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This session aims to review the organizing mandate of Jubilee Ministry, explore existing resources, identify opportunities for Jubilee grant funds, and develop leadership roles for further program development.
Diocesan Jubilee Officer Cedar Rapids Gathering Session Three: Resource Development March 27 , 2009 Working Together for Justice
Goals for Resource Development • To Review the organizing mandate for Jubilee Ministry as a basis for Developing Resources • Review Resolution history for establishing the basis for Jubilee Ministry • Explore the nine functions of a priority ministry commitment of that resolution • To identify and inventory existing resources available to DJOs from the Church Center and through various Diocesan Jubilee networks. • Provide list of internal and external resources available to support development • Expand list with input from Diocesan jubilee Officers, survey responses and during gathering • To identify useful opportunities for the application of Jubilee grant funds • Review survey comments and suggestions • To identify Diocesan Jubilee Officers who are capable of assuming leadership roles in the further development of the Jubilee Ministry program • To address during Diocesan Jubilee Officer training session • To differentiate between those resources needed to support congregations doing Jubilee Ministry and those needed to support agencies doing Jubilee Ministry • Discussion to be developed during New Program Development work session • Review survey comments and responses Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
1979-A063 Reaffirm Congregations as the Center of Mission 1979-C031 Recognize the Call to Urban Mission and Evangelism 1979-C034 Devise a Strategy for a Program of Urban Mission and Evangelism Q. What is the mission of the Church? A. The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. Q. How does the Church pursue its mission? A. The Church pursues its mission as it prays and worships, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love. Q. Through whom does the Church carry out its mission? A. The Church carries out its mission through the ministry of all its members. Working Together for Justice
Resolution Number: 1982-A080Title: Implement “The Jubilee Ministry” to Meet Basic Human NeedsLegislative Action Taken: Concurred As Amended • Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 67th General Convention affirms that a ministry of joint discipleship in Christ with poor and oppressed people, wherever they are found, to meet basic human needs and to build a just society, is at the heart of the mission of the Church; and be it further • Resolved, That the Executive Council is directed to implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment by this Church to be called "The Jubilee Ministry": Consciousness Raising, Designated Jubilee Centers, Training; Human Resources, Research and Evaluation, Publications, Network for Public Policy, Evangelism and Congregational Development, and Jubilee Ministry Grants. Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Affirms that a ministry of joint discipleship in Christ with poor and oppressed people, wherever they are found, to meet basic human needs and to build a just society, is at the heart of the mission of the Church • 1982-B064 Request That Priority Be Given to Jubilee Ministry Budget • 1985-A103 Reaffirm the Church's Central Mission of Ministry With the Poor and Oppressed • 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry • 1991-A124 Reaffirm and Fund the Program of Jubilee Ministry • 1994-A081 Develop Liturgical Resources That Recognize Racial and Cultural Diversity • 1994-A082 Reaffirm the Model of Jubilee Ministry • 1997-A043 Allocate Adequate Funds to Support Jubilee Centers • 1997-D030 Challenge Congregations to Establish Direct Ministries to the Poor • 2003-A015 Reaffirm and Commend Jubilee Ministry to the Whole Church Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Nine Functions of priority ministry commitments of Jubilee Ministry • Consciousness Raising • Designated Jubilee Centers • Training • Human Resources • Research and development • Publications • Network for Public Policy • Evangelism and Renewal • Jubilee Ministry Grants Working Together for Justice
Consciousness Raising . Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
To implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment • Consciousness Raising. To challenge and confront the members of the Episcopal Church and other churches, through conferences, seminars, study materials, Christian education programs, and this Church's seminaries to understand the facts of poverty and injustice, encouraging them to take an active role in meeting the needs of poor and oppressed people and in the struggles against the causes of such suffering. 1982-A154 Call Upon Congregations to Increase Their Ministry to the Poor 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry 1985-A139 Develop Plans and Resources to Assist Congregations in Social and Community Outreach 1988-A110 Adopt Statement on the Leadership of the Nation 1988-A116 Support Improvement of Public School Education 1991-A127 Develop Congregations as Centers of Witness Through Jubilee Ministry 1997-D030 Challenge Congregations to Establish Direct Ministries to the Poor 1985-A109 Implement a Residency Program for Jubilee Interns in Poverty Ministry 1997-A044 Request Jubilee Program to Include Seminaries in Internship Training Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Consciousness Raising Resources • Jubilee Ministry • News Alerts on web page • List serve emails • Articles and Feature stories • Teaching resources • Links to Episcopal Church and affiliated organizations • Episcopal Public Policy Network • Church in Metropolitan Areas • Episcopal Network for Economic Justice • Episcopal Urban Caucus • Episcopal Relief and Development • Episcopal Community Services in America • Links to Others • Interfaith Worker Justice • Bread for the World Working Together for Justice
Designated Jubilee Centers . Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
To implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment • Designated Jubilee Centers. Through a sub-committee of the Coalition for Human Needs to locate and affirm as Jubilee Centers those congregations, including ecumenical clusters, already directly engaged in mission and ministry among and with poor people, so that their experience can be studied and the learnings used by other parishes to become Jubilee Centers. 1982-A154 Call Upon Congregations to Increase Their Ministry to the Poor EXC021983.28 Process for the Designation of a Jubilee Center EXC021983.29 Criteria for the Designation of a Jubilee Center 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry 1988-A119 Develop Regional Outreach Programs 1997-A085 Urge Dioceses to Prepare Strategies for Congregational Development Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Training . Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
To implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment • Training. For leadership of, and involvement in, Jubilee Ministry, through academic- year field training for clergy and seminarians, summer work programs, seminars and classes for clergy and lay volunteers, including poor and oppressed people and indigenous leaders, sabbaticals, shared work between parishes in partnership, and utilization of retirees. 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry 1985-A109 Implement a Residency Program for Jubilee Interns in Poverty Ministry 1991-A127 Develop Congregations as Centers of Witness Through Jubilee Ministry 1994-A082 Reaffirm the Model of Jubilee Ministry 1997-A044 Request Jubilee Program to Include Seminaries in Internship Training Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Training • Annual Training for New Jubilee Centers and Diocesan Jubilee Officers • Training on the Theology of Jubilee • Training to promote awareness of racism and privilege • Training for Site Visitors What else can we do? Working Together for Justice
Human Resources . Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
To implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment • Human Resources. To identify persons with gifts and skills helpful in Jubilee Ministry, establish a retrieval system, and match personnel with Jubilee Center needs. 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry 1985-A106 Request That Each Diocese Appoint a Jubilee Officer 1991-A127 Develop Congregations as Centers of Witness Through Jubilee Ministry 2000 A134 Establish and Episcopal Service Corps What can we do to promote this? Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Research and Evaluation . Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
To implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment • Research and Evaluation. To select particular Jubilee Ministries with significant potential as models, and to communicate their work and methodology to the whole Church. 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry 1985-A107 Develop Models of Advocacy for Justice for the Poor 1985-A108 Develop Opportunities for Episcopalians to Become Involved in Public Education What Research and Development can we consider? Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Publications . Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
To implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment • Publications. To publish a quarterly journal at a nominal price to report on issues which affect the poor, public and church policy related to those issues, theological reflection, and local models of Jubilee Ministry, as well as occasional papers and books on related concerns. 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry 1985-A107 Develop Models of Advocacy for Justice for the Poor 1985-D127 Support Ministry to the Homeless Who Are Mentally Ill 1988-A114 Provide Resources to Congregations on Jubilee Ministry 1997-D030 Challenge Congregations to Establish Direct Ministries to the Poor Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
More Publications Working Together for Justice
Network for Public Policy Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
To implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment • Network for Public Policy. To cooperate closely with such organizations as The Episcopal Urban Caucus, the Standing Commission on the Church in Small Communities, the Appalachian Peoples Service Organization (APSO) and Coalition Fourteen (C-14) and others, in developing an active network able to respond quickly and significantly on public issues of peace and justice. 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry 1985-D033 Work for Increases in Federal Aid to Poor Women and Children 1985-D127 Support Ministry to the Homeless Who Are Mentally Ill The presence today of the Episcopal Public Policy Network reflects continuing emphasis on this function as sustained through the Advocacy Center’s Office of Government Relations. Discussion regarding networking links will be developed later in this session with web resources Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Evangelism and Congregational Development Working Together for Justice
To implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment • Evangelism and Congregational Development. To seek and implement additional ways of urban and rural evangelism, especially in the formation of non-caucasian congregations. 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry 1985-A110 Implement a Program of Recruitment of Jubilee Volunteers for Mission 1994-A081 Develop Liturgical Resources That Recognize Racial and Cultural Diversity 1997-D030 Challenge Congregations to Establish Direct Ministries to the Poor Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Evangelism and Congregational Development Working Together for Justice
Jubilee Ministry Grants Working Together for Justice
