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Diocesan Jubilee Officer Cedar Rapids Gathering. Session Two: The Application and Site Visitation Process March 27, 2009. Goals for Application & Site Visitation Process Discussion. To reevaluate and improve the Application process for new Jubilee Ministries
Diocesan Jubilee Officer Cedar Rapids Gathering Session Two: The Application and Site Visitation Process March 27, 2009 Working Together for Justice
Goals for Application & Site Visitation Process Discussion • To reevaluate and improve the Application process for new Jubilee Ministries • Review Executive Council Resolution history of Process for the Designation of a Jubilee Center • Review Executive Council Criteria for the Designation of a Jubilee Center • Review the current criteria used for the Designation of a Jubilee Center • Contrast these histories with DJO survey understandings and interests/concerns expressed • Seek to clarify process, roles and criteria to be applied in future designations • Clarify distinction between designation and affirmation • To reevaluate and improve the current process for Reaffirming Jubilee Ministries throughout the network • Review discussion in items 1a-d above as pertains to Reaffirming Jubilee Ministries. • Seek to clarify process, roles and criteria to be applied in future designations • To introduce and develop criteria for Jubilee Diocese status • Absent General Convention or Executive Council criteria, consider the logic implied in sections 1 & 2 above • Propose Executive Council Criteria that can be established for the Designation of a Jubilee Diocese Working Together for Justice
EXC021983.28 Process for the Designation of a Jubilee CenterCommittee: National MissionCitation: Executive Council Minutes, Feb. 9-11, 1983, Charleston, SC, pp. 44-45. • Resolved, That the designation of an Episcopal congregation or ecumenical clusters as a "Jubilee Center" be a function of the diocese within which such congregation or cluster is located, made in accordance with criteria established by the Executive Council, provided, however, that if no mechanism for such designation exists within the diocese, the congregation or cluster may apply directly to the Executive Council, the application to be accompanied by a supportive letter from the diocese's ecclesiastical authority. • Designation of a Jubilee Center by a diocese shall be affirmed by appropriate action of the Executive Council. Working Together for Justice
A small mountain community congregation Working Together for Justice
An Episcopal cluster from Boulder County Working Together for Justice
An ecumenical cluster ministry in Louisville Working Together for Justice
Process for the Designation of a Jubilee Center Designation What? an Episcopal congregation, Episcopal cluster, or ecumenical cluster Based on? in accordance with criteria established by the Executive Council (to follow) By Whom?a function of the diocese within which such congregation or cluster is located Diocesan Jubilee Officer’s Comments with signature and date Bishop’s Comments with signature and date if no mechanism for such designation exists within the diocese, the congregation or cluster may apply directly to the Executive Council, the application to be accompanied by a supportive letter from the diocese'secclesiastical authority Working Together for Justice
Process for the Affirmation of a Jubilee Center The designation of a Jubilee Center by a diocese shall be affirmed by appropriate action of the Executive Council Working Together for Justice
EXC021983.29 Criteria for the Designation of a Jubilee CenterCommittee: National MissionCitation:Executive Council Minutes, Feb. 9-11, 1983, Charleston, SC, p. 45-46. • Resolved, That the Executive Council, acting on behalf of the Coalition for Human Needs, does hereby establish the following criteria for designation of an Episcopal congregation* or ecumenical cluster as a "Jubilee Center": • the Episcopal congregation* or ecumenical cluster must be engaged in mission and ministry among and with poor people wherever located; • the mission and ministry must be rooted in worship; • the mission and ministry must include several programs, including at least one human rights advocacy program and one human services program; • once designated a Jubilee Center, the congregation or cluster must be willing to: • demonstrate the operation of its programs to others as models; • maintain "how to" files; • act as a resource center and funnel for information; and • be subject to annual review. * this was amended in June 16-17, 1983 to include “Episcopal clusters” Working Together for Justice
Criteria for the Designation of a Jubilee Center as practiced today • Must be an Episcopal Congregation, an ecumenical cluster with Episcopal presence, and/or an agency with connections to the Episcopal Church. • Must be involved in ministry programs among and with poor and oppressed people wherever they are located. • Must include at least one or more of the following: • human rights advocacy program • human service program (outreach) • lay leadership/empowerment program • evangelism in action • Must be willing to actively participate in the following: • reflect theologically upon learning in ministry • demonstrate the operation of programs to others as models • act as a resource center for other Jubilee Ministry Centers Working Together for Justice
