mm. Temp. Range °C TYPE Load Test 0s2 2-8 25 35-8 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 Dhsl 5-20 65 12-6 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 Dhs2 2-8 8-4 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 65 4 - 28 15-7 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 Dhs3 50 0.8 Dhs4 3-12 50 8-5 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 ~ ,-c- ......... Dhs5 4 - 28 80 12-5 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 ' -20 to +70 ASTMD575 ~ ,, ~ Oh 10- 35 15 70-45 0.6 ~ ~ ~ - --c~~ ~ ~ 2-18 2 20-45 0.8 -20 to +70 ASTMD57S Dal l'c 2 - 10 21-45 -20 to +70 ASTMD575 Da2 8 0.9 02

  5. ---1Elastomeric Composite Material Solutions,._ __ DyneStarke Shack & Wi1 bration Isolation Pads High strength, Exceptional Shock Absorption, High Vibration Damping D•· 11lemec'R ~ v:RATION TECHNOLO~ I Dynestarke Vibration Isolation Pads, Series DHS6-ML are meticulously engineered using scientifically designed high grade elastomeric synthetic compound and multiply, tightly woven, closely packed light weight fabric that excels in isolating shock and damps high energy vibrations. It enables the DyneStarke Pads to effectively absorb and dissipate the energy generated by vibrations and shock, minimizing their transmission to surrounding structures and equipment. This not only protects the integrity of machinery but also enhances the overall stability , durability and performance of the system. Series DHS6-ML Features: * Prevent equipment surface and positive grip when under load. * Unlike conventional materials, DyneStarke Pads offer superior deflection capabilities, making them highly efficient. * Exceptional resistance to oil, cleaning compounds, dirt, water, lubricating oils , etc used in shop floor coupled with their robust strength and fatigue resistance, ensures longevity and reliability. •• Damping & Durable .... r 11walking 11 with anti-skid TECHNICAL DATA 527 15, 25 90-92 97 -20 to +110 215 22.8 4-5 mm at 527 Kg/ cm2 30 Pl1, Ti&'.tly Woven close i ~acked Li~ht Weig t abric Mo ded wiili Synthetic Rubber. 0.7 Load (Kg/ cm~ Thickness (mm) Shore A Hardness Tensile Strength (Kg/ cm2) Working Temp (°C) Elongation (%) Young's Modulus (Kg/ cm2) Compression at Max. Load Material/ Construction Coefficient of Frition '" Natural Frequency at Max. Load 15-20Hz. High Vibration Life Long Cost Effective Applications : RV AC Equipments Gensets Air Handling Units Transformers * Compressors * Pumps * * Load vs Deflection 600 500 5 i 300 ,, "' .3 400 200 100 Chillers Shop Floor Machinery Deflection (mm) 03

  6. ---1Elastomeric Composite Material Solutions,._ __ n~, t.nemee'~ ~ v:RATION TECHNOLO~,I All Weather, Climate Resistant Vibration Insulation Plate Dynemec.h Ri Wi'bration, Isolat,iea Pads 1mFesi 1lire Dynemech Rituresilire Vibration Isolation Pads, Series Du-10-NP are specifically engineered from high grade Chloroprene Rubber elastomeric compound to provide reliable vibration control and insulation in all weather conditions. These pads are designed to withstand various climates, ensuring consistent performance and durability. These are suitable for outdoor applications, where equipment is exposed to harsh elements. These pads exhibit excellent resistance to weather elements, oils, mildew, sunshine, dampness, and other factors that can potentially degrade their performance. Series Du-10-NP Features: .,, r * 1bis sheet is resistant to water, oils, lubricating oils, fuels, etc. used in shop floor. * 1bis sheet has defined stress value and can be placed directly under the machine as per the weight of the machine and no. of mounting positions. * 1bis sheet will not deform plastically, if the weight of machine does not exceed maximum load value of this insulation plate * The composite material ensures high damping capacity, high compressive strength & high load capacities. TECHNICAL DATA Load Capacity (Kg/ cmj Natural Frequency Thickness (mm) Coeff. of Frition Shore A Hardness Tensile Strength (Kg/ cm2) Elongation (Min.) Compression Set (Max.) Color Flammability Class Working Temp Range (°C) '" Applications : * HV AC Equipments * Gensets * Air Handling Units * * * * Pumps * * AC Units * Scrubbers 03-09 18-35 10 0.9 60-65 100 250% - 30% Black UL94-V0 -20 to +70 High Vibration All Damping Load vs Natural Frequency 10 Transformers Concrete Bases Compressors 8 ~ i 6 1 4 z Chillers 0 0 10 20 25 30 5 15 40 35 Natural Frequency (Hz) 04

  7. -------fElastomeric Machinery Mounts J------- Serew Su1pport Mounts Series D: LK 'i)•lflemec1R J v: RATION TECHNOLO~ I Hex Head Bolt Small Hex Head Bolt Machine Foot Rotating Clockwise~ for Levelling T H 1 , f--- D ------l Construction Drawing Dynemech screw support mounts series DLK are simple and effective vibration dampers for machines with respective holes in the base. these mounts offer both low frequency attenuation and stable machine levelling. the DLK series vibration damping and levelling mounts provide fast and easy installation of machines. DLK series anti vibrations mounts have low carbon steel body and are used for machines having mounting holes in the base. This levelling mou.n.t has a cover plate and dimpled bottom plate ~ holding the insulation plate. Levelling of mount is done by tightening the bolt which lifts the cover plate i with the machine base. Note : Please select Bolt Head as per the requirement Series OLK Mounting Configuration ~ ; J!l D Height (H) (mm) so 50 50 50 50 50 58 58 58 62 72 Load (Kg/pc) 580 750 900 1200 1900 2600 2900 3400 4200 2600 4200 Bolt Size Adj. Range (mm) +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +12 +12 +12 +20 +20 APPLICATIONS Model (mm) 92 92 92 135 135 135 195 195 195 135 195 -~ ;> M12 X 100 M12 X 100 M12 X 100 M16 X 100 M16x100 M16 x 100 M20 X 150 M20 x 150 M20 X 150 M16 X 100 M20 X 150 DLK1-a DLK1-b DLK1-c DLK2-a DLK2-b DLK2-c DLK3-a DLK3-b DLK3-c DLKH2-c DLKH3-c ,Screw Support Mo.unts S~r-ies DLK-4 ~ Textile Machines, CNC Machines, Power Presses, Plastic Injection Moulding Machines, Pressure Die Casting Machine, Printing Machines, Compressors, Grinding Machines and All Types of Heavy Industrial Applications. ] 8 ~ Hex Head Bolt Small Hex Head Bolt Hex Head Bolt Note : Please select Bolt Head as per the requirement ! .. CoMtruction Drawing Mounting Configuration Series DL~4 Dynemech Screw Support Mounts Series DLK-4 are suitable for heavy machine installations. They s provide additional damping in shear and radial directions. ~ ___ ·- APPLICATIONS 0 H Lord (Kg/pc) 4000 5000 6000 Bolt Size Adj. Range (mm) 20 20 20 Model Textile Machines, CNC Machines, Power Presses, Plastic Injection Moulding Machines, Pressure Die Casting Machines, Printing and Packaging Machines, Compressors, Grinding Machines and All types of Heavy Industrial Applications. (mm) 78 78 78 Note: DLK-4 Series Bolt Si:zes M-10, M-12, M16, M20, M24, M30 possible on special request 05 (mm) 238 238 238 M24x 150 M24x 150 M24x 150 DLK4-a DLK4-b DLK4-c