To implement and co-ordinate with other programs of the Church the following functions of a priority ministry commitment • Jubilee Ministry Grants. To be made by the Coalition for Human Needs commission through the Executive Council, in accordance with the procedures and guidelines in the report of the Standing Commission on the Church in Metropolitan Areas, representing, in sum, a concrete expression of the priority commitment made by this Church in the foregoing resolution. 1985-A104 Renew Commitment to Jubilee Ministry 1985-A108 Develop Opportunities for Episcopalians to Become Involved in Public Education 1985-A109 Implement a Residency Program for Jubilee Interns in Poverty Ministry 1985-A110 Implement a Program of Recruitment of Jubilee Volunteers for Mission Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Useful opportunities for the application of Jubilee Ministry grant funds Survey comments suggested these possible uses for grant funds Priority One • Training stipends • Source of matching funds, especially for start-ups, but then for any matching • Recognizing new approaches to ministry • Partnerships between churches • Matching grants to each diocese that has or will name a DJO to support the ongoing development and growth of Jubilee in their diocese • Program Development • Take already existing ministries and fund those that, with a little help, could extend their reach or the quality of their service • Seek governmental funds • Continue making ministry grants available – these mean a lot to our sites and are very motivating • National office’s assistance in the identification of sources for securing faith-based grants Working Together for Justice
Useful opportunities for the application of Jubilee Ministry grant funds Survey comments suggested these possible uses for grant funds Priority One (continued) • Larger grants to fewer centers, get something big accomplished • Capacity building efforts – internet presence • The Volunteer Grant was worth every penny – It energized everyone, and almost everyone came to our luncheon retreat and talked about it for a long time. We still have some funds left and will do a picnic this spring before our final grant report. Volunteers are so essential! • Partnerships between churches • To provide leadership training • “Seed” grants (small amounts to start programs) • Start up funds for new ministry programs Working Together for Justice
Useful opportunities for the application of Jubilee Ministry grant funds Survey comments suggested these secondary uses for grant funds Priority Two • Operational funding for high impact ministries • Seed grants for new programs within existing centers • Training • Seek individual family grants for specific projects • Support for and the offering of grant writing training to dioceses • Training Opportunities • Perhaps travel help for visits to a particularly exciting Center, involving a Jubilee meeting, for those who are possible Centers as well as existing ones. • Evaluate value of funding a program for 3 years, phasing out the support in last year • Funds to help small programs continue Working Together for Justice
Useful opportunities for the application of Jubilee Ministry grant funds Survey comments for third priority consideration Priority Three • Seed money for newly proposed ministries • Operational support • Seek large church funds such as Trinity Church • National office’s assistance in the identification of sources for securing faith-based grants • Even better – spend $ on national “domestic poverty/justice” • Grants for small improvements – like signage that says JUBILEE CENTER…? • Match funds with Diocesan funds Working Together for Justice
Identify and inventory existing resources available What are our limits? Both internal and through partnerships Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
Identify and inventory existing resources available I would like to see training mage available in my Diocese in the following areas: • Formation of 501(c)3 Non-profit organization for ministry 50.0% • Board of Directors Training and Board development 37.5% • Strategic Planning for Congregation based ministry 87.5% • Strategic Planning for Agency based ministry 41.7% • Fiscal management for program ministries 54.2% • Grant Writing 62.5% • Fund development / fund raising 66.7% Working Together for Justice
Identify and inventory existing resources available I would like to see training made available in my Diocese in the following areas: Comments from the survey • Urge ministries to identify national entities and their state/local affiliates, and other local resources to help Jubilee Ministries • Have made each of these available at ministry gatherings, but not always interested in other ways of presenting the information and encouraging the ministries • How very small congregations can develop ministries that meet Jubilee certification standards • We have all the training available in our diocese • Creative ways to network Jubilee Ministries, build synergies among them, etc. Ideas of how others are doing this. We frankly are not and need to. Working Together for Justice
Identify and inventory existing resources available What do we have available? Working Together for Justice
A greater awareness of the Jubilee Ministry web site as a useful resource Domestic PovertyCalendar Center DirectoryResourcesBecome a CenterJubilee FormsAdvisory CommitteeDiocesan Jubilee OfficersEconomic JusticePrison MinistriesAdvocacy Center Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice
A greater awareness of the Jubilee Ministry web site as a useful resource The Jubilee web site would be most helpful as a resource by providing the following types of information: Priority Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Center Profiles 10 4 7 1 1 Features Stories 9 8 2 5 0 News 5 8 3 5 1 Networking/Links 12 10 0 0 0 Other 1 0 1 1 2 Comments on “Other”: Major articles on Domestic Poverty report Profiles and stories helpful if they revolve regularly, with previous accessible by archives Funding Sources, Best Practices and Features stories on Small Congregations Networking links beyond the Episcopal Church Working Together for Justice
Web Site conversation Comments • (from survey) need more networking. Province-wide and subject -specific Working Together for Justice Working Together for Justice