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Office of Human ResourcesSouthwestern Temps. Page 2. OUR CREDO. Superior Medicine
1. Office of Human Resources
Southwestern Temps Welcome to UT Southwestern Temps
New Employee Orientation
2. Office of Human Resources
Southwestern Temps Page 2
3. Office of Human Resources
Southwestern Temps Page 3 PACT Standards
4. Office of Human Resources
Southwestern Temps Page 4 PACT Problem Solving
Ability, Attitude and Appearance
Communications and Compassion
5. Office of Human Resources
Southwestern Temps Page 5 What is our Goal? Our GOAL is to achieve a level of patient care and service at UT Southwestern Medical Center that we would be proud to receive for our families, our friends
and ourselves.
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Southwestern Temps Page 6 HISTORY PACT was developed by employees, reviewed, improved and approved by Managers, Medical Directors, Senior Management and Clinic Chairs.
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Southwestern Temps Page 7 WHY?
To clarify what is expected
To ensure that patients receive consistent, excellent service
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Southwestern Temps Page 8 HOW?
PACT is used in our job descriptions, interview and hiring process and performance appraisals and merits.
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Southwestern Temps Page 9 P A C T
You see it.
You own it.
You fix it.
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Southwestern Temps Page 10 Customer Service
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Southwestern Temps Page 11 Because The Customer… Because the customer has a need, we have a job.
Because the customer has a choice, we must be the better choice.
Because the customer has sensibilities, we must be considerate.
Because the customer has an urgency, we must be quick.
Because the customer is unique, we must be flexible.
Because the customer has high expectations, we must excel.
Because the customer has influence, we hope to get referrals.
Because of the customer, we exist.
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Southwestern Temps 4 Basic Needs(to satisfy a customer) To feel welcomed
To feel understood
To feel important
Need for comfort
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Southwestern Temps Page 14 Outstanding Service There are two ways to be sure that you deliver OUTSTANDING service for the customer/patient. It’s…
you say!
you say it!
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Southwestern Temps Page 15 3 Components of Communication
(How you look)
(How you sound)
(What you say)
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Southwestern Temps Page 16 Angry/Upset Caller
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Southwestern Temps Page 17 The Abusive Caller 1. Don’t Take it Personally
2. Shift the Focus
3. Bargain
4. Transfer to Supervisor
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Southwestern Temps Page 18 REVIEW Why is customer service important?
Who are our customers?
What is customer service to you?
How do we achieve outstanding service?
19. Office of Human Resources
Southwestern Temps Page 19 Orientation Highlights Introduction to SWTemps
Important Information Checklist
-Absence and Tardiness
-Timesheets (electronic/manual)
-Identification Badges
Availability for work in-between assignments
FY 09 Payroll Schedule
Emergency Codes/Safety Codes
Bryan Williams Student Center
HR Standards of Conduct Work Safety Sheet
Temporary Assignment Evaluation
Payroll/Deposit Form
Parking Registration Form
Employment Verification Form
Report of Absence Form
Identification Badge Memo
Holiday Schedule
PACT Standards
Q & A Session
20. Office of Human Resources
Southwestern Temps Page 20 Southwestern Temps In-house temporary staffing pool.
Division within the Office of Human Resources that assist with all temporary personnel needs for the university.
Administrative/Clerical support
Miscellaneous/Labor support
Hospital/Clinical support
H.S. Co-op/Student Intern
External agency
21. Important Information Checklist Office of Human Resources
Southwestern Temps Page 21
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Southwestern Temps Page 22 Important Information Checklist Electronic Timesheet
(TBA) Manual Timesheet
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Southwestern Temps Page 23 Important Information Checklist FY 2009 Payroll Schedule Temp Evaluation Form
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Southwestern Temps Page 24 HR Standards of Conduct
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Southwestern Temps Page 25 Important Information Checklist Direct Deposit Parking Registration
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Southwestern Temps Page 26 Parking Services There are two office locations:
South Campus Plaza at 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
& Butler Street. Office hours are Monday thru Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Telephone: South Campus (214) 648-9600, ext. 0
St. Paul POB I at 5959 Harry Hines Blvd.,
8th. Floor, Suite 802. Office hours are Monday through
Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed from 11 a.m.-12 p.m.)
Telephone: St. Paul POB 1 (214) 645-8015
27. Office of Human Resources
Southwestern Temps Page 27 Occupational Health All employees who work in a clinic or hospital setting must be tested. Also all employees at the outpatient building must be tested.
You must have a drivers license or state identification with a picture with you to be processed.
Location: St. Paul building, 1st Floor (main location)
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Telephone Number: (214) 645-5300
Tests include:
TB testing (placed Day 1 and read within 48-72 hours)
Urine Drug screen (hospital/outpatient building employee only)
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Southwestern Temps Page 28 Identification Badges UT Badge policy
Mandatory requirement
Agency personnel
Faculty members, etc.
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Southwestern Temps Page 29 YOU ARE A “KXY” PERSON Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works vxry wxll– xxcxpt for onx kxy
You would think that with all thx othxr kxys functioning propxrly, onx kxy not working would hardly bx noticxd; but just onx kxy out of whack sxxms to ruin thx wholx xffort.
You may say to yoursxlf- “Wxll I’m only onx pxrson. No onx will noticx if I don’t do my bxst.” But it doxs makx a diffxrxncx, bxcausx to bx xffxctivx, an organization nxxds activx participation by xvxryonx to thx bxst of his or hxr ability.
So nxxt timx you think you arx not important, rxmxmbxr my old typxwritxr. YOU ARX A KXY PXRSON!!!
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Southwestern Temps Page 30 Questions ???
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Southwestern Temps Page 31
Thank you and again…
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Southwestern Temps Page 33 Next Steps Complete HR documents
Need Two (2) Forms of ID
Complete Compliance training
Institutional Compliance training
HIPAA Compliance training
Information Security
Welcome Letter
Identification Badge
Occupational Health, if applicable.
Report to your assigned department