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Spiritual Priorities. Admonish One Another. What Happens When We Attend ... NEVER allow worldly entertainment--TV, movies, books to teach the value of guarding the ...
Slide 1:Fellowship With God1 John 1:5-7
LOVE NOT the World Righteousness Test – 1 John 2:15-17
LOVE the TruthDoctrinal Test – 1 John 2:18-26
LOVE the Brethren Brotherly Love Test – 1 John 2:7-11 Three Obedience Tests Three Obedience Tests:
#1. Fellowship with God (1 Jno.1:5-7)—we must continually walk in His light. There are three ways to do this:
Love not the world (1 Jno.2:15-17) We must not place worldly things before God.
Love the Truth (1 Jno.2:18-26) Christians must not compromise God’s truth and they must continue to mold their lives around His teaching.
Love the Brethren (1 Jno. 2:7-11) God’s people must love and hold one another in high regard. This is a sign of discipleship (Jno.13:34,35)Three Obedience Tests:
#1. Fellowship with God (1 Jno.1:5-7)—we must continually walk in His light. There are three ways to do this:
Love not the world (1 Jno.2:15-17) We must not place worldly things before God.
Love the Truth (1 Jno.2:18-26) Christians must not compromise God’s truth and they must continue to mold their lives around His teaching.
Love the Brethren (1 Jno. 2:7-11) God’s people must love and hold one another in high regard. This is a sign of discipleship (Jno.13:34,35)
Slide 2:Mutual humility
Mutual service
Mutual edification
Destructive factors “One Another” Commands:
Love the Brethren—Jno.13:34,35; Rom.13:8; 1 Pet.1:22; 4:8. Four ways:
Mutual humility
Mutual service
Mutual edification
Destructive factors (overview)“One Another” Commands:
Love the Brethren—Jno.13:34,35; Rom.13:8; 1 Pet.1:22; 4:8. Four ways:
Mutual humility
Mutual service
Mutual edification
Destructive factors (overview)
Slide 3:Mutual humility
Be of the same mind (Romans 12:16)
Receive one another (Romans 15:7)
Have the same care for everyone (1 Corinthians 12:25)
Have compassion (1 Peter 3:8,9)
Be devoted (Romans 12:10) “One Another” Commands:
1. Mutual humility.
Be of the same mind (Rom.12:16)
Receive one another (Rom.15:7)
Have same care for all (1 Cor.12:25)
Have compassion (1 Pet.3:8,9) Be devoted (Rom.12:10)…“One Another” Commands:
1. Mutual humility.
Be of the same mind (Rom.12:16)
Receive one another (Rom.15:7)
Have same care for all (1 Cor.12:25)
Have compassion (1 Pet.3:8,9) Be devoted (Rom.12:10)…
Slide 4:Mutual humility
Submit to one another .(Ephesians 5:21)
Esteem others as better. (Philippians 2:3,4)
Live in peace. (1 Thessalonians 5:12,13)
Bear with one another. (Ephesians 4:1-3)
Forgive. (Ephesians 4:31,32) “One Another” Commands:
1. Mutual humility.
Submit to one another. (Eph.5:21; 1 Pet.5:5)
Esteem others as better. (Phil. 2:3,4)
Live in peace with all men. (1 Thess.5:12,13)
Bear with one another. (Eph. 4:1-3)
Forgive. (Eph. 4:31,32).“One Another” Commands:
1. Mutual humility.
Submit to one another. (Eph.5:21; 1 Pet.5:5)
Esteem others as better. (Phil. 2:3,4)
Live in peace with all men. (1 Thess.5:12,13)
Bear with one another. (Eph. 4:1-3)
Forgive. (Eph. 4:31,32).
Slide 5:Mutual service
Serve one another. (1 Peter 4:10)
Bear one another’s burdens. (Galatians 6:2)
Be kind to each other. (Ephesians 4:31,32)
Show hospitality. (1 Peter 4:9)
Confess sins to and pray for one another. (James 5:16) “One Another” Commands:
2. Mutual service.
Serve (1 Pet.4:10; Gal. 5:13)
Bear one another’s burdens (Gal.6:2)
Be kind to each other. (Eph.4:31,32)
Show hospitality. (1 Pet.4:9)
Confess sins to and pray for one another. (Jam.5:16).“One Another” Commands:
2. Mutual service.
Serve (1 Pet.4:10; Gal. 5:13)
Bear one another’s burdens (Gal.6:2)
Be kind to each other. (Eph.4:31,32)
Show hospitality. (1 Pet.4:9)
Confess sins to and pray for one another. (Jam.5:16).