  8. -------fElastomeric Machinery Mounts J------- n~, 4:l;emecf R J v: RATION TECHNOLO~ , I Screw Supj port Mounts Series OLK-LP Hex Head Bolt Small Hex Head Bolt Rotating Clockwise~ for Levelling Hex Head Bo~ Steel Body ✓ , . . .......__ _______ Note : Please select Bolt Head as per the requirement Construction Drawing Series OLK-LP Dynemech Screw Support Mounts series DLK-LP are simple and effective vibration dampers for machines with respective holes in the base. These mounts offer both low frequency attenuation and stable machine levelling. The DLK-LP Series has a lower height for fast and easy installation of machines. .; DLK-LP Series anti vibrations mounts have low carbon steel body and are used for machines having {l mounting holes in the base. This levelling mount has a cover plate and dimpled bottom plate holding the ] insulation plate. Levelling is done by tightening the bolt which lifts the cover plate with the machine ~ base. Height (H) Adj. Range (Kg/pc) Size (mm) (mm) DLK1•LP•a 580 M12 X 100 93 - 36.0 OLK1-LP•b 750 M12 X 100 93 36.0 DLK1-LP•c 900 M12 X 100 93 36.0 DLK2-LP-a 1200 M16 X 100 135 34.5 DLK2-LP-b 1900 M16 X 100 135 34.5 OLK2-LP-c 2600 M16 x 100 135 34.5 DLK3-LP-a 2900 M20 X 150 187 34.5 OLK3-LP-b 3400 M20 X 150 187 34.5 OLK3-LP-c 4200 M20 X 150 187 34.5 Note: DLK-LP Series Bolt Sizes M-10, M-12, M16, M20, M24, M30 possible on special request. ----------f Pneumatic Mounts~-------- ; T : - - - - -+-- - - - -5 : ~- l , I· s ·I I· Dynemech ~ub~er A?" Springs DRAS provide highly effective isolation . of machines against low ~ frequency vibration/ rmpact. The element offers a vertical natural frequencies between 2.5 to 6.0 Hz*.'; The component has vertical to horizontal stiffness ratio of approximately 1. Suited for both active and ~ • "b t· tr I passive v1 ra 10n con o . Load Max. Pressure s (Kg/pc) Bar (mm) DRAS1 25 - 60 3 96 DRAS2 80- 300 5 126 DRAS3 - I •< 270 - 800 6 182 ,_ ~ ~ DRAS4 650-1500 6 252 DRASS 1200-3400 6 370 DRAS6 3000-6500 6 500 Applications: Active isolation of high speed power presses, textile machines, vibration test rigs, engine ~ test beds, blowers etc. and passive isolation of measuring & testing machines/ equipments, fiigh ~ precision grinding/ polishing machines, surfaces plates, spectrometers, induction heaters etc. 06 Mounting Configuration ~ .ij > ±; c8 ] 8 ~ D Load Bolt APPLICATIONS Model (mm) +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 - Textile Machines, CNC Machines, Power Presses, Plastic Injection Moulding Machines, Pressure Die Casting Machine, Printing Machines, Compressors, Grinding Machines and All Types of Heavy Industrial Applications. Rubber A~r Sj pti Series ORAS · I ~ I • • 1 T 1ZH,1l s ·I 111~s ·- - 1 1 . ~ ;i - ;& -0 $ 8 ~ 6 1 oS h D HApp. (mm) 64 69 85 105 105 110 d Model Bolt (mm) 85 123 175 250 357 480 (mm) 6 6 6 8 8 8 (mm) 42 80 100 127 200 315 M10 M12 M16 M16 M20 M20 ~ z

  9. -------fElastomeric Machinery Mounts ,_ ____ _ Mac Level Mounts Series DML D ~ · 11lemec( R ~ v: RATION TECHNoLo~ I Hex Head Bolt Small Hex Head Bolt I· ·I d ----I Boltl-- G Series DML Note ; Please select Bolt Head as per the requirement Dynemech Mac Level, Series DML is suitable for high speed rotating machines having small or no axial forces. Levelling Adjustment (mm) +10 +12 +12 +20 +20 Note : Auto Black or Zinc Coated Bolt variants are available. Natural Frequency at Max. Load (Hz) 7 7 7 - 8 8 d Max.Load (Kg) D H Bolt G Model (mm) (mm) (mm) M10 M12 M16 M16 M20 175 500 1200 2000 4000 50 80 120 160 200 40 47 53 58 63 32 45 60 90 120 DML1 DML2 DML3 DML4 DMLS ,- ,- - ,- - - - - - - ,- ,- , _ Compac Machinery Mounts Series DH - -- D---i -j G f- i------ A------ K-------i i---- - - Series-DH Dynemech Compac Machinery Mounts uses rubber in compression and shear, They provide tight tolerances on stiffness rate for accurate vibration calculations. Load range is from 70-130 Kgs per piece. The strong base metal withstands high shock loads without deformation. Dome shaped cover protects against oil contamination . Light weight and compact. Ideal for Diesel Engines, Compressors Cooling Towers, Pumps, Industrial Generators, Marine Generators, ID, FD Fans etc. - - D A H d Weight (Kg.) 0.22 0.22 0.22 Load Capacity (Kg.) 130 - 105 70 K G Model (mm) 76 76 76 (mm) 64 64 64 (mm) 35 35 35 (mm) 93 93 93 07 (mm) 9.5 9.5 9.5 M12/M10 M12/M10 M12/M10 DH1 DH2 DH3 - ,- -,- ,- - - - - - -

