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Dos & Dont's of Content Marketing

Dos & Dont's of Content Marketing

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Dos & Dont's of Content Marketing

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  2. Introduction As much as the payoff is always worth it, Content Marketing via guest posting is a tricky art that's hard to master. But there is no need to worry. After months of trial and error, here are the most important things I've learned about how to go about it, and perhaps more importantly, how NOT to go about it. By Anastasia Procner

  3. DO Research on the site you’ll be pitching to. In Content Marketing, less is more, so if you send 10 emails instead of 600, you shouldn’t see that as a bad thing. But make those 10 count. Make the pitch personal, let the person know you’re actually genuinely interested in them, not only getting a link.   By Anastasia Procner

  4. DON’T waste people’s time. This includes yours. You might think you’re saving time by sending 600 identical and entirely unsolicited outreach emails to random people who more or less fit the category you’re  looking to, say, guest blog for, but you really aren’t. Think of the way you feel when you open your mailbox just to find it full of junk mail trying to sell you stuff you neither want nor need. We all know it will drift straight into the garbage bin. By Anastasia Procner

  5. DO Valueinput The criticism you get might just help you see problems or complications you weren’t aware of before, or make you more sensitive to the issues of others. Of course, sometimes, you might also get attacked by one of those eternally unsatisfied people whose mission in life it is to hateeverythingaroundincludingyourposts. Remember, don’tget into an argument. Chances are they’ll run out of steam a few comments in, and you’ll have really impressed some other commentors with your class and calm, to boot. By Anastasia Procner

  6. DON’T ignore the people commenting  on your blog posts. User activity on your posts, especially during the early stages of its your activity, is something to be celebrated and encouraged—people were interested enough to take the time to say something, hurray! By Anastasia Procner

  7. DO Build and nurture relationships. If you have a certain amount of bloggers that know you, enjoy your work, and trust you to deliver every time you cooperate, that is worth ever so much more than the thousands of mismatched spammy emails you could send to people who just don’t want anything to do with you or your cause. By Anastasia Procner

  8. DON’T expect immediate results. If you are lucky enough to find bloggers who are willing to publish your content with links to wherever you want them free of charge, then don’t let the bloggersfeelused by you. You’ll probably have to write some  extra emails and go that extra mile to make sure they stay happy and don’t feel used. Get over it. By Anastasia Procner

  9. DO Contact sites/blogs that are more or less on your own level. Everyone has to start somewhere. Plus, the owners of these kinds of sites are much more likely to feel flattered that youwould like to contribute to theirsite. Notice that these are not things that would matter or work particularly in your favor if and when you decide to pitch to Vanity Fair. Of course you want to want to write for them, they’re Vanity Fair goddammit. By Anastasia Procner

  10. DON’T expect huge, renowned sites to be automatically thrilled by your proposal. That is not to say that you don’t have anything to offer that might be of interest to Forbes or Harper’sBazaar—who knows, maybe your piece will be accepted and then proceed to “go viral” appreciated. Still, though: don’t be surprised if it doesn’t, and don’t limit your outreach to giant, world-famous sites that don’t know you exist. By Anastasia Procner

  11. Aboutauthor Anastasia’s efforts are concentrated on creating and conducting outreach campaigns, as well as monitoring breaking trends on various social media in order to create and distribute the most up-to-date and relevant content possible. Anastasia spends her spare time travelling the world, bettering herself via martial arts and playing chess. By Anastasia Procner

  12. MORE INFO HERE: By Anastasia Procner

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