Slide 6:Mutual edification
Build up. (Romans 14:19)
Admonish. (Romans 15:14)
Exhort. (Hebrews 3:12,13)
Teach in song. (Colossians 3:16)
Consider one another to stir up. .(Hebrews 10:24)
Assemble together. (Hebrews 10:25) “One Another” Commands:
3. Mutual Edification.
Build up. (Rom.14:19)
Admonish. (Rom.15:14)
Exhort. (Heb.3:12,13)
Teach in song. (Col.3:16)
Consider one another to stir up (Heb.10:24).
Assemble together. (Heb.10:25)“One Another” Commands:
3. Mutual Edification.
Build up. (Rom.14:19)
Admonish. (Rom.15:14)
Exhort. (Heb.3:12,13)
Teach in song. (Col.3:16)
Consider one another to stir up (Heb.10:24).
Assemble together. (Heb.10:25)
Slide 7:Destructive Factors
Do not judge. (Romans 14:13)
Do not speak evil of one another. (James 4:11)
Do not murmur against. (James 5:9)
Do not bite and devour one another. (Galatians 5:14,15)
Do not lie. (Colossians 3:9) “One Another” Commands:
4. Destructive Factors.
Do not judge. (Rom.14:13)
Do not speak evil of one another. (Jam.4:11)
Do not murmur against. (Jam.5:9)
Do not bite and devour one another. (Gal. 5:14,15)
Do not lie (Col.3:9). “One Another” Commands:
4. Destructive Factors.
Do not judge. (Rom.14:13)
Do not speak evil of one another. (Jam.4:11)
Do not murmur against. (Jam.5:9)
Do not bite and devour one another. (Gal. 5:14,15)
Do not lie (Col.3:9).
Slide 8:Not casual communication or normal teaching. Implies specific exhortation, correction, or warning.
Acts 20:31
Romans 15:14
1 Corinthians 10:11
Ephesians 6:4
Colossians 1:28; 3:16
1 Thessalonians 5:12,14
2 Thessalonians 3:15
Titus 3:10 Admonish One Another: Not casual communication or normal teaching. Implies specific exhortation, correction, or warning.
(Acts 20:31)—watch and remember.
(Rom.15:14)—must admonish one another.
(1 Cor.10:11)—examples of the past.
(Eph.6:4)—bring children up with nurture and admonishment. (Col.1:28; 3:16)—warning every man; teach in song.
(1 Thess.5:12,14)—uphold the weak; be patient with all.
(2 Thess.3:15)—admonish those who have fallen away as brothers.
(Titus 3:10)—reject a divisive man after the second admonition.Admonish One Another: Not casual communication or normal teaching. Implies specific exhortation, correction, or warning.
(Acts 20:31)—watch and remember.
(Rom.15:14)—must admonish one another.
(1 Cor.10:11)—examples of the past.
(Eph.6:4)—bring children up with nurture and admonishment. (Col.1:28; 3:16)—warning every man; teach in song.
(1 Thess.5:12,14)—uphold the weak; be patient with all.
(2 Thess.3:15)—admonish those who have fallen away as brothers.
(Titus 3:10)—reject a divisive man after the second admonition.
Slide 9:Admonition often includes the application of God’s inspired principles to a problem or circumstance.
That is, it includes wisdom, which is properly defined as God’s instruction applied.
We are to help each other obtain wisdom. Admonish One Another: Admonition often includes the APPLICATION of God’s inspired PRINCIPLES to a problem or circumstance.
It Includes WISDOM, which is properly defined as God’s instruction APPLIED.
In other words, WE ARE TO HELP EACH OTHER OBTAIN WISDOM!Admonish One Another: Admonition often includes the APPLICATION of God’s inspired PRINCIPLES to a problem or circumstance.
It Includes WISDOM, which is properly defined as God’s instruction APPLIED.
Slide 10:God commands us to share and receive wisdom (applications).
Teaching in Proverbs
15:2, 7, etc.
Admonish One Another: God commands us to share and receive wisdom (applications).
Teaching in Proverbs:
(1:1-6)—must receive instruction in wisdom.
(10:17,21)—He who keeps instruction is in the way of life.
(11:14)—There is safety in a multitude of counselors.
(12:1,15)—Those who love instruction will love knowledge.
(13:1,18)—Scoffers will not listen to rebuke.
(14:16)—wise men fear and depart from evil.
(15:2,7)—The lips of the wise disperse knowledge.Admonish One Another: God commands us to share and receive wisdom (applications).
Teaching in Proverbs:
(1:1-6)—must receive instruction in wisdom.
(10:17,21)—He who keeps instruction is in the way of life.
(11:14)—There is safety in a multitude of counselors.
(12:1,15)—Those who love instruction will love knowledge.
(13:1,18)—Scoffers will not listen to rebuke.
(14:16)—wise men fear and depart from evil.
(15:2,7)—The lips of the wise disperse knowledge.
Slide 11:God commands us to share and receive wisdom (applications).
Teaching in the New Testament
Titus 2:3-5
1 Corinthians 10:11
1 Timothy 4:13
2 Timothy 4:2
Admonish One Another: God commands us to share and receive wisdom (applications).
Teaching in the N.T.:
(Titus 2:3-5)—The older teach the younger.
(1 Cor.10:11)—Learn from others’ mistakes.
(1 Tim.4:13)—Give attention to reading and exhortation.
(2 Tim.4:2)—Convince, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering and teaching.Admonish One Another: God commands us to share and receive wisdom (applications).
Teaching in the N.T.:
(Titus 2:3-5)—The older teach the younger.
(1 Cor.10:11)—Learn from others’ mistakes.
(1 Tim.4:13)—Give attention to reading and exhortation.
(2 Tim.4:2)—Convince, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering and teaching.
Slide 12:Are some Christians so influenced by the world’s “judge not” mindset that we are unable to properly receive admonition from our brethren?
Are we too quick to put up defenses and think evil of brethren when they fulfill God’s command to admonish?
Admonish One Another: Comment on both points…dangers…Admonish One Another: Comment on both points…dangers…
Slide 13:How to Receive Admonition
Instead of viewing our brother or sister as opinionated and judgmental, God requires us to receive admonition with love and try to learn from it. Admonish One Another: How To Receive Admonition—Instead of viewing our brother or sister as opinionated and judgmental, God requires us to receive admonition with love and try to learn from it. Think about it—their love is the reason they come to us!Admonish One Another: How To Receive Admonition—Instead of viewing our brother or sister as opinionated and judgmental, God requires us to receive admonition with love and try to learn from it. Think about it—their love is the reason they come to us!
Slide 14:How to Give Admonition
Acts 20:31Deep concern and love
Romans 15:14Full of goodness; filled with all knowledge
Galatians 6:1-3Humility and gentleness
Admonish One Another: How To Give Admonition—
(Acts20:31)—By showing deep concern and love for our brother.
(Rom.15:14)—Full of goodness; filled with God’s true knowledge.
(Gal.6:1-3)—Considering how I would want to be approached if our roles were reversed.Admonish One Another: How To Give Admonition—
(Acts20:31)—By showing deep concern and love for our brother.
(Rom.15:14)—Full of goodness; filled with God’s true knowledge.
(Gal.6:1-3)—Considering how I would want to be approached if our roles were reversed.
Slide 15:Areas in Which Admonition Might Be Given
Spiritual Priorities
Raising Children
Moral Issues
Handling the Scriptures Accurately
Admonish One Another: Areas in Which Admonition Might Be Given: {Overview chart}
Spiritual Priorities
Raising Children
Moral Issues
Handling the Scriptures Accurately…Admonish One Another: Areas in Which Admonition Might Be Given: {Overview chart}
Spiritual Priorities
Raising Children
Moral Issues
Handling the Scriptures Accurately…
Slide 16:Areas in Which Admonition Might Be Given
Spiritual Priorities
Admonish One Another: Areas in Which Admonition Might be Given:
(1) Spiritual Priorities…Admonish One Another: Areas in Which Admonition Might be Given:
(1) Spiritual Priorities…
Slide 17:What Happens When We Attend Every Church Service? What Happens When We Attend Every Church Service? Comment on each point…What Happens When We Attend Every Church Service? Comment on each point…
Slide 18:What Happens When We Attend Every Service of the Church? Comment on each point…What Happens When We Attend Every Service of the Church? Comment on each point…
Slide 19:What Happens When We Attend the Church Services Sporadically? What Happens When We Attend the Church Services Sporadically? Comment on each point…What Happens When We Attend the Church Services Sporadically? Comment on each point…
Slide 20:What Happens When We Attend the Church Services Sporadically? Comment on each point…What Happens When We Attend the Church Services Sporadically? Comment on each point…
Slide 21:Areas in Which Admonition Might Be Given
Raising Children
Admonish One Another: Areas in Which Admonition Might be Given:
(2) Raising Children…Admonish One Another: Areas in Which Admonition Might be Given:
(2) Raising Children…
Slide 22:The Training and Admonition of the Lord Ephesians 6:4
“And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Training and Admonition of the Lord—Eph.6:4…Training and Admonition of the Lord—Eph.6:4…
Slide 23:Titus 2:3,4
“The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things, that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children.” Training and Admonition of the Lord—Titus 2:3,4…Training and Admonition of the Lord—Titus 2:3,4…
Slide 24:Proverbs 23:13,14
“Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell.” Training and Admonition of the Lord—Proverbs 23:13,14…Training and Admonition of the Lord—Proverbs 23:13,14…
Slide 25:Proverbs 22:15
“Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of correction will drive it far from him.”
Proverbs 13:24
“He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.” Training and Admonition of the Lord—Proverbs 22:15; 13:24…Training and Admonition of the Lord—Proverbs 22:15; 13:24…
Slide 26:Proverbs 19:18
“Chasten your son while there is hope, and do not set your heart on his destruction.”
Proverbs 29:15
“The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” Training and Admonition of the Lord—Proverbs 19:18; 29:15…Training and Admonition of the Lord—Proverbs 19:18; 29:15…
Slide 27:From Childhood You Have Known the Sacred Scriptures… NEVER allow worldly entertainment--TV, movies, books—to teach the value of guarding the mind.
NEVER allow immodest dress, regardless of fashion trends or what other church members are wearing.
NEVER allow evil companionship, in any way, at any age.
NEVER tire of saying “NO.” Never give in and take the easy way out. 2 Timothy 3:15…some application 2 Timothy 3:15…some application
Slide 28:Seven O.T. Laws That Define God’s Family Values… Marrying a Godly spouse
Remaining pure until marriage
Faithfulness in marriage
Practicing male headship in the home
Teaching children at home
Respecting parents
Respecting the aged Seven OT Laws that Define God’s Family Values…(Lessons of principles from the past)Seven OT Laws that Define God’s Family Values…(Lessons of principles from the past)
Slide 29:Areas in Which Admonition Might Be Given
Moral Issues
Admonish One Another: Areas in Which Admonition Might Be Given:
(3) Moral Issues…Admonish One Another: Areas in Which Admonition Might Be Given:
(3) Moral Issues…
Slide 30:Moral Choices; Discerning Between Good and Evil Lasciviousness/Impurity
Movies, television, music, magazines, dancing, dating, modest clothing, mixed swimming
Lottery, raffles, gambling
An occasional beer or glass of wine Seven OT Laws that Define God’s Family Values…(Lessons of principles from the past)Seven OT Laws that Define God’s Family Values…(Lessons of principles from the past)
Slide 31:Food for Thought You have heard it said…
You shall not bind where God has not bound… …But I say unto you…
For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13 Food for Thought…Food for Thought…
Slide 32:Are you more concerned with doing what you WANT than with…
…avoiding participation in and even exposing the deeds of darkness? Ephesians 5:3-11 Are you more concerned with doing what you WANT than with…
…possibly causing one of God’s little ones to stumble? Matthew 18:1-10 Food for Thought…Food for Thought…
Slide 33:Are you more concerned with doing what you WANT than with…
…presenting your body as a living sacrifice for the Lord’s sake? Romans 12:1,2 Have you obeyed the Gospel?
Do you need to come home? Food for Thought…Food for Thought…