  10. -------fElastomeric Machinery Mounts ,_ ____ _ n~ti1:emec1R J v: RATION TECHNOLo~ l Screw Suppoit Mou1nts Series DL~LMS 1 H T 1 H T 1 H T Two Free nuts & bolt fixed • I D D D lype-F Type-M One nut Fixed with bolt & two nuts free Type-RA One nut Fixed with bolt & two nuts free Series OLM Dynemech DLM/DLMS series mounts, developed in low carbon steel and stainless steel respectively are simple and effective vibration dampers for machines with respective holes in the base. These mounts offer low frequency attenuation, stable machine leveling and vibration reduction. The flexible levelling screw accommodates uneven/ sloped surfaces. Series DLMS is used where stainless steel is desired for environmental reasons like in pharmaceutical, food and beverages processing and packaging units, medical equipments manufacturing and chemical processing industries. These are available in three variants of M, RA and F. Type M : - The bolt can rotate on its axis and moves radially provides compensation of ground unevenness of up to 5° and simple levelling with a great levelling range. The levelling is done by rotating the hex provided at the base of the bolt just above the mount body. Machine base must have a tapped hole. One free nut and washer is provided for clamping after the levelling is completed Type RA: -The bolt can rotate on its axis and provides simple levelling with a great levelling range. The levelling is done by rotating the hex provided at the base of the bolt just above the mount body. Machine base must have a tapped hole. One free nut and washer is provided for clamping after the levelling is completed. Type F: -The bolt is fixed with the mount body. Two free nuts and a washer is provided. Machine base rests over the bottom nut and washer. Levelling is done by rotating the bottom nut. Machine base must have plain holes. The top nut is used for clamping after the levelling is completed. Series DLMS Dia (D) (mm) 21 28 28 30 26 29 33 35 30 33 37 39 26 29 33 35 31 34 38 40 Height (H) (mm) 55 85 112 135 55 85 112 135 55 85 112 135 55 85 112 135 55 85 112 135 Load Capacity (Kg/pc) 150 350 600 900 100 200 400 600 110 270 460 740 110 220 380 620 125 300 550 850 Bolt Size Model OLM1-u DLM2-u DLM3-u DLM4-u DLM1-p2 DLM2-p2 DLM3-p2 DLM4- 2 DLM1-p3 DLM2-p3 DLM3-p3 OLM4- 3 DLM1-s1 OLM2-s1 DLM3-s1 DLM4-s1 DLM1-s2 DLM2-s2 OLM3-s2 DLM4-s2 M16 X 100 M16x 100 M16 X 150 M16 X 150 M16 x 100 M16x 100 M16 x 150 M16x150 M16x 100 M16 x 100 M16x 150 M16 X 150 M16x 100 M16 X 100 M16x 150 M16 X 150 M16 x 100 M16 X 100 M16 x 1.50 M16x150 '- Note : Bolt size may vary as per requirements. 08

  11. ______ __, Compression Shear Mounts ,._ _____ _ flexiioot Mounts Series OGf g)•'nemec{ R J v: RATION TECHNOLO~ .l G ✓ "' .11, .., ''\I \ ed ~ ~ 0 L '1 .. I\.' Series DCiF cc Dynemech Flexi Foot Mounts, Series DGF is well suited for machines requiring vibration damping in both compression and shear. An anti skid plate is provided in the base of the mount to prevent machine walking. These mounts can also be anchored to the floor through the holes provided in the base for machines producing high unbalance forces. Applications: Generators, Blowers, Pumps, ID & FD Fans, Cooling Towers, etc. Natural Frequency at Max.Load (Hz) 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 SI. No. cc B H Max.Load (Kg) L Bolt (Ci) d0 Model (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. '29. 30. 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 60 75 120 200 250 75 100 150 225 300 75 100 150 225 300 250 500 850 1100 1575 250 500 850 1100 1575 250 500 850 1100 1575 100 100 100 100 100 129 129 129 129 129 127 127 127 127 127 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 100 100 100 100 100 129 129 129 129 129 134 134 134 134 134 205 205 205 2.05 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 85 85 85 85 85 72 72 72 72 72 82 82 82 82 82 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 73 73 73 73 73 89 89 89 89 89 85 85 85 85 85 159 159 159 159 159 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 DGF~A DGF~B DGF~C DGF~D DGF~E DGF1-A-UNM DGF1-B-UNM DGF1·C·UNM DGF1·D·UNM DGF1-E•UNM DGF1-A DGF1-B DGF1-C DGF1·D DGF1·E DGF2-A DCF2-8 DGF2-C DGF2-D DGFZ·E DGF2·A·RTH - DGF2-8-RTH DGF2-C-RTH DGFZ-D-RTH DGFZ-E-RTH DGFZ·A·RTH-Da1 DGFZ·B·RTH-Da1 DGF2-C-RTH-Da1 DGF2-D-RTH-Da1 DGF2-E-RTH-Da1 ,_ - 1~ ,- ,- - -- - ..... ,~ 1~ ~ .< ✓ - - - I= ~ · ·-~- ,- ,_ - - 1~ ' - ' ,_ ,- - 09

  12. _____ ____, Compression Shear Mounts ,__ ____ _ l)i1, 1-ftemee1R J v: RATION TECHNOLo~ l Sandwich Mo111nts Series Oi M£ 1-- CxD ----1 --jG!--- ~ 1 .\ -_: _-_-_:.,,:,, _;- 1~-5~--~---. - I ·-: :" -: :· :· _ : : : I 1---cc----1 :~- I __ L.x8 ___ DMS2 f.-cc~ I· L.x8 DMS1 ·I 1_.,. : Dynemech Sandwich Mounts Series OMS comprise one or more layers of elastomer bonded to flat steel plates. They are designed to withstand very high compressive loads. These mounts have large supporting surface area and are slim. These mounts can also be stacked to achieve lower natural frequencies. cc (Kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) 1. DMS1-A 40 - 88x41 57x41 2. DMS1-B 50 88x41 57x41 72 3. QMS1-C - 75 88x41 57x41 72 4. DMS1-D 120 88x41 57x41 72 5. DMS1·E 150 88x41 57x41 72 6. DMS2-A 125 165x54 165x54 140 7. DMS2·8 250 165x54 165x54 140 8. DMS2-C 425 165x54 165x54 140 9. DMS2-P 550 165x54 165x54 140 10. DMS2-E 800 165x54 165x54 140 11. PMS2-A·SP1 140 110x60 110x60 89 12. DMS2-B-SP1 270 110x60 110x60 89 13. DMS2-C·SP1 450 110x60 110x60 89 14. DMS2-D-SP1 600 110x60 110x60 89 15. DMS2-E-SP1 850 110x60 110x60 89 Natural Fremiency ( z) 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 l Thickness of Steel Plate 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 MAX Load LxB CxD Bolt Ci MB MB MB MS MB - - - - - - - - - - H S.No. Model d (mm) 38 38 38 38 38 44 44 44 44 44 43 43 43 43 43 (mm) 18 18 18 18 18 - - - - - - - - - 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 72 Sandwich Mou1Rts Se1:ies D~M Dynemech Sandwich Mounts Series DSM are available in various standard and customized sizes. These mounts provides support to motors, pumps and equipment installed on a machine body. These mounts provides high vibration isolation efficiency. M 12x1 75 T APPED 1 4 Nos.) DSM-250/75 ------ L - --- ~ // //, /,///h "//; ., T ·I T ~~~~= ~'.l-:::..':::.'2:..~~"Z.."Zc..7:.c~,.,.. '""",.,., 9=-"'"'= H j_ '/-" I'/,,.-/, - H • / /. , . . . .,= ✓ /. , . . , N . , . . , . , , , , . . . . , , , , . . , . . ,. , . , . . . ., ,, . . . . , / , . . , . . , , , , , . . , . . . . __ -t l / /. . , , . . - - , c ,✓ ,, - , - , , ,, -,--,- ',/ '// ~'l,,,..// 1/ I I' / ...,., ,/, ,....., , .....,. Series DSM 013 cc (mm) 150 180 Thru. Hole (mm) -- 20 MAX Load (Kg./pc) 3500 4500 Length L (mm) 250 240 Width B (mm) 75 50 10 Height H (mm) 75 40 S.No. Model Bolt 1. 2. M12x1.75 - DSM-250/75 DSM-240/50

