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Comprehensive Data Retreat ® Workshop Developed by Judy K. Sargent, Ph.D. Presented and adapted by: Region 3 ESA. Summer 2006. Welcome. Introductions Facilitator(s), Team Members Logistics Facilities, Faxing, Copying, internet access, supplies, lunch & refreshments Timeframe
Comprehensive Data Retreat® WorkshopDeveloped by Judy K. Sargent, Ph.D.Presented and adapted by: Region 3 ESA Summer 2006 Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Welcome • Introductions • Facilitator(s), Team Members • Logistics • Facilities, Faxing, Copying, internet access, supplies, lunch & refreshments • Timeframe • Start and End Time; Breaks • Materials • Data Retreat® Workbook, your data, supply kits • Ground Rules (p.15) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
About Data Retreat® Workshops • Professional learning communities • Professional Development • Improve data awareness & management • Focus on student learning • Focus on relevant data • Result in actionable improvement plans Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Before the Retreat During the Retreat After the Retreat 8-Step Process • Objectives and Strategies • Progress Monitoring & Evaluation • Roll Out & Sustainability • Team Readiness • Data Collection • Data Analysis (7 Optional Modules) • Hypotheses & Issues • Improvement Goals Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Purpose & Vision Successful teams set a clear vision of outcomes. Team Task • What factors led you to want to bring team to this retreat? • What do you hope will happen? • What outcomes do you hope to achieve? List your team’s desired outcomes. (p.12) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Team Self-Reflection Data helps us confirm or reject our perceptions. Team Task • How well does your team know how your students are performing? Without looking at data— discuss what you think (perceive) about the achievement of your students. Consider all students – including subgroups of students. (disabled, minority, ELL, poverty) (p.13) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Confidentiality Professional educators honor the privacy of student, staff and family information. Team Task • Read and honor the pledge of confidentiality. I pledge to honor the privacy and confidentiality regarding data and discussions involving students, staff and other school-related issues. I understand that the data and discussions shared at this retreat are for professional school improvement purposes. I will not divulge this confidential information to any persons outside of the professional education arena. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Shared Responsibility In successful schools, all staff show shared responsibility for every student in the school. Team Task • How will our team represent the future directions for all students in our school? Discuss the concept of shared responsibility for all students and how it is evident among the staff in your school. (p.16) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Professional Learning Communities In successful schools, the leadership team and all staff follow the characteristics of professional learning communities. Team Task • To what extent do we exhibit the characteristics of a Professional Learning Community? Read and discuss the characteristics of professional learning communities. Rate the implementation of these characteristics. (p.17 & 18) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Results Orientation • In successful schools, educators move from a convenience and historical orientation to a results orientation toward making decisions. • Team Task • How do results inform our decisions? Which of our decisions are based on our data? Read the list that compares orientations to decision making. Discuss how decisions are made in your school (p.19). Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Student Data Programs & Structures Data Family& Community Data Professional Practices Data Data Collection In successful schools, a thorough look at data guides decisions. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Process of Data Collection In successful schools, an efficient process is in place to access the data we need. Team Task • What processes did you use to collect the data? How effective were these procedures? Read and discuss the statements about data collection and as a group, rate your agreement (p.22). Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Data Collected Effective teams collect the data they need to evaluate their school’s effectiveness. Team Task • Which data have you brought to the retreat? On the flip chart, list the data that have been brought to the retreat. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Student Data Student Data Collection Team Task • What student data did we bring to the retreat? • Demographic data? • Academic achievement data? • Behavior and perceptions data? Review the student data, programs & structure, professional practices and family & community data brought to the retreat. Record on the flip chart. Note the samples provided. (p.25 - 31) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Human Systems for Data Don’t forget the human side of efficient technology use. The skills of data entry, storage and access are crucial to efficient data management. Team Task • How efficient are our staff in managing data? As a group, read the statements describing “human” data work and rate the efficiency among the staff. (page 33 in workbook) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
B+ Grade Book Systems Successful schools demand their grade books effectively report student achievement. Team Task • How would we rate the effectiveness of our grade book system? Considering your school’s grade book system, read the grade book features and rate your grade book. (workbook page 34) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Data Analysis • Data Analysis Modules • Literacy* • Math & Science* • Safe & Healthy Schools* • High School • Special Education • Early Learning • English Language Learning • Consider focused mini-retreats during the school year. • Book a date with Region 3 ESA *material reviewed in one day retreat Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
