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Know More About Fertility Clinic Stress Buster Technique

Have a look at this blog to learn about how Kerry's fertility clinic stress buster technique works for you to stay calm, make informed decisions, and enhance your fertility journey. For more information view this document file or click the link here: https://shorturl.at/aguVX.

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Know More About Fertility Clinic Stress Buster Technique

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  1. Fertility Clinic Stress Buster Technique Buster Technique Fertility Clinic Stress Yoga For Fertility Yoga For Fertility

  2. The Fertility Clinic and Stress Clinic and Stress The Fertility The fertility clinic carries with it an underlying level of stress – whether it’s from past experiences, the reason you’re going in for that day, or that generalized heightened feeling of floating in a space of unknown. If you approach your fertility clinics in a calm and grounded manner, you’re more likely to make rational decisions, ask thoughtful questions, and in general lower overall stress which is beneficial for fertility.

  3. Imagine this… Imagine this… It’s 4:02pm and you’re rolling into the parking lot of the fertility clinic for your 4pm appointment in a hot mess – the traffic sucked, work was stressful, and you have to pee. You burst through the door like a tornado, out of breath declaring your arrival, run to the bathroom, and then take a seat in the waiting room. And then there’s the waiting room awkwardness… Silence, phone scrolling, twitchy feet, watch checking, mindless magazine flipping, hand wringing – anything to burn some of your wired energy away. The tension is thick. Your body is buzzing. You can feel the buzzing of other’s bodies – Your mind is darting around as you try and remember the questions you were going to ask your doc. I don’t know about you, but my heart rate and blood pressure has gone up just thinking about this…and this is what we want to avoid…

  4. Here is my Fertility Clinic Stress Buster Here is my Fertility Clinic Stress Buster Technique – it only takes 3 minutes! Technique – it only takes 3 minutes! Leave yourself enough time to get to your appointment with a few minutes to spare. Back your car into a spot so you’re facing forward. Lock your car door. Put your keys in your bag, pause, and take a deep breath or two. Identify and name what you’re feeling – anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, anticipation, excitement. Sit comfortably – feet solidly on the floor, hands palm down on your thighs.

  5. Close your eyes and begin to take deep full breathes Bring to mind the emotion you’re working with today Do this at least 10 times – use your fingers to count . When you are done, slowly open your eyes. Take one more big inhale and exhale with your mouth closed this time, and look around. Walk mindfully to your appointment – calm, steady, and clear.

  6. This stress busting technique is a must-do for all stressful appointments or social encounters. I used it during my fertility treatments and still use it today for when I go to the dentist. Give it a go and see the difference it makes.

  7. About Kerry About Kerry Kerry Hinds is a E-RYT, RPYT, Relax and Renew® Certified Teacher, Fertility Yoga Teacher, and Reiki Practitioner. She is the founder of Fertile Body Yoga and teaches weekly fertility yoga classes and offers other avenues of mind + body support for those trying to conceive. All is available in the FBY Virtual Studio.

  8. Email fertilebodyyoga@gmail.com Contact Us Contact Us Website https://fertilebodyyoga.com/

  9. Thank You! Thank You!

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