  13. ______ Sa,ndwi£h Mau- nts Series Du-3L ___, Compression Shear Mounts ,__ _____ _ D•· themec{ R J v:RATION TECHNOLo~l The sandwich mounts comprise one or more layers of elastomer bonded to flat steel plates. They are designed to withstand very high compressive loads. These mounts have large supporting surface area and are slim. These mounts can also be stacked to achieve lower natural frequencies. TlH Fl--=11 -=----------=---=---=i~: Low cwbon Steel Plate . . G T w l ___ _ ------- L------- 3- Du Insulation Sheet (3-L.ayer) Series Du-3L-MS Length L (mm) 185 Height H (mm) 57 MAX Load (Kg./pc) 1580 WidthW (mm) 95 S.No. Model Bolt Du-3L-MS 1. M14 Dynemech Rubber Bu.f.fer.sfttubber Springs Series Dynemech Rubber Bushes are available in various standard and customized sizes. They are made from different types of rubber material and fabric reinforcements based in the application requirements. --- OD ---•I I I I I OD - -----~~-- - I I I I I Natural Frequency Under Load {Hz) 7 8 7 7 7 6 8 8 8 Deflection Outer Dia 0D(mm) Inner Dia. ID(mm) Height H (mm) Shore A Hardness Load Capacity (Kg) (mm) 18 ~ 750 1400 9000 6000 500 200 95 160 400 Note: Customized sizes, material specifications and shore hardness can be possible as per customer's requirements. 11 100 165 200 220 82 60 40 52 75 125 60 175 100 105 50 25 25 25 70-75 80-85 80-85 70-75 70-75 80-85 70-75 70-75 70-75 RB 100-125 RB 165-60 DLKI 5-175 DLKl4 NEOPRENE SPRING BZ-105 DSC 60-S0T-13.5 INSULATION DISC M16 INSULATION DISC M20 INSULATION DISC M30 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 100 68 so 51 13.5 17 21 31 9 26 15 15 7.5 5 s 5 -16 TO 90 -16TO90 -16TO90 -16 TO 90 -16 TO90 ·16 TO 90

  14. _____ __, Compression Shear Mounts ,__ ____ _ n~, 1ftemee1li J v: RATION TECHNOLO~ , l Stud. Mou1nts Series DS ASSEMBLY l_ ~- L TT H j_ f-~-l Type OS-MM M-- l_ m---1 91-- i , : • ! J_ " ' f-b-1 Type OS-MF L TT Tm: ,. H J_ ! f H I ' "' I I I I Series OS f-b-1 Type OS-MP f-b-1 Type OS-FF f-b-1 Type OS-FP DYNEMECH Stud Mounts, Series DS are highly effective and compact vibration dampers for a variety of applications like - Compressors, Pwnps, ID & FD Fans, Motors, Machine Tools, Gensets, Air Conditioners, Measuring and Testing Equipments/Instruments, Material Handling Equipments, Laboratory Equipments etc. These mounts can be used for load applications in compression. H L Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37, 38. 39. D LOAD (Kg) NATURAL FREQUENCY (Hz) 12 15 15 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 12 10 10 12 - 10 12 - ~ 12 12 12 z 12 ,,- 12 12 12 ... 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 G MODEL (mm) 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 25 25 25 30 30 30 09 09 09 25 25 25 35 35 35 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 (mm) 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 (mm) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 38 38 38 38 38 38 Thread M4 M4 M4 M4 M4 M4 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 2 4 OS a 10-10 OS b 10·10 DS c 10-10 OS a 15-15 OS b 15-15 OS c 15-15 OS a 20-15 OS b 20-15 DS c 20-15 DSa 20-25 OS b 20-25 OS c20·25 OS a 20·30 OS b 20-30 DS c 20·30 OS a 22-09 DS b 22-09 OS c 22-09 OS a 22-25 DS b 22-25 DS c 22-25 DSa 22-35 DS b 22-35 OS c 22-35 OS a 25-25 OS b 25-25 OS c 2S-2S DS a 25-30 OS b 25-30 OS c 25-30 0Sa30·30 DSb30-30 DS c30·30 DSa40-30 DS b40-30 OS c 40·30 0Sa40-35 OS b 40-35 DS c 40-3S 6.5 4 9 15 9 18 25 7 16 24 10 20 30 8 18 26 9 18 27 10 19 28 12 28 39 10 22 30 17 37 57 34 70 110 40 75 114 - - - 10 ... 1~ "-- ~ -. ~ 12 12 - ~ ~ ~ '~ , - 'lliii -- -- ~,- 12

  15. -----~ Compression Shear Mounts ,__ ____ _ Shta Mou,nts Series DS DYNEMECH Stud Mounts, Series OS are highly effective and compact vibration dampers for a variety of applications like - Compressors, Pumps, ID & FD Fans, Motors, Machine Tools, Gensets, Air Conditioners, Measuring and Testing Equipments/Instruments, Material Handling Equipments, Laboratory Equipments etc. These mounts can be used for load applications in compression. q)_(.f!~m~o ~!i Sl. No. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. so. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. G D H L LOAD (Kg) 30 60 95 45 90 135 so 100 150 55 110 160 60 115 165 85 170 250 70 140 190 75 150 200 80 155 205 115 250 380 125 275 400 150 300 450 240 490 735 250 500 750 275 550 900 255 sos 755 425 785 1100 450 800 1300 12000 15000 20500 NATURAL FREQUENCY (Hz) 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 ,~ MODEL (mm) 40 40 40 20 20 20 30 30 30 45 45 45 50 so so 25 25 25 30 30 30 45 45 45 55 55 55 25 25 25 55 55 55 60 60 60 45 45 45 55 55 55 90 90 90 55 55 55 45 45 45 55 55 55 125 125 125 (mm) 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 80 80 80 (mm) 40 40 40 so so so so so so so so so so 50 so 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 75 75 75 75 75 75 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 105 105 105 125 125 125 150 150 150 250 250 250 Thread M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M24 M24 M24 DSa40-40 D5b40-40 DSc40-40 DSa 50-20 DS b 50-20 DS c 50-20 DSaS0-30 DS b 50-30 DS c 50-30 DSa50-45 D5 b50-45 DS c 50-45 DSa50-50 DS b 50-50 DS c50-50 DSa 60-25 DS b 60-25 DS c 60-25 DS a 60-30 D5 b 60-30 DS c60-30 DSa60-45 D5 b60-45 DS c 60-45 DSa60-55 DS b 60-55 DS c60-55 DSa 75-25 DS b 75-25 DS c 75-25 DSa 75-55 D5 b 75-55 DS c 75·55 DSa 80-60 D5 b 80-60 DS c 80-60 ' D5 a_ 100-45 DS b 100-45 D5c10G-45 DSa 100-55 DS b 100•55 DS c 100-55 DSa 100-90 D5 b 100-90 DSG 100-90 DSa 105-55 D5 b 105-55 DS c 105-45 DSa 125-45 DS b 125-45 DS c 125-45 DSa 150-55 DS b 150-55 DS c 150-55 DSa 250-125 D5 b 250-125 DS c 250-125 - - - - - - - - ,- ,- - ,- ~ ~ - - - 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 6 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ---= 8 8 7 8 :.;;:: ,_ 8 --..:-:-- ,~-- 7 - 8 8 - ,- - - « ~ - - I ~ - / - ~ ~ 1 , ,_ I~ i:::..___ I~ - J'. -'::: ·~ ,. - I~ ,~ 1--.._· I ::::;:-::: 13

