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As per UN definition, any violence against women is any act of gender-based violence. Eric Thole, attorney at law, considers it a significant public health problem and a violation of womenu2019s human rights. We have concluded several factors that Influencing Domestic Violence Against Women. Contact us at 651-300-7389 or visit our website for more information: https://erictholeattorney.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/factors-influencing-domestic-violence-against-women/.
Introduction As per UN definition, any violence against women as any act of gender-based violence resulting in (or likely) physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats occurring in public or privatelife,fallsunderthepreviewofviolenceagainstwomenact.EricTholeattorneyat law,considers itamajorpublichealthproblemandaviolationofwomen’shumanrights. According to a 2018 survey conducted by WHO across 161 countries and areas, nearly 1 in 3, or 30% of womenworldwide(aged15-49years),haveencounteredphysicaland/orsexualviolenceinthehandsof anintimatepartner/non-partnersexualviolenceorboth.
IntimatePartner Violence It refers to behavior by an intimate partner or ex- partner causing physical, sexual, or psychologicalharm. It includes behaviors like controlling behaviors,physical aggression,sexualcoercion,andpsychologicalabuse. SexualViolence It includes any sexual act, an attemptof a sexual act, or any other act directed against a person’s sexuality through coercion by any person, regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting. Sexual violence includes rape, attempted rape, unwanted sexualtouching,andothernon-contactforms.
The Violence AgainstWomen Act The specifically designed law, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), protects survivors of domestic violence,dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Eric Tholeadvises approaching the national domestic violence hotline for domestic abuse. He further urges everyone to be aware of someofthecriticalprovisionsundertheVAWA.
FactorsInfluencing Domestic Violence AgainstWomen Eric Thole states most domestic violence againstwomen associated with intimate partner violence and sexual violence occurs due to various risk factors influencing theindividual,family,community,andsocietylevels. Lowerlevelsofeducation(perpetrationand experience of sexualviolence) Historyofexposuretochildabuse/maltreatment (perpetration andexperience) Witnessingfamilyviolence(perpetrationand experience) Antisocial personality disorder (perpetration) Harmfuluseofalcohol(perpetrationandexperience)
Conclusion Eric Thole highlights that domestic violence against women induces serious short- and long-term physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health problems for women. It results in fatal outcomes like homicides or suicides. It also affects the health and well-being of children growing up in families with violence, causing a range of behavioral and emotional disturbances. Eric Thole attorney at law, states gender inequality and norms on the acceptability of violence against women as the root of theproblem andadvisestakinglegalassistancetofightagainstdomesticviolence
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