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Hydrochloric Acid Therapy for Detoxification

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Hydrochloric Acid Therapy for Detoxification

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    1. Hydrochloric Acid Therapy for Detoxification This acid unlocks the potential, in your food, so that you may use the food to build and repair your body.

    3. Started long ago in the 1930s This therapy was discovered and used in the 1930s when researchers used a dilute natural-source of hydrochloric acid (HCL) solution combined with potassium and other mineral salts to eliminate serious, long-standing infections.

    4. More Help for the Body In researching the benefits of HCL, they found that taking HCL alone (orally) had a poor response. However, when the HCL was combined with specific mineral sources in proper dilutions, they discovered that an amazing whole-body cleansing response was initiated.

    5. It helped to ignite the immune systems efficiency, response, and integrity, even in their worst cases. They found extensive benefits for many types of concerns, including kidneys, lungs, pancreas, liver, skin, uterus, prostate, bladder and much more.

    6. Safe and Effective It was initially used as a dilute fluid in an intravenous drip and later provided as an oral treatment. It was safe, efficient and easy to use, when taken orally several times a day. The results where outstanding, removing infections ranging from tonsillitis to malaria and cancerous tumors, even tuberculosis.

    7. Bio-Films and Sugar Today we know that over 99% of all infections are surrounded by a Bio-Film made of polysaccharide (Sugar). It was discovered long ago that without question this HCL therapy could breakdown the impervious polysaccharide sac surrounding disease organisms.

    8. Aging and Disease An article in the Journal of Medical Hypothesis (Vol. 51, pages 179-221, 1998) estimates that, at birth, we have an average 90-million methyl groups per cell. These groups help in the conversion of stored genetic material in each cell. The more of these methyl groups we have the more conversions take place and the healthier the cell and your body.

    9. As we Age As we age these methyl groups are lost, the more the loss, the faster the aging process. The more we lose, of these methyl groups, the more disease we develop. Aging, degeneration, degenerative disease, including cancer is marked by a loss of these methyl groups. That means these groups provide protection by keeping large numbers of genetic materials in the cells.

    10. Genes need this help The increase of oncogenes (cancer causing genes) and suppression of tumor suppressor genes (anti-cancer genes) are also noted with the loss of these methyl groups.

    11. Keep your groups to stop aging With an average loss of 1800 DNA methyl groups per cell/per day it limits age to a lifespan of about 65 years. If we could reduce the amount of these losses to 1200 methyl groups per cell per day we could extend our lives to around 95 years.

    12. Get Healthy and Get Old Protecting and restoring the number of these methyl groups is one way of having a profound effect in overall health, strength, and longevity as confirmed by the latest research by Dr. S Burzynski in Houston Texas.

    13. Get more Methyl groups, Naturally The richest source of these methyl groups is Betaine Hydrochloride from beets. Combined with a natural source of potassium these methyl groups are easily taken in by the cells of the body.

    14. Betaine alone isnt enough We need a dose of Betaine HCL and an activator made from potassium, like Lite-salt to be assured of the full health effects of hydrochloric acid therapy. Combined with a natural source of potassium these methyl groups are easily taken in by the cells of the body.

    15. HCL levels drop with Age As we age our ability to produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach is reduced, by age 55, to around 15% of what we produced when we were 20 years of age. This means that we have 15% of the HCL to breakdown all the food you eat, ionize all the minerals in that food, and kill the infections that enter with food and still have some left over to circulate in the body to clean up infections and neutralize food acids.

    16. Slim Chance (No pun intended) Now you can see how low HCL levels make it difficult to remain healthy as we age. We simply dont have enough hydrochloric acid to do all the work expected from it.

    17. HCL Therapy Procedure The recommended dose is to take 1 or 2 tablets of Betaine HCL after each meal. This will replace the HCL your stomach isnt making. Larger meals require 2 tablets to assure proper breakdown of foods.

    18. Some of us need more than the average dose Those who are overweight may use up to 6 doses a day to provide the amount of HCL their body needs in circulation. Do this dosage 20 days for cleansing and longer to restore the methyl groups that prevent aging and disease.

    19. A word of Caution: Please note: those with Kidney failure or Leukemia should limit this dose to one time a day until their health is returned.

    20. Also if Sensitive For those who are very sensitive, have an elevated white cell count or who have been chronically ill, you may want to start with 1 dose of the HCL every other day and build up slowly.

