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Since 1987 Energy Control Systems has been at the forefront of the power quality industry, here in the USA and in more than 40 other countries around the world. Energy Control Systems is your one stop shop for power quality and efficiency products and services. Additionally, our SineTamer brand surge suppression devices have quickly bEcsintlecome the performance standard for the industry internationally.
Deploying an uninterruptible power system (UPS) is an increasingly important decision for today’s organizations, regardless of the size or sector. Relied upon to provide continuous, clean power to a connected load as well as battery backup in the event of a power outage .UPSs are imperative to achieving uptime and business continuity.
1. Select The Right Partner Ecsintl First and foremost, it is important to work with a true UPS expert who can help guide you through the entire decision-making process. Make sure the company has a solid reputation and specializes in UPSs and power-related equipment.
2. Conduct A Site Survey Prior to choosing a UPS, it is wise to complete a site survey. Doing so ensures that all power requirements have been taken into account prior to installation, as well as other considerations such as room layout, available space, temperature and humidity control. Once the assessment is complete, you will be better prepared to select the optimal UPS as well as any supplemental equipment such as PDUs or surge suppressors to meet your unique needs and environment.
3. Determine The Ideal UPS For Your Environment. UPSscomeinawidevarietyofshapesandsizes, andthereare numerousquestionstoaskwhenselectingthebestmodelforyour organization. Forinstance, howcriticalaretheloadsbeingprotected? Whatisyourdesiredruntime? Howreliableistheincomingutility power? Doyouexpectsignificantloadgrowthinthecomingyears? Andperhapsmostimportant, whatwouldtheeffectsbeifyour companyweretoendureunexpecteddowntime? 4. Install The System. OncetheUPSmodelhasbeenselected, subsequent projectmanagementandcommissioningarekeytoa successfulinstallation. Confirmwithyourpartnerthe timelinefordelivery, anyrisksassociatedwiththe project, andifaplannedpoweroutageisrequired duringinstallation.
Comeinforachat! MAINBRANCHADDRESS 5500ELoop820S #205FortWorth, TX76119 PHONENUMBER Local / 817-483-8497 Tollfree / 800-383-6956 WEBSITEADDRESS https://www.ecsintl.com