State Assessments South Dakota Requires … • Dakota STEP: Reading and Math SAT 10: Language Arts, Science, Social Studies • Grades 3-8 and 11 • Writing: Grades 5 and 9 • NCLB Requires … • Reading, Math • 3-8 and 11 • 2006-07 NCLB Requires … • Science • Once in each grade span • (3-5) (6-9) (10-12) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Analysis Task Sequence • Data Table – summarize the data in a table p.40 • Hypotheses – pose hypotheses for data patterns observed p.41 • Graphic Representation – Graph or highlight the data p. 39 • Classroom Connections – jot down immediate ideas of classroom strategies to improve data patterns p.42 • Observe, Discuss & Document—note data patterns p. 40 Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Literacy Data Analysis In successful schools … …all students are proficient in reading, writing and language skills … all teachers are teachers of reading so that students may access and understand content. … teachers are well trained in, and teachers use best literacy practices in the classroom Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Literacy Data Analysis Team Task • What data do we have that reports how our students have performed on reading, writing, and language assessments? Discuss and complete the chart that describes your literacy data. (p.45) Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
About State Literacy Assessments In effective schools, educators understand the state assessment system and how literacy is measured and reported. Team Task • What are the state reading, writing and/or language assessments? Discuss and complete the chart that describes your state literacy assessments (p.46). Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
State Proficiency Levels Team Task • What are your state’s proficiency levels? Handout with SD AMO’s Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Analyzing Proficiency Successful teams know the literacy proficiency levels of all and subgroups of students. Team Task • How did all and subgroups of students perform on the state literacy assessments? • Make a summative data table of the % of all students at proficient and above levels for every grade tested. Note the sample. Make additional data tables for each subgroup showing the % of students at proficient and above levels. Samples on p. 48 – 50. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Proficiency & AYP Analysis • Use the NCLB Report Card www.doe.sd.gov Calculate the number of students proficient and advanced. • Make a data table on the flip chart for both Math and Reading– see the sample below. • Address each subgroup and its comparison group. (pp. 48 –50) • Include all years • Record % of P & A increase and decrease Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Another Data Table • % of ALL students at Proficient and Above Levels in Reading Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Analyzing Proficiency, continued Team Task , continued • Graphic Representation. Create a graph of the data in the data tables and/or color code the data to show patterns. Plot the % at proficient and advanced for all and subgroups on an AYP graph. See the sample. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Proficiency Observations Analyzing Proficiency, continued Team Task , continued • Observe, discuss and document data patterns. What are your data findings? What patterns do you see?Write your findings on the flip chart. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Analyzing Proficiency, continued Team Task , continued • Why do we think these patterns occur? • Pose Hypotheses. Pose possible explanations for the data patterns you observe. • Classroom Connections. List any classroom strategies that may improve the results. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Standards Analysis Team Task Successful schools are standards-based and know how their students are performing on academic standards.(pp. 56-58) • Find your results by standard and make a data table of the results showing school/state comparisons and subgroup comparisons. • Create a bar graph or color code the data to show relative strengths and weaknesses. Use CRT site Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Standards Analysis, continued • Observe and discuss the data patterns you see—noting comparisons. Document strong and weak standards and achievement gaps on the flip chart. • Pose hypotheses about any gaps and patterns you see. • Suggest classroom connections of strategies that might improve these results. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Individual StudentAnalysis Team Task Successful schools know how individual students are achieving. They are able to identify struggling learners and provide services to help them be successful. (pp. 59-61) • Find your results by individual student. • On the report, highlight proficiency levels. Use Scaled Scores Blue Wow! Advanced/Above Expectations Green Good! Proficient/Meets Expectations Yellow Almost! Below Prof./Doesn’t Quite Meet Expectations PinkUrgent! Minimal Proficiency/Far Below Expectations Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Individual StudentAnalysis, continued • (continued) Annotate the report for each student with yellow or pink highlighting (below proficient) by coding important variables. Sample Coding: Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Individual StudentAnalysis, continued What is it that we aredoing that might contribute to these results? • Observe and discuss the patterns that emerge from the coding. List all students below proficient (yellow & pink) by grade & subject on flip charts (use initials) • Pose hypotheses— what could we be doing—or not doing– to contribute to these results? • What classroom connections come to mind? Make note of them. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Caution Item Analysis Usually done at a data analysis workshop! Item analysis reports are not available with every test. If available, they are an important tool to study how students respond to specific tasks. However, item analyses should be approached with caution – to guard against putting too much weight on individual items, and consequently narrowing the curriculum. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Item Analysis, continued Team Task • How do our students perform on specific tasks? • Find item analysis reports and have print-outs that staff can view. • Color code or rank order differences between your students and state results. Note the sample guidelines for selected response and constructed response items. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Item Analysis, continued • On the flip chart, note concerns that you observe with … • Content, concepts • Format • Directions • Test completion • Pose hypotheses to explain these results. • Suggest classroom strategies that might improve these results – with caution about narrowing curriculum. What is it that we aredoing that might contribute to these results? Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Local Literacy Assessments Team Task • What local literacy assessments provide important data to analyze? (workbook page 65) Follow the same analysis steps to discover further information about how your students are achieving in reading, writing and language skills. • Make data tables to summarize the data. • Color code or graph the data to illuminate patterns. • Observe, discuss and document data findings. • Pose hypotheses that might explain your results. • Suggest classroom connections —strategies to improve the results. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Primary Literacy Concerns Team Task Use a group process to determine your top 1 to 3 student literacy concerns that emerged from your data analysis. • Primary Literacy Concerns for Students Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Literacy Professional Practices Inventories Literacy Practice Surveys Pages 69-85 PK-K K-2 (25)K-2 (45) 3-5 Secondary In successful schools, professional educators self-reflect about their classroom practices according to “best practices” on a regular basis. The following section presents Literacy Practices Surveys. They may be completed … • Online prior to the retreat. If so – find your school’s results and prepare to analyze them. • Here during the next activity. If not – read the appropriate survey aloud and group discuss and rate each item. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Literacy Professional Practices Inventory, continued Team Task • If you have results from the online survey, follow the 5 steps to analyze results. • If you have not administered the online survey, complete the items as a group, and follow the 5 steps to analyze the results. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Universal Instruction Universal Options for All Students High quality best instruction in the general classroom with embedded differentiation strategies that bring academic success to every learner. All teachers highly trained in differentiation strategies and best teaching practices. • Selected Interventions • Selected Interventions for Students Who ShowSigns of Struggle • Selected interventions in addition to universal options in the general classroom designed to address barriers to learning. • Flexible • Small groups • Expertly trained teachers • Targeted Interventions • Targeted Interventions for Struggling Learners at Serious Risk for Failure • Targeted interventions in addition to universal options designed to address serious barriers to learning. • One-on-one • Intensive instruction • Expertly trained teachers Frequent progress monitoring to assess student’s response to intervention. Universal Design in Literacy Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Universal Selected Targeted Universal Design in Literacy, continued In successful schools, multiple levels of intervention are provided for struggling learners. Team Task • What universal literacy instruction do you provide? • What selected literacy interventions do you provide? • What targeted literacy interventions do you provide? Read and discuss the questions regarding universal design. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Parent and Community Involvement & Perceptions Team Task Discuss and note … • How your staff works to involve parents are in promoting their child’s literacy. • How your staff provides tips for parents. • How your parents follow through at home. • How your staff provides periodic literacy events and promotes a literacy culture • How independent reading is evident in the school Complete the worksheet to analyze parent and community involvement page 87. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Student Perceptions about Reading and Writing Team Task What are student perceptions about reading and writing? • Have your students take surveys like the ones included to indicate their perceptions about reading and writing. • If you did not have students take such a survey—discuss what information a student survey might provide your team. Should we give a survey like this? • Analyze student survey results following the 5-step analysis to discover patterns and hypothesize about the results. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Literacy Concerns & Issues—Tying it All Together • Team Task What primary concerns and issues do we have about literacy in our school? • Summarize previously determined primary concerns for students. • Looking at all of the discussions and practices surveys, which issues emerge as primary issues? List or highlight primary issues. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Math Data Analysis In successful schools … …all students are proficient in math and science skills … teachers are well trained in, and teachers use instructional practices in math and science classrooms Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
List Math Data for Analysis Team Task What data do we have that reports how our students have performed on math and science assessments? List the math data available for analysis. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Understanding State Math & Science Assessments In effective schools, educators understand the state assessment system and how math and science is measured and reported. Team Task • What are the state math assessments? Discuss and complete the chart that describes your state assessments. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI
Analyzing Proficiency Successful teams know the math & science proficiency levels of all and subgroups of students. Team Task • How did all and subgroups of students perform on the state math assessments? • Make a summative data table of the % of all students at proficient and above levels for every grade tested. Note the sample. Make additional data tables for each subgroup showing the % of students at proficient and above levels. Note the samples. Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI