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Frequently Asked Questions about Solar Energy in Houston

Get answers to frequently asked questions about home solar panels – How does a solar panel work, how long will a solar system last, what are the benefits of installing solar panels etc. Visit http://www.energyonesolar.com

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Frequently Asked Questions about Solar Energy in Houston

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  1. energyonesolar.com

  2. According to industry analysts, 2015 witnessed a significant rise in domestic solar electric panel installations in the United States, in all three market sectors -- residential, commercial, and utility. energyonesolar.com

  3. How Do Solar Systems Work? Photovoltaic (PV) cells are comprised of solar panels, racks for putting the panels on your roof, electrical wiring, and an inverter. From sunrise to sunset, the solar panels generate electricity (DC) which is sent to an inverter. The inverter converts the DC electricity into AC electricity which is required for household use. The AC power is delivered directly to your home’s main electrical service panel for use by you and your family. energyonesolar.com

  4. What Is The Best Direction For Solar Panels? Since they typically lay flat, solar panels most often face the same direction as your roof, and your only choice is really: “WHERE on my roof?” If your roof faces east-west rather than north-south, you have a few options. Solar panels facing east or west won't get as much light as those on a southern-facing roof. energyonesolar.com

  5. By How Much Does Solar Increase Your Property’s Value? According to a recent study by the (NREL) National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Solar homes appreciated 17%, and sold 20% faster on average than the non-solar homes. energyonesolar.com

  6. What Incentives Are Available To Me? By installing solar panels in your residential and commercial premises, you are eligible for a 30% federal tax credit. Additional state, local and utility incentives exist in many areas, further lowering the net cost of your investment. energyonesolar.com

  7. Get Started Today – Contact Energy ONE Solar power saves thousands in electric bills, and saves the environment all at the same time. Contact Energy ONE, the premier solar energy provider in Houston. For More Details, Call 1-800-816-4453 Visit www.energyonesolar.com

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