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2. 3. Program Overview
1. 1 Coaching Skills for Professional Development: Research Findings ICF Research Symposium
San Jose, CA
November 9, 2005
Presented by:
Janet Baldwin Anderson, Ph.D.
Katherine Johnson, Ed.D.
Peter Reding, MCC
2. 2 Janet Baldwin Anderson, Ph.D.,
Parker Anderson
Kate Harper
Katherine Johnson, Ed.D.
Peter Reding, MCCJanet Baldwin Anderson, Ph.D.,
Parker Anderson
Kate Harper
Katherine Johnson, Ed.D.
Peter Reding, MCC
3. 3 Program Overview – Coaching Skills for Educational Leaders Participant proposed outcomes:
1. Demonstrate coaching skills (based on ICF competencies) in the workplace.
2. Exhibit knowledge of principles of creating positive learning environments based on the Inspired Learning Model™.
3. Demonstrate enhanced ability to promote growth among the staff and people they work with to promote student success.
4. 4 Program Goals Professional Development Program Goals:
Develop coaching and leadership skills
Integrate learning into leadership roles
Focus on what is working
Research Goals:
Document program impacts
Inform the knowledge base for coaching
Research Questions:
Did participants’ coaching skills improve?
Did they apply the skills in their schools?
5. 5 Research Measures Four self report instruments:
Guskey Evaluation Form
Coaching Skills Proficiency Survey (new)
Pivotal Event Report (new)
Aspects of Mindset and Beliefs (new)
Data collected at three times:
August 2004
January 2005
May 2005
6. 6 Research Sample 20 educational leaders from a Maryland public school district
More than half had been coached
Mostly female (16); mostly white (17)
Leadership roles included:
Principals and Assistant Principals (11)
Professional Development Facilitators (7)
Resource Teacher and Grants Facilitator (2)
7. 7 Research Evaluation Model Guskey Evaluation Model
*Adopted from work of Kirkpatrick & Guskey
Level I, Satisfaction: Participants’ reactions
Level II, Learning: Participants’ level of learning
Level III, Organization: Support and change
Level IV, Use: Participants’ use of knowledge and skills on the job
Level V, Outcomes: Results and improvement
8. 8 Research Findings Guskey Evaluation Form:
Comments indicated high levels of interest and enthusiasm for:
Coaching skills for professional development
Seeing coaching skills modeled by experienced coaches
Group discussions about cultural diversity
Using the Standards of Presence
9. 9 Research Findings, continued Coaching Skills Proficiency Survey (7 point scale)
Average self-ratings for all 8 coaching competencies
4.3 at the beginning (Moderate Proficiency)
5.2 at the midpoint (Moderately High Proficiency)
5.8 at program end (nearly High Proficiency)
Average increase of 1.5 levels in ten months
8 of 8 ratings were higher
7 of 8 ratings were significantly higher
10. 10 Coaching Skills Proficiency Survey – Aug 04 to May 05
11. 11 Research Findings, continued Pivotal Events Reports. Most frequent:
Coaching Competencies: Asking Powerful Questions (30), Deep Listening (28), Creating Trust (23), Acknowledging (22)
Settings: Meetings (32): committee, staff, team, etc., Classrooms (2)
Participants: Principals and Assistant Principals (32), Teachers (31)
Outcomes: positive impacts for students (29), teachers (29), and teams (17).
12. 12 Conclusions Study seeks to contribute to knowledge base by providing:
Empirical example of coaching competencies applied in a school setting;
New measures of coaching competencies and behaviors and of their change over time;
Descriptive reports of coaching experiences.
Educational leaders’ use of coaching skills helps to foster:
greater reflection, confidence, self awareness, acceptance, and empowerment for teachers and staff.
13. 13 Conclusions, continued Reliable and valid measures of coaching competencies contribute to the advancement of coaching as a professional field. Preliminary results show high degree of internal consistency and reliability for the CSPS.
Positive response of educational leaders and results of this study suggest that coaching skills professional development has value in school settings.
14. 14 Recommendations Develop high quality measures of coaching skills, behaviors, and outcomes.
The CSPS and other measures should be tested and applied in wider segments of the coaching community—from novice to master coaches—and from educational leaders to executive leaders to coach trainees.
Study the use of coaching skills in school settings.
15. 15
16. 16 Coaching Skills Proficiency Survey (New) 1. Creating Trust. Ability to create a safe, supportive relationship with the client that produces ongoing mutual respect and trust.
2. Coming Present and Connecting. Ability to be fully conscious and to create a spontaneous relationship with the client.
3. Following the Individual’s Agenda, Pace, and Self-Discovery. Ability to focus completely on the client’s agenda rather than your own.
4. Listening. Ability to focus completely on what the client is saying and is not saying, to understand the context of the client’s desires.
5. Asking Powerful Questions. That evoke discovery, insight, or commitment; that challenge the client’s assumptions.
6. Acknowledging. Ability to be authentic and use language that shows respect for & recognition of the client’s progress, values, awareness.
7. Creating awareness. Ability to help the client integrate and interpret multiple sources of information and achieve agreed-upon results.
8. Forwarding the Learning. Create with the client opportunities for on-going learning during coaching and in work and life situations.
17. 17 Inspired Learning Model™ The Facilitator
The Subject Matter
The Physical Environment
The Inspired Learner
The Standards of Presence
The Integration
Inspiration 2020
18. 18 Standards of Presence 1 Maintain confidentiality
2 Adopt a stand for innocence
3 Practice a positive focus
4 Connect at a heart level
5 Share magnificence
6 Listen deeply and with honor
7 Give only authentic & positive acknowledgment
8 Fully receive acknowledgment and support
9 Practice self care & self responsibility, and allow others to do the same
10 Be fully present
19. 19 Skill Set & Mind Set Skill Set – (Can do)
1. Creating Trust,
2. Coming Present and Connecting
3. Following the Individual’s Agenda
4. Listening
5. Asking Powerful Questions
6. Acknowledging
7. Creating awareness
8. Forwarding the Learning
Mind Set (Knows)
Each Person is or has:
1. Resourcefulness
2. Own best answers
3. Already mastered a part of what they want more of
4. Own best path
5. Unique
6. Served by being Acknowledged
7. Unique Contribution