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RN LeavingStaying at Bedside

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RN LeavingStaying at Bedside

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Presentation Transcript

    1. RN Leaving/Staying at Bedside HSCI 730 SPRING 2005 J Y

    3. Target Event Leaving the bedside nursing 1 year from now

    4. Review of Clues 1. RN turnover ratios for year 2004 2. Vacancy Rates for year 2004 3. RN satisfaction Survey scores 4. RN Advancement and career opportunities 5. Autonomy 6. RN to RN daily interactions 7. Retention bonus

    5. Clue levels

    7. Modeling uncertainty & Scenarios

    8. Correlation Graph

    9. Forecast Likelihood ratio: RN satisfaction = 3 RN to RN Interaction = 2.5 Autonomy = 3.5 Professional Development = 2 Odds of leaving = 3x2.5X3.5X2 = 11.00 Probability of leaving beside nursing = 11.00/(1+11.00) = 92%

    10. Evaluation Positive correlation indicates a good model

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