  16. -------1Enclosed Spring Isolators,._ _____ _ n~11-Bemee1R :J v: RATION TECHNOLo~ l . Series MAW1 BIJMDI Spring lsolat0r.s A spring isolator gives desired natural frequency to obtain phase difference in the frequencies for a rotating machine and IN AC Equipments. Viscous damping is an important feature of an isolation system. In most cases viscous damping is required to limit excessive movement which could occur as a machine operates at a speed near to, or coinciding with the resonant frequencies of the system. Generally this problem arises during slow run up and run down ofrotating machines. 1--AxB----, T HO/HI l ~ f--cxo----, G Top Plate Bottom Plate cc AxB (mm) M12 110x110 M12 125x125 M12 125x125 M12 125x125 M12 125x125 M12 125x125 Natural Bolt LOAD (kg) HO (mm) (mm) Size HI CxD (mm) S.No. Model (mm) Frequency Ci (Hz) 3.5-10 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-10 5.0-09 5.0-09 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 25-200 30-300, 50-500 200-850 250-900 500-1400 cc = !!'===== =7 ..... II~- ,, I{! l11 II~ ~II '-IL=~=====-w==1 ..... Series MBI 66 84 84 69 82 92 86 101 101 75 91 101 11 0x110 125x125 125x125 125x125 125x125 125x125 90 95 95 95 95 95 MAl•H2 MAl·J2 MAl·L3 MAl·K3 MAI-PS MAl·P3 Series MAI I ~ -~ ~~?,- \.._C------::.. <...~__;; - -·!:t::,.. r;;:--- ~ I I I I AxB I· ·I TI: l ! II ~ ~ = ~ '('.-,, 11 _.- \._.C-----;_ -G HO/HI I :~__;; 11~-•!:t;=-'.1 ~ + - J ➔ 1 \ G r}t '1 11 w 11 ,..;:-_ -~ _.?...3:1::;) CxD __. I I Top Plate Bottom Plate cc AxB (mm) 110 M12 221x117 105 M12 221x117 80 M12 189x119 95 M12 236x121 105 M12 221x117 Bolt Natural LOAD (kg) HO (mm) (mm) Size HI $.No. Model (mm} Frequency CxD (mm) Ci (Hz} 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-10 5.0-10 5.0-08 60-580 10-1000 400-1700 500-1800 1000-2800 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 271x096 271x096 241x101 291x106 271x096 96 86 69 86 91 241 241 211 261 241 MBl·J4 MBI-L4 MBI-K4 MBI-PS MBI-P4 Series MBI G ~ ----j Series MDI Top Plate Bottom Plate cc AxB (mm) M16 221x196 105 M16 221x196 85 M16 189x164 105 M16 221x196 95 M16 240x240 Note : HI -Free Height, HO - Height under load Spring Isolator-s Bolt Natural HO (mm) (mm} Size HI LOAD (kg} CxD (mm) Model (mm} Frequency S.No. Ci (Hz} 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-10 5.0-08 S.0-10 105 271x176 271x176 241x146 271x176 291x221 241 241 211 241 261 MOl•L6 MDI-J6 MDI-K6 MDl·P6 2000-5500 MDI-PS 1000-3000 200-2000 110-1200 800-3400 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 86 83 69 96 86 Series MDI Customized Dynemech Spring Isolator can also be customized as per customer's required dimensions and load capacity. 14

  17. -----1{ Enclosed Spring Isolators with Viscous Damping,,__, --- Spring Isolators Ser- ies DSI - --- AxB---- q)•in.emec1R J v: RATION TECHNOLO~ I HIHI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~==~ - ---- CxD ----- - ----cc----~ Series DSl-2 Height under Free Height Load HO (mm) 103 103 103 - 74 89 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-09 5.0-10 5.0-10 Bolt Size c; M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB) mm 232x127 232x127 232x127 208x138 241x101 252x137 291x106 cc mm LOAD kg (CxD) mm 271x96 271x96 271x96 S.No. Model HI (mm) 112 112 112 85 98 DSl-2.10 DSl-2.12 DSl-2.16 DSl-2.11 S3 DSl-2.16 SPL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 60-580 100-1000 1000-2800 400-1700 500-1800 241 241 241 211 261 - - ---cc---- G T HO/HI 1 Series DSl-3 Height under Free Height load HO (mm) 103 103 103 - 74 89 Bolt Size c; M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB) mm 232x213 271x176 232x213 271x176 232x2l3 271x176 202x177 241x146 252x228 291x196 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 S.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 cc mm LOAD kg S.No. - 1. - 2. 3. 4. 5. Model (CxD) mm HI (mm) 112 112 112 85 98 DSl-3.10 D51-3.12 DSl-3.16 DSl-3.11 53 DSl-3.16 SPL 82-900 150-1500 1500-4100 600-2550 750-2700 241 241 241 211 261 ~ G ---AxB--- T HO/HI 1 - --- CxD ---- - ---cc----- Series DSl-4 Height under Free Height Load HO (mm) 103 103 103 - 74 89 Bolt Size c; M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB) mm 232x213 271x176 232x213 271x176 232x213 271x176 202x177 241x146 252x228 291x196 cc mm LOAD kg S.No. Model (CxD) mm HI (mm) 112 112 112 85 98 15 DSl-4.10 DSl-4.12 DSl-4.16 D51-4.11 S3 DSl-4.16 SPL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 110·1200 200-2000 2000-5500 800-3400 1000-3600 241 241 241 211 261 -