for designation of an Episcopal congregation* or ecumenical cluster as a "Jubilee Center (note * this was amended in June 16-17, 1983 to include “Episcopal clusters) CENTER INFORMATION Name of Center (Organization):_________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________City:__________________________ State:______________ Zip Code:_________ Contact Person (s):___________________________________________________ Director of Program (if different from above): _________________ Telephone: ____________________ FAX: _________________E-mail: ____________________ Diocese: _________________ Diocesan Bishop: _____________________________________________ Diocesan Jubilee Officer: _____________________________________________ JUBILEE APPLICATION Name of Person submitting this application: __________________________ Sponsoring Parish or Diocese: __________________________ Working Together for Justice
the Episcopal congregation* or ecumenical cluster must be engaged in mission and ministry among and with poor people wherever located DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE PROGRAM • Economic: • Cultural/Ethnic/Racial: • Educational: • Language specific: • List some of the ways in which the staff of this program attends to the specific demographic needs of this community. Working Together for Justice
the mission and ministry must be rooted in worship This organizing mandate is not currently directly reflected on our applications. May be helpful to ask our applicants, “How is your ministry rooted in worship?” Working Together for Justice
the mission and ministry must include several programs, including at least one human rights advocacy program and one human services program Human Rights/Advocacy MinistryJubilee Ministry is as interested in the causes of poverty and oppression as it is in its effects on human life. Those engaged in human service programs frequently need the type of assistance found in an advocacy program.What, if anything, is being done in the area of Advocacy for and with those who are being served at this Center? For example: • Legislation involvement • Legal issues involvement • Community organizing for things such as social or economic changes • Anti-racism awareness workshops • Other Working Together for Justice
. A helpful question on the application might be: Please share with us about your work in Human Rights Advocacy.
the mission and ministry must include several programs, including at least one human rights advocacy program and one human services program Direct Human Service Ministry • Children’s after school / day care • Clothing • Counseling / Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation • Elderly Care • Emergency Services • Emergency Shelter • HIV/AIDS • Homelessness • Housing • Hunger Ministry / Food Pantry • Prison Ministry • Refugee / Immigration • Tutoring for Children • Youth Working Together for Justice
. Rather than provide an extensive list of outreach or human service activities, a helpful question on the application might be: Please share with us about your work providing Direct Human Service to poor and oppressed people.
Further commitments made in application An applicant for Jubilee Ministry designation makes a commitment that if they are designated they will have an ongoing relationship with Jubilee. Those commitments follow.
once designated a Jubilee Center, the congregation or cluster must be willing to: demonstrate the operation of its programs to others as models; maintain "how to" files;act as a resource center and funnel for information; and be subject to annual review DESIGNATION AS A JUBILEE MINISTRY CENTER • Programs/Centers are designated as Jubilee Ministry Centers on the understanding that they will share their expertise with others. Would you be willing to do this? • What are your expectations for being designated as a Jubilee Center? • What kind of support would be most helpful for you? Working Together for Justice
In your Province, what are the opportunities for networking and inter-diocesan programming and training? • The almost unanimous perception among respondents is that there is little knowledge of opportunity to promote or develop Jubilee Ministry within their province. • That perception is an invitation to explore long range plans directed at how Jubilee can be positioned as a resource through provincial networks. • Rather than turn an immediate focus on provincial networks, we will focus on resources needed to support Diocesan Jubilee Officers and the centers they serve in their dioceses. This may be best accomplished by developing support resources in areas of priority commitment that defines Jubilee Ministry in its originating 1982 mandate. Specifically that Jubilee promote consciousness raising, designated Jubilee centers, training; human resources, research and evaluation, publications, network for public policy, evangelism and congregational development, and Jubilee Ministry grants.