    21. So why do I need this therapy? As we eat food we chew it and swallow and the esophagus delivers the food to the stomach. Splash! Once the food is in the stomach hydrochloric acid is released to activate enzymes that will breakdown proteins to their individual amino acid components.

    22. Sugars Fructose and glucose sugars from fruit and non-starchy vegetables are absorbed through the stomach wall and delivered to the liver for storage. They do not raise blood sugar levels. Other sugars like table sugar, corn syrup and polysaccharide starches and fiber, move along to the small intestine for processing.

    23. Saturated Plant fats Saturated plant fats are absorbed and delivered to the liver for conversion to brown fat and stored as well. No real processing is needed in the stomach or duodenum for plant saturated fats.

    24. Back to the Stomach Hydrochloric acid does several jobs in the stomach. It liquefies the food to a liquid chyme for delivery to the duodenum. It ionizes minerals including calcium. Minerals and calcium have to be ionized before the body is able to use them. When calcium isnt ionized it coats the joints, builds stones and makes arteries and organs calcified, or hard, and damages the intestines.

    25. When calcium isnt ionized and removed from the digestive tract it will neutralize the acid in the stomach preventing proper stomach participation in digestion. Antacids also create this problem Calcium build up in the digestive tract will cause inflammation of the intestinal lumen (Wall) and swelling from sclerotic tissue. This damage prevents absorption of nutrients and other minerals. Vitamin D will help by assisting with the absorption of calcium to the bloodstream

    26. Calcium build up in the intestines changes the pH of the intestinal tract causing bowel movements to be to fast (Diarrhea) or very slow (Constipation). Hydrochloric acid activates the enzymes needed to breakdown proteins to their individual amino acids. When these enzymes are not activated the protein foods enter the duodenum as bits and pieces of food .

    27. Damage is done This prevents enzymes in the small intestine from doing their job of carrying amino acids to the body. Protein not broken down in the stomach will cause the small intestine to swell as damage to the little villi fingers occurs. These villi are the site for nutrient absorption. If damaged they atrophy or shrink down and swell up.

    28. Beer Gut appearance About 70% of us cannot absorb proteins in the diet and have this problem. When HCL is lacking in the stomach you are prone to burping and belching as food rots, and creates gas. Rotting foods change the acid/alkaline balance of the duodenum preventing enzymes from working.

    29. Symptoms happen Bad breath is also noticed. Some swallow air as they eat and this may also contribute to these types of gas problems If HCL is lacking the acid levels of the stomach arent strong enough to sterilize the foods eaten. Pathogens will be able to enter the body with the food.

    30. Not just in the Stomach HCL is also present in the blood circulation cleansing and neutralizing infections and other acids. When food is not broken down, to their individual components, there is the development of toxins that then get into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. The chain reaction of low hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach, really do wreak havoc throughout the digestive system.

    31. Build Your Health The body needs energy and building materials and they can only come from the foods we eat. It has been said We are what we eat but that is only partially true. I say: We are what we can actually absorb and use. With low HCL problems you wont absorb much and illness will develop.

    32. One Mans Experience After about 7 days on the HCL Detox Program, a 62-year old man found that an upper right gum area near a root-canalled tooth began to ache intensely during the night for 2 days. Later, the gum area that had always been very sensitive for several years, completely cleared and felt normal to the touch.

    33. More to the story After about 3 weeks continuing on the HCL Program, he felt a strange sensation in his intestines and noticed small, white worm-like tissue eliminated with a bowel elimination. After that, his intestinal track functioned normally.

    34. Anothers Experience A 45-year old computer expert found that for several years, it was always difficult to breathe through his right nostril. After about one week of the HCL Detox Program, he felt the right nostril clear and he could breathe well again through both nostrils. There have been many interesting HCL Detox stories where specific chronic body areas were able to be cleared when other methods had not been effective or long lasting. You must clear out the infection to get lasting results

    35. Zinc Test Find out if you have the problem of low stomach acid. Take a tablet of zinc supplement and place it on your tongue. Leave it there long enough to dissolve partially. If it taste terrible you do not need HCL therapy. If it has no taste or little taste you need Betaine HCL tablets.

    36. Thanks for Attending! Ive enjoyed doing this presentation for all of you. There will be more in the future. Dr. Jerry

    37. E-mail Me! If you have questions! drjerry@jwinebrenner.com

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