  18. --1{ Enclosed Round Spring Elements with Viscous Damping,,__, -- '2):rin_emec-li J v1~~ATION TECHNOLot l Spring ls~latars · Series RT T i'1 cc ~ J G AxB ~ ~ ,~ \ = ~==-=a.~~~ f' ,~ \ () .4::s...=:..-::.a...::::~ ,ri?. rh'"'z ;1/~/ L7l/tl 7/ltl ~ ~ ~ ~ ,I 1~ T H 1 "'~:,. ~\ ,, 1 .... :;.,/¥/ 3, (' CxD (' ,.I ''"""l_"--i.._~- \..I Series RAD-RT Free Height Height Under (H) Load (mm) (mm) 101 84 101 84 101 ,_ 92 101 95 91 ,._ 82 101 81 108 91 G cc (mm) Bolt Size G M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB) (mm) 125x125 125x125 12Sx125 12Sx125 125x125 125x125 125x125 125x125 140x140 140x140 125x125 125x125 125x125 12Sx125 Natural Frequency (Hz} 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.5-10 3.5-11 LOAD/pc (kg) (CXD) (mm) S.No. Model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 30-300 50-500 500-1400 200-850 250-900 25-200 30-300 95 95 95 95 120 95 95 RAD-J2-RT RAD-l.4-RT RAD-P4-RT RAD-K6-RT RAD-PS-RT RAD-H2-RT RAD·J2·A2-RT -----AxB ---- ----CxD-----i Series RBD-RT Free Height Height Under (H) Load (mm) (mm) 108 91 108 91 108 99 108 102 98 89 ·- 108 88 cc (mm) Bolt Size G M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB} (mm) 235x235 235x235 235x235 235x235 23Sx235 235x235 235x235 235x235 245x245 245x245 235x235 235x235 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5·1L 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.5-10 LOAD/pc (kg) (CXD) (mm) S.No. Model 60-580 100-1000 1000-2800 400-1700 500-1800 50-400 205 205 205 205 215 205 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. RBD-J2-RT RBD-L4-RT RBD-P4-RT RBD-K6-RT RBD-PS-RT RBD·H2·RT ~ G I· AxB---- T ;-------------; 1 ------------- H -------------~ ~ ----exo-----i Series ROD-RT Free Height Height Under (H) Load (mm) (mm) 108 91 108 91 108 99 108 102 98 ·- 89 108 88 cc (mm) Bolt Size G M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB) (mm) 235x235 235x235 235x235 235x235 235x235 235x235 235x235 235x235 245x245 245x245 235x235 235x235 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.5-10 LOAD/pc (kg) (CXD) (mm) S.No. Model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 110-1200 200-2000 2000-5500 800-3400 1000-3600 100-800 205 205 205 205 215 205 RDD-J2-RT RDD-L4-RT RDD·P4-RT RDD-K6-RT ROD-PS-RT RDD-H2-RT 16

  19. --------4Housed Spring Isolators ,._ _____ _ Spring Isolators Ser,ies MAI-PS-'ER1 ---CC---i• n ~ · titemeciR J v: RATION TECHNOLo~ I 1 - - - ---AxB ----- \ \,, // 1, ~ ~ , ~ ,, .._ -- \"t\\ ~ 'W~-.... ~~:::~ _I'±\_ ~-..- -w- '1'f' I I.? .,,.~ ;::",.....;::;.,.: ~JV -- '- - "-:;:' ----CxD ----- Series MAI-PS-TR1 Free Height (H) (mm) 90 Height Under Load (mm) 72 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB) (mm) 130x130 130x130 100x100 0.9+/-0.1 1.3+/-0.2 Centre Distance (CC) (mm) Spring Rate Spring Rate (KN/mm) K (KN/mm)K (Vertical) LOAD Max. (kg) Model (CxD) (mm) S.No. (Horizontal) 1. 1200 MAl•PS•TR1 S,pring llsolator.s Series MBil-:EG-Cl.P T H 1 - --- cc - ---- CxD ----~ Series MBI-FCi-OP Free Height Height Under (H) (mm) 115 125 125 125 Bolt Size G M16 M16 M16 M16 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB) (mm) 230x110 300x110 230x110 300x110 230x110 300x110 230x110 300x110 Natural Frequency (Hz) 5.0-10 5.0-10 5.0-10 5.0-10 cc (mm) LOAD/pc (kg) S.No. Model Load (mm) 106 111 106 111 (CxD) (mm) 1. 2. 3. 4. 500-1800 273 273 273 273 MBl·PS·FG·OP MBl·P~FG-OP 1000-2800 MBI-L4-FC-OP MBI-J2-FCi-OP 100-1000 60-380 I ----L---.....i 1 Rated Load Rated load (Kg) (mm) 31 25 - - 61 25 109 - - 25 157 25 210 25 H ---cc---i Series MEI Deflection at Dimensions {mm) -..;, S.No. Model - cc 100 100 100 100 100 L H 107 107 107 107 107 B 85 85 85 85 85 D 94 94 94 94 94 d 10 10 10 10 10 125 125 125 125 125 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MEl-5 MEl-6 MEl-7 MEl-7.5 MEl-8 - ,- ·- 17

  20. --1{ Restrained Spring Isolators With Safety Viscous Damping ,,__, -- D~· t-ilemee Ii J v1~RATION TECHNoLo~ l Series RCD-SP3 & RDD-SPJ r . Spring Isolators G G I-- AxB -----, T H 1 - I--CxD-----, A ... I'= ,_, ~ 1-- CC--j Series RCD-RT-SP3 1-- CC--j Series RDD-RT-SP3 Series RCD-RT-SP3 & Series RDD-RT-SP3 Free Height Height Under (H} (mm) 310 310 Bolt Size G M16 M16 Mounting Center Distance (CC) (mm) 300x300 300x300 Top Plate Bottom Plate {AxB) (mm) 350x350 350x350 350x350 350x350 Natural Frequency (Hz) 2 2 LOAD/pc (kg) (C:xD) (mm) S.No. Model Load (mm) 270 270 1. 2. 1650 2200 RCD-J2-RT-SP3 RCD-J2-RT-SP3 - Restrained Open Spring Vibration Dampers Si pring Isolators Sevies MAI-RSTD/MBI-R~lTO I· AxB-- Series MAI-RSTD --cc--•1 Free Height Height Under (H} Load (mm) (mm) 115 115 115 106 115 109 115 ,_ 115 115 ---CxD---- Top Plate Bottom Plate Mounting Center (AxB) (C:xD) (mm) (mm) 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 220x100 Bolt Size G M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.0-8.0 3.5-10 ~ ~ ·I LOAD/pc (kg) Distance (CC) (mm) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 S.No. Model 95 95 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 30-300 50-500 500-1400 200-850 250-900 10-60 25-200 MAI-J2-RSTD MAI-L4-RSTD MAI-P4-RSTD MAI-K6-RSTD MAI-PS-RSTD MAI-F2-RSTD MAI-H2-RSTD 96 95 95 • I I AxB - --cc--- Free Height Height Under (H) (mm) 115 115 115 115 115 ·- 115 115 Bolt Size G M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 Top Plate Bottom Plate Mounting Center (AxB} (CxD) (mm} (mm) 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 290x100 Nat. ural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.0-8.0 3.5-10 LOAD/pc (kg) Load (mm) 95 95 106 109 96 95 95 Distance (CC) (mm) 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 S.No. Model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 60-600 100-1000 1000-2800 400-1700 500-1800 20-120 50-400 MBI-J2-RSTD MBI-L4-RSTD MBI-P4-RSTD MBl·K6·RSTD MBl•PS•RSTD MBI-F2-RSTD MBI-H2-RSTD 18

  21. -------1 Open Type Spring Isolators ,,_ ____ _ Floor Mounted C>pen SJ pr,iag Isolator-s Series DOS Dynemech Open type spring isolators provides high vibration isolation to plant and machinery and HV AC equipments. These isolators are compact and economical. q)~· tiiemecr R J v: RATION TECHNOLO~ I J :c D B w Series DOS G Deflection at Rated Load (mm) 25 25 - 25 25 - 25 25 ~ Height at Maximum Load (mm) 97.5 97.5 - ,- 97.5 97.5 - ,~ 97.5 97.5 ~ ,~ 113.5 Dimensions (mm) Rated Load (Kg) Model S.No. E J 57 57 57 57 57 70 70 70 D H 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 8 A C 70 70 70 70 70 95 95 95 F G 122.5 BS 122.5 BS 122.5 BS 122.5 85 122.5 85 122.5 100 122.5 100 122.5 100 110 6.5 M10 10 110 6.5 M10 10 110 6.5 M10 10 110 6.5 M10 10 110 6.5 M10 10 125 6.5 M10 10 125 6.5 M10 10 125 6.5 M10 10 DOS-5 DOS-6 DOS-7 DOS-7.5 DOS-8 DO5-10 DOS-12 DO5-17 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 31 61 109 157 210 300 500 1400 - 25 97.5 - 9 ---------f Open Spring Hangers ,___ _____ _ jfaager T:rpe S1pr.i1n.g Isolators Sefies DIH ---- Dynemech Spring hangers provides high vibration and shock isolation for small HV AC equipments, pipes and ducts to be mounted with the ceiling. I iii "' ,; RUBBER BUSH OUTcR CASING 8 Load at 25mm Deflection (Kg/pc) 32 62 110 - 157 210 - 300 500 1400 :c 1 SI.No. Model DIH-5 DIH-6 DIH-7 DIH-7.5 DIH-8 DIH-10 DIH-12 DIH-17 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. - - ~ - - Series DIH 19

  22. -------1 Open Type Spring Isolators ,___ ____ _ ~{114':emeei li' f1oer Maunted C>pen Spring :J v~~~TION TECHNOLOG ~}l Isolators Series DOS-B T L t AxB .. I· 1 G 0d + ----- cc ---- ---- CxD ------ Series 00S-B Deflection at Rated Load (mm) 25 25 25 - 25 25 ~ 25 25 - Height at Maximum Load (mm) Dimensions (mm) cc 200 175 200 175 200 175 200 175 200 175 230 175 230 205 230 205 Rated Load (Kg) Model S.No. BOLT eJd M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 H 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 L 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 A 160 160 150 160 160 160 160 160 B 70 70 70 70 70 90 90 90 C 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. DOS-B-5 0O5-B-6 DOS-B-7 0O5-B-7.5 DOS-B-8 DOS-B-10 0O5-B-12 DOS-B-17 62 122 218 314 420 600 1000 2800 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 102 - - ,~ ~ 9 1loor Mounted Open S, priqg lso'lators Series U>Uls.;r, F ✓ - , , ~ : : ~ ~ ;'~,;::-=:-~ r:~ ( 0 //;~: ~ \\ \\ \\ ~ ''-4. .(+\- -- -v' ,,,,.~.=:-=:-~. ((0 /;;~:~ /~~ :0 //~;~ II \\ \\ ~ ''-4. __ • I ~ I • G I I I f \\ T t H 1 ~ -l+'- T" .,,,,~;:-::-~ ~ ~ II \\ \\ 'r= ''-4. __ cc --1 CxD MAX Load Capacity (Kg./pc) 1000-3600 Top Plate AxB (mm) 200x200 Bottom Plate Free Height CxD (mm) 200x200 20 Natural cc (mm) S.No. Model Frequency Range (Hz) 5.0-10 H (mm) 102 1. 175 DOS-D-4.16-SPL

  23. ----1{ Open Type Spring Isolators with Safety Viscous Damping,,__, -- $pring lselaters Series R1 BD-OPS~ D •· 11lemecr l: J v: RATION TECHNOLo~ l - ----AxB----- G -----cc----- -----~D----- Series RBD-OPSD Free Height (H) (mm) 108 108 108 83 98 94.5 Height at Max.Load (mm) 91 91 99 77 89 74.5 Bolt Size G M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB) (mm) 275x110 275x110 27Sx110 275x110 275x110 275x110 275x110 275x110 285x120 285x120 275x110 275x110 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.5-10 cc (mm) LOAD (kg) (CxD) (mm) S.No. Model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 60-580 100-1000 1000-2800 400-1700 500-1800 50-400 255x90 25Sx90 255x90 255x90 265x100 255x90 RBD-J2-0PSD RBD·L4-0PSD RBD•P4-0PSD RBD-K6-0PSD RBD-PS-OPSD RBD-H2-0PSD ,~ Spring lsolater.s Series RDD-QPSD G ----AxB---- T H 1 - ---CxD---- Series RDD-OPSD Free Height (H) (mm) 108 108 108 83 98 94.5 Height at Max.Load (mm) 91 91 99 77 89 74.5 Top Plate Bottom Plate (AxB) (mm) 275x220 275x,l20 275x220 275x220 275x220 275x220 275x220 275x220 285x230 285x230 275x220 275x220 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 5.0-10 Bolt Size G M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 cc {mm) LOAD (kg) (CxD) (mm) Model S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 110-1200 200-2000 255x200 255x200 255x200 255x200 265x210 255x200 RDD-J2-0PSD RDD-L4-0PSD RDD-P4-0PSD 2000-5500 RDD-K6-0PSD RDD-PS-OPSD 1000-3000 RDD-H2-0PSD 800-3400 100-800 21

