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Era Health Dental Clinic at Melbourne is trained in international public health and travel medicine. Make an appointment with our experienced dental dentists. Era Health is a one stop health clinic fully owned and operated by Southern Medical Services Pty Ltd, a private, Australian medical company.
Specialists / Consultants Dr John AM Gall BSc (Hons), MB, BS, PhD, FACLM, FFFLM (RCP Lond), FFCFM (RCPA), DMJ (Clin & Path) Consultant Forensic Physician Forensic Medicine Era Health has a number of in-house and visiting medical specialists and consultants. Brief details about these specialists and consultants are given below together with their contact details for appointments. Special interests:All areas of clinical forensic medicine but particularly:• Personal Injury• Child abuse and neglect (including child sexual abuse)• Injury interpretation• Traffic medicine (drugs and driving)• Custodial medicine• Clinical toxicology Appointments:T: Era Health – 9944 6200 W: www.erahealth.com.au Erahealth.com.au
About: Dr Gall is a forensic physician with over 20 years experience. He is a consultant Forensic Physician in the Victorian Paediatric Forensic Medical Service located at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Monash Medical Centre, a Clinical Associate Professor within the Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, a member of the International Editorial Board of the Journal of Legal and Forensic Medicine and Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. John undertook postgraduate training in anatomical and forensic pathology and clinical forensic medicine. He has practised Clinical Forensic Medicine for over twenty years initially as a Forensic Medical Officer with Victoria Police and later as a consultant at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine. He has been extensively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education both at the University of Melbourne and Monash University, has been involved in forensic medical research and has published several books research papers in the field. He is Vice President of the Australasian Association of Forensic Physicians and President of the World Police Medical Officers. Read more Erahealth.com.au
How to choose a medical Centre Melbourne Medical treatment is one of the most important aspects of life. This is mainly because of the many factors that are associated with health. In particular, health matters affect the lives of people more than any other aspect of life. They can affect the education sector, the economy and the population of a country or local area. This attribute of health makes it a very important aspect of life. If people are in good health, they are capable of working hard and improve the lives of their families and the people around them. In general, the entire country will be moving in the right direction if its inhabitants are in good health. But, choosing a medical Centre can prove to be challenging. Over the years, the number of private medical centers has increased. But, you can easily choose the right medical centre Melbourneif you take advantage of the following tips. Erahealth.com.au
Treatment of emergency cases There are numerous emergency cases that arise in daily life. Unfortunately, this is a fact that we can never run away from. Emergency situations can arise in a variety of life circumstances including job related accidents and road traffic accidents. Such situations can give rise to emergency life circumstances which have to be handled in a special way to avoid any serious outcomes such as the loss of a body part or loss of a leg. If you are looking for a medical Centre that is worth visiting, you should consider the way they treat any emergency cases that they receive. To know more at CLICK HERE Patient Appointments New patients are welcome at Era Health. Consultations are generally by appointment only and appointments can be made by contacting the clinic either by telephone (9944 6200), our online appointments system at www.erahealth.com.au In cases of medical emergency, appointments are not required. If you require emergency care, it is preferred that you call us first as in some instances attendance at a nearby hospital Emergency Department may be required. Erahealth.com.au
Cost of treatment There are certain treatment centers whose treatment costs are exceedingly high. If you are interested in going to a medical Centre, you should always consider the cost of receiving treatment from such a Centre. In most cases, it is usually a good idea to compare the treatment costs associated with each medical Centre on your list. It is better to seek treatment at a low cost than to spend a lot of money on covering medical bills whose quality is almost consistent with the cheaper treatment options. Read more… New Patient Registration Forms On your first attendance in our clinic, you will be asked to provide some details about yourself and your health. This information is collected so that we may properly assess, diagnose, treat and be proactive in your health care needs. You will be asked to complete a New Patient Registration Form prior to your appointment. This form may be completed prior to attending the clinic and submitted either electronically or as a hard copy. Please chose the appropriate form from the following: • For new private patients • For new Dental patients • For new work-related patients Erahealth.com.au
Quality of medical equipment In most cases, the quality of the medical equipment is usually worth taking into account. After all, the quality of treatment is now anchored on the quality of the medical equipment that is being used. Based on this, every medical Centre is supposed to have a collection of proper medical equipment. Otherwise, the quality of the treatment that they will be able to provide will be low. Based on this, it is always advisable to consider the quality of the medical equipment that a particular medical Centre has. However, it is important to only consider the indispensable medical equipment such as heart monitors, scanners and advanced surgical equipment such as endoscopy and laser machines. Being in possession of most of the equipment that has been indicated above is always a good indicator of the high quality medical treatment that a particular medical centre Melbourne can provide. If you want to know more advice, Search here. What benefits do Era Health offer? · It shows you are proactive in corporate health management· It can reduce worker claims at a later date· It can show legal due diligence in some professions· It proves your potential employee is physically able to do the work at hand· Psychological tests may prove your candidate’s suitability for the job· It can help reduce workplace incidents· It may help you choose the most suitable candidate· It may protect the health of your potential employee· It may lower your insurance premiums · It shows that your company cares about it’s employees Erahealth.com.au
SERVICES Individuals & Families Medical Dental Physiotherapist Podiatry Psychologist Employers & Organizations Pre-employment Medicals Injury Management & Advice Drug & Alcohol Screening and MRO Services PATIENT INFO About Era Health Our Staff Fees and Payment Access and Privacy Policy General Information Registration Forms Erahealth.com.au