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Do you know that except usual APA format there are elements which you should know for your Essay? Please watch this presentation and read an article https://essay-academy.com/account/blog/additional-elements-of-some-apa-papers
created be Essay-Academy.com Additional Elements of Some APA Papers
Besides the main parts of APA papers there are some other elements that are not always used. They are sometimes called “Mechanical elements of reports” and aim to provide better access and representation of the content. • The elements do not only give your papers professional appearance but allow the readers to have the better picture of the subject. The post reviews these elements and describes how they can help you to make your paper better.
Tables of Contents • This element is included in most books and provides the guidance to the content of the work to the readers. Table of contents shows all sections in the work: preliminary pages and main content (headings and subheadings). • The list is constructed in order of how the elements are given in APA paper.
Additionally table of contents gives the readers information about the page numbers so it would be easier to find needed section. • According to the APA formatting of table of contents, roman numerals are ought to be used for acknowledgements, letter of transmittal and other preliminary pages (i, ii, iii, iv and so on).
For the pages that contain the main information of the report the writers should use Arabic figures: 1, 2, 3 and so on. The first page where Arabic numerals begin is the introduction of the report.
Lists of Tables and Figures • If APA report contains small number of figures and tables, the writers can include them in the table of contents. Their titles must be given in full length. In case when such content is combined together in the work, it is recommended to identify it in separate manner. • However, in cases when APA report contains many tables and figures, they should be described on separate pages along with their full titles.
Otherwise, they will be bored to look at too much information or a table that stretches for three pages. There are many types of illustrations in APA papers. • They include schematics, flow charts, line graphs, pie graphs and bar graphs. • They are used to represent percentages, absolutes, stages in process, charts and other graphic elements.
Graphic Information • These are elements such as figures and tables which help to provide visual insight for the readers. Writers often include the elements because they make the usage and understanding of the paper much easier. • Graphics should have accurate descriptions to them in order for readers to understand. The tables should have identifying information above them and details about the figures are typed below them.
The text in APA papers should contain pages and numbers. These details identify the relation of graphic element to the sections of the content (3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and so on.). • The numbers indicate the order of listing. APA style recommends not making tables too long and dividing them in order for better appealing. Such representation will encourage the audience to review the element.
These additional elements are not mandatory but remember they can help you to deliver your information to the readers easier by using visuals and tables. If you need any help with completing your paper do not hesitate to visit our website: http://essay-academy.com