  24. ----fl Spring-Viscous Dapshot With Directional Stop ,,_, --- n~, lflemeef R J v:,RATION TECHNOLO~ ,I Spr,ing ~iscous_ Dapshot Series RBO-RT-L V '.J ::~~-::··u '.J G - 1 .. --AxB---•I Iit==:h .,. , • - -<CxD-- ,_, I· ,_, ·I Series RBD-RT-LV -t• I cc Free Height Height Under (H) (mm) 111 111 111 111 101 111 Bolt Size Ci M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 Spr.i:ng Viscous Dapshot Series RCD-RT-LV Top Plate Bottom Plate Mounting Center (AxB) (CxD) (mm) (mm) 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 310x310 310x310 300x300 300x300 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.5-10 LOAD/pc (kg) Distance (CC) (mm) 265 265 265 265 275 265 Load (mm) 94 94 102 105 102 91 S.No. Model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 60-580 100-1000 1000-2800 400-1700 500-1800 50-400 RBD-J2-RT-LV RBD-L4-RT-LV RBD-P4-RT-LV RBD-K6-RT-LV RBD-PS-RT-LV RBD-H2-RT·LV Iiti==l - 1• - -<CxD>--•I Series RCD-RT-LV Free Height Height Under (H) (mm) 111 111 111 - 111 101 - 111 Bolt Size Ci M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 Top Plate Bottom Plate Mounting Center (AxB) (CxD) (mm) (mm) 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 310x310 310x310 300x300 300x300 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.L 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.5-10 LOAD/pc (kg) Load (mm) 94 94 102 105 102 91 S.No. Model Distance (CC) (mm) 265 265 265 265 275 265 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 82-900 150-1500 1500-4100 600-2550 750-2700 75-600 RCD·J2·RT·LV RCD·L4·RT·LV RCD·P4-RT•LV RCD•K6-RT•LV RCD-PS-RT-LV RCD-H2-RT·LV Ir!J==JJ - I· --C>cD--• I Series RDD-RT-LV I • cc- - Free Height Height Under (H} (mm) 111 111 111 111 101 111 Bolt Size Ci M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 Top Plate Bottom Plate Mounting Center (AxB) (CxD) (mm) (mm) 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 300x300 310x310 310x310 300x300 300x300 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.S-10 LOAD/pc (kg) Load (mm) 94 94 102 10S S.No. Distance (CC) (mm) 265 265 265 265 275 265 Model 110-1200 200-2000 2000-5500 800-3400 1000-3600 100-800 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. RDD-J2-RT-LV RDD·L4-RT-LV RDD·P4-RT-LV RDD-K6-RT-LV RDD·PS·RT-LV RDD-H2-RT-LV _ , _ _ 102 91 22

  25. ----1/ Spring-Viscous Dapshot With Directional Stop ,,_, --- Spr!ng Visc0us Dapshot Series RF1D-RT-LV ,_, :~~-~.... D~, 41.emec( R J v~~ AllON TECHNoLo~ l ,_, I· ·I AxB ]i1i==:b I CxO Bolt Size Ci M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 '-' I· ,_, ·I ·I Series RFD·RT·LV cc Free Height Height Under (H) (mm) 111 111 111 111 101 111 Bottom Plate Mounting Center (CxD) (mm) 345x345 345x345 34Sx345 345x345 355x355 345x345 Top Plate (AxB) (mm) 345x345 345x345 345x345 345x345 355x355 345x345 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.5-10 LOAD/pc (kg) Distance (CC) (mm) 310 310 310 310 320 310 Load (mm) 94 94 102 105 102 91 S.No. Model 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 170-1800 300-3000 2400-8200 1200-5100 1500-5400 150-1200 RFD-J2-RT-LV RFD-L4-RT-LV RFD-P4-RT-LV RFD-K6-RT-LV RFD-PS-RT-LV RFD·H2·RT·LV Spring Vis(ous Da,pshat Series tRGD-RT-L V ,_, ::::: ,_, • I MB I:nS I· I ·I ' ... ' ,_, ·I Series RGD-RT-LV CXD Free Height Height Under (H) (mm) 111 111 111 111 101 111 Bolt Size Ci M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 Bottom Plate Mounting Center (CxD) (mm) 345x345 345x345 345x345 345x345 35Sx355 345x345 Top Plate (AxB) (mm) 345x345 345x345 345x345 345x345 35Sx3SS 345x345 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 3.5-10 LOAD/pc (kg) S.No. Model Load (mm) 94 94 102 105 102 91 Distance (CC) (mm) 310 310 310 310 320 310 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 210-2100 350-3500 3500-9800 1400-595,0 1750-6300 175-1400 RGD-J2-RT·LV RGD·L4-RT·LV RGD-P4-RT-LV RGD-K6-RT-LV RGD-PS-RT-LV RGD-H2-RT-LV ,_, " • I AzB ] :it I, :n:: ·I ,_, I· ,_, ·I Series RID-RT-LV cc CitD Free Height Height Under (H) (mm) 191 119 119 119 109 119 Bolt Size Ci M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 Top Plate (AxB) (mm) 365x365 365x365 36Sx365 36Sx365 365x365 365x365 Bottom Plate Mounting Center (CxD) (mm) 36Sx365 365x365 365x365 365x365 365x365 365x365 Natural Frequency (Hz) 3.5-11 3.5-11 5.0-8.0 5.0-10 5.0-10 LOAD/pc (kg) Load (mm) 102 102 110 113 109 99 S.No. Distance (CC) (mm) 330 330 330 330 350 330 Model 3.5-10 - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 270-2700 450-4500 3000-12400 1800-7650 2250-8100 225-1800 RID-J2-RT-LV RID-L4-RT-LV RID-P4-RT-LV RID-K6-RT-LV RID-PS-RT-LV RID-HZ-RT-LV 23

  26. __ _, Dynemech Installations of HVAC Systems,__ __ D~tftemee1R :J v: RA110N TECHNOLo~ .l AppI; ieations : Panel on Dynemech Round Mounts, Series DLC Motor on Dynemech Flexifoot Mounts Chillers on Dynemech Spring Isol Air Compressor on Single Spring Isolator 24

  27. ---4 Dynemech Installations of HV AC Systems,._ __ DJv: f!~m~o Pofi Applications : Air Compressor on Single Spring Isolator DG Set on Dynemech Wedge Mounts KIRLOSKAR f- 7:1'.W' • •~ ·-••'i ({) laGO.n!.\34-') - Air Compressor on Screw Support Mounts, Series OLK Genset on Dynemech Single Spring Isolator 25

  28. __ _, Dynemech Installations of HVAC Systems,__ __ D~, 1ftemeef R :J v: RATION TECHNOLO~ .I Genset on Dynemech Spring Isolator with Viscous Damping Compressor on Dynemech Wedge Mount, Series TSPOH 2250KV A GENSET 15500Kg.on Restrained Spring Isolator with Safety Viscous Damping APPLICATIONS: * Motors * Blowers * Condensers * Cooling Towers * False Floorings * Exhaust Systems * Scrubber Systems * Boilers * Compressors ----------------------------------i Manufacturedinindiaby: DYNEMECH SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. RU-395, Near Power House, Main Outer Ring Road, Pitam Pura, Delhi-110034 (India) Ph.: +91-9810760131, 9911145131, 9212258131, 9990226131, 9212375 011, 9599587131 E-mail : sales@dynemech.com Website: www.vibrationmountsindia.com • www.vibrationdampingpads.com ---------- * Transformers * Motor Generators * Fan Coil Units (FCU) * Tunnel Ventilation Fans * DG Sets * Packaged Units * Ductwork & Piping Systems * Chillers * Pumps & Centrifuges * Air Handling Units (AHUs) ~ * ID/FD Fans * Axial Flow Fans * Mechanical Equipment I.looms * Recordin~ance Studios * Air Conditioning Equipments * Air Pollution Control Systems * Other HV AC Mechanical Equipments ~ <> J: J ~

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