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A Testimony to God at Work Building Christ's Church and God's Kingdom In C lassis A tlantic N orth e ast (CANE) Raising CANE Raising CANE Raising CANE can be hard work! But it has sweet results !! Raising CANE It takes team- work to bring in the harvest We are yoked
A Testimony to God at Work Building Christ's Church and God's KingdomIn Classis Atlantic Northeast (CANE) Raising CANE
Raising CANE Raising CANE can be hard work! But it has sweet results !!
Raising CANE It takes team- work to bring in the harvest We are yoked together as a TEAM
Raising CANE TEAM WORK - be vulnerable - demand debate - go for clarity and closure - confront hard issues - focus on Godly outcomes together GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE TEAM WORK The CMT discerns and follows the movement of God’s Spirit in the ministries of CANE, so together we are growing in Christ-likeness as we minister to the whole person and their local and global communities. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE CMT’s DESIGN The Classical Ministries Team (CMT) consists of four sub- team leaders, the diaconal coordinator, and one Classical Interim Committee liaison person. The CMT designates its own officers and meets as often as necessary to do its work. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE CMT’s PURPOSE God’s Spirit enables CANE’s Classical Ministry Team (CMT) to discerningly follow God’s intent and work in the ministries of Classis Atlantic Northeast. In the path of this obedience people and their communities broken by sin are healed through the power of God, who in Christ is reconciling the world to himself. And in this path God forms us in the likeness of Christwho gave himself for the redemption of the world.
Raising CANE with VITALITY As God sovereignly builds his kingdom, the Holy Spirit assigns specific leadership roles to a wide variety of people in CANE as his life-giving agents to equip them for ministry. When these assignments are eagerly welcomed and diligently worked at in a Christ- like, servant manner as the Spirit provides direction, God uses them to bring LIFE. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE in DIVERSITY These leadership ministry assignments are diverse in nature, requiring the use of all the variety of gifts God has given all his diverse people to accomplish God’s work. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE at DISCOVERY Leading God’s people is a constant adventure of discovering what God is sovereignly doing, and obediently responding to the new assignments the Holy Spirit gives. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE TEAM WORK Each of CMT’s 4 sub-teams works together in the spirit of interdependence in the spirit of these 3 values – VITALITY-DIVERSITY-DISCOVERY GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE TEAM WORK Each sub-team’s focus is unique, yet all are intimately interrelated, demanding clear, frequent communication and creative synergy between the four team leaders. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE TEAM WORK Each of CMT’s 4 sub-teams has a corporate responsibility for all the work of the CMT. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE TEAM WORK Each of the CMT’s four sub-team’s incorporates in its work a deaconalcomponent so that the ministries of CANE intentionally and effectively integrate God’s Word with their godly deeds. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE TEAM WORK Each of the four sub-teams leads in discerning and following the direction and work of God’s Spirit among us, so that the disciple-making mandate of the Great Commission and the multiplication which results from our obeying it may flourish. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE THE FOUR TEAMS Leadership Culture Mission – Focused Churches Church Planting & Development Communication & Prayer
Raising CANE the FIFTH OX? Did you notice More important than you may think!
Raising CANE Leadership Culture Church Planting & Development Mission Focused Churches Communication & Prayer
Raising CANE Leadership Culture Church Planting & Development Mission Focused Churches Communication & Prayer Diaconal
The Four Ministry Teams To redevelop Mission-Focused Churches by: - Helping churches see & accept their God-given opportunities. - Providing focus-sharpening training. - Facilitating the sharing of resources & ideas. - Challenging, training, & assisting churhes to parent new ones. MFC
The Four Ministry Teams To empowerChurch Planting & Development by: - Equipping, enlisting, & supporting our leaders & churches in understanding, celebrating, & creating new healthy, relevant, and holistic congregations. - Planting at least one new church each year. - Assisting churches which desire affiliation with the CRCNA toward a possible life together. CPD MFC
The Four Ministry Teams To cultivate aLeadership Culture by: - Identifying, recruiting, and resourcing persons with the spiritual gift of leadership. - Promoting training conferences for all God’s people – local and regional. - Providing training conferences for elders, deacons, & pastors at classis in such a way that recipients may pass it on in their local churches . - Providing “student fund” assistance creatively. LC CPD MFC
The Four Ministry Teams To engenderCommunication and Prayer by: - Facilitating communication by creatively “getting the word out” what God is doing in & through his churches. - Eliciting petitions & praise for classis-wide prayer. - Providing training & encouragement in developing a deep life of prayer in the churches. - Assisting the flow of information from CRC institutions & agencies, hi-lighting pivotal items. LC CPD MFC C/P
The Four Ministry Teams Bathed inDIACONIA Word and Deed ministry Elders, Deacons, Pastors, all people WORKING TOGETHER LC CPD MFC C/P
Raising CANE TEAM WORK Last, but far from least, are those essential to keep the wheels turning, so that the HARVEST is delivered where the rubber hits the road: our Classical Interim Committee, Classical Treasurer, andour Stated Clerk. GROWING TOGETHER
Raising CANE I C C Leadership Culture Mission – Focused Churches Mission – Focused Churches Church Planting & Development SC CT Communication & Prayer
Raising CANE But we are called to cultivate & harvest! is something only GOD can do
Raising CANE is part of Classical Renewal and a Testimony to God at Work not only In Classis Atlantic Northeast (CANE)
But it is spreading throughout The Christian Reformed Church
Classical Renewal was a vehicle GOD